Miss Witch doesn't want to be a diva

Chapter 125 The Wind Blows the Lake

Sleeping in her dormitory bedroom, Heshia has never felt so comfortable. It is very quiet here, there is no Annelli by her side, and there are no maids serving her, so she doesn't need to care about other people's eyes.

In this way, she didn't get up with uneasy conscience until 10 o'clock in the morning. This was naturally because of Pu Lanli's teaching that if a lady sleeps for too long, it will give people a bad impression.

With delicate long hair scattered down her back, Hercia in pajamas yawned on the bed, then rubbed her eyes sleepily, stood up and went to the window, and opened the curtains.

Then it was time to wash up.

She first went to the shower to take a shower and wash her hair, then changed into a clean college uniform, and then stood in front of the glass mirror and brushed her teeth.

After taking care of all this, I finally sat in front of the vanity mirror and took care of the hair, collar and other clothing details. At this moment, a black figure suddenly fell from the ceiling, grabbed the girl's hair, and made a slightly cheerful hissing sound.

Looking at the big spider in the mirror, Hersia was also used to its elusiveness and touched its legs.

"Okay, come down first, at least let me fix my hair." She held her hair with one hand, then put on a headband with the other, and finally put on a blue silk headband like delphinium, which made the overall temperament It looks cute.

Compared with the formal dress and solemn dress at Eds Academy, Heshia will be much more relaxed and casual at Toniwa Academy.

After tidying up her clothes and hair, Heshia stood up, went to the corner of the living room, opened a cabinet door, and pulled out one of the drawers. One of the sleeping indigo snakes was picked up by her. After thinking for a while, she found another Get a basket and put the indigo snake that is still sleeping late.

With the sun hat ready, Hersia stepped briskly down the stairs, holding a basket with various small items and snacks in one hand, and lightly pressing the brim of the hat with the other hand.

After walking out of the Huanniao Wind Tower, a gust of wind blows in front of us. It is already the end of September and the weather is not so hot.

When she came to Xiangye Lake, Heshia opened the school page in her personal terminal, found a hut for renting fishing equipment, borrowed a pair of fishing gear and a bench, and then walked into the path full of fallen leaves. She wanted to find a fishing boat by the lake. in a quiet place.

After walking for hundreds of meters, Heshia stopped under the shade of a tree, covered with shades of red leaves above her head. The water surface here was gentle, and occasionally a bird or two flew by in the forest.

Putting the bench flat, Hersia sat on it, put on the bait, threw the hook out, and began to wait quietly.

In the shade of the trees in the afternoon, she opened the books on her lap and looked at the books given to her by the school, which told about the habits of various fish in Xiangye Lake, as well as various birds that like them.

There are exquisite illustrations on the pages of the book, as well as accompanying short stories, many of which are left by the former seniors. The sun shines through the leaves and sprinkles on the pages of the book, forming mottled shadows, and the light in them reflects her fingertips transparent.

Leaving Edsy Academy, which is full of competition and attention, Hersia rarely has a relaxing weekend. She can sit by the lake and fish in a daze, so that even if she takes a nap in the middle, no one will see her and say what.

"Huh..." The girl looked at the swaying buoy, and held the fishing rod in surprise.

Although she was fishing, she had heard about various 'air force' names, and she didn't expect to catch fish today.

But having fish is a good thing. She pulled up the fishing rod, and the bottom was not sinking. As she stood up, a frog jumped out of the water with the bait in its mouth.

The frog, or frog-like creature, had black skin and blue stripes, and thumped when it landed on the shore.

Taking out the personal terminal and letting it connect to the Internet to automatically identify the creatures in front of her, Heshia heard a mechanical sound.

"Black-bellied frog, blood pupil sequence 2, poisonous, although not necessarily fatal, but please stay away if you see it, it will use venom spray to manipulate weak water flow..."

It seems that it is an extraordinary animal in the academy. I don't know if it was freed, or escaped from somewhere, Heshia thought to herself.

Then he held down the big spider that was eager to try, and then kicked the basket beside him.

"Wake up, Indigo, it's time to work." She woke up the sleepy little snake.

After a while, a light blue snake head emerged from the basket, looking at the savage black-bellied frog on the opposite side.

The two guys looked at each other, exuding power. Although the indigo snake was a Sequence 3, the black-bellied frog on the opposite side was not afraid, and even wanted to fight.

"Come on, teach it a lesson." Hercia directed with great interest.

"Hiss~" The indigo snake swam out of the basket, raised its head, and looked down at the black-bellied frog in front of it, as if it looked down on this guy a bit.

But now that it had Hercia's order, it decided to show off its tricks.

As a result, the gemstone on the forehead gathered sunlight and became radiant, and soon a scorching light shot towards the black-bellied frog in front of him.

"Croak—" The black-bellied frog was spitting out smoke and yelling. Although Heshia couldn't understand it, she could roughly sense that it was very angry.

A mass of black liquid spewed out suddenly, shooting towards the indigo snake, part of it was evaporated by the scorching rays, and part of it fell on it, making the indigo snake annoyed for a while.

It loves to be clean. Hercia came back last night and gave it a bath, but it got dirty today.

So, the originally mild scorching rays on the forehead suddenly increased the power, and the roasted black-bellied frog jumped around, and finally jumped into the lake and ran to the bottom of the water.

Unable to see the black-bellied frog, the indigo snake had no choice but to turn off the light on its forehead, but it didn't want to go back into the basket now because it still had venom and dirt on it.

Turning around on the grass a few times, the indigo snake raised its head and looked at Hercia, as if saying, 'Aren't you going to wash me? '

"Okay, I'll wash it for you now." Hersia approached with a chuckle, carefully picked it up, put it into the water beside it, and then kept pouring water to wash away the black venom.

Although the venom of the black-bellied frog is effective against many creatures, the indigo snake is a rare super animal with anti-venom skills. It is not afraid of it, but it is a little afraid of dirt.

After cleaning, Hercia placed the indigo snake on a clean stone, where it would bask in the sun and dry in a while.

The indigo snake lay on the stone, and soon the scales on its body reflected dots of rainbow light.

After this little episode, Hercia continued to fish by the lake, and occasionally lay down under a tree trunk to take a nap in the middle, anyway, the big spider would call herself when there were fish.

It was such a lazy and relaxing afternoon, and finally Hercia hooked three fish, two of which were two large and one small.

After registering the fish, she returns the gear to the renter and waits by the automatic cooking machine in the lakeside cabin.

About ten minutes later, three ready-made grilled fish were brought out on a paper tray, the small one was given to the indigo snake, and the remaining two were big, one for each of her and the big spider.

In the evening, after eating the grilled fish, Hercia put on the hat again, picked up the basket containing the indigo snake, and walked back to the tower.

On the hills in the distance, three tall towers are reflected by the afterglow of the setting sun, surrounded by birds, and there are cheerful voices in the wind from time to time.

Such a good life.

Hercia looked at the blue-purple sky with a light heart, the fiery sunset was reflected in the sky, and the golden clouds floated slowly.

Write something brisk to change your mood

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