Missing You Deeply

Chapter 804: Do you really give up? (8)

Pei Munian didn't answer him, stepped away with her long legs, and gradually left.

Lu Sheng shook his head incomprehensibly. He clearly pushed her away to keep her by his side, but now that he pushed so far and didn't chase her back, he really gave up on Su Wanwan?


When the plane arrived in Switzerland, it was already night. The local temperature was broadcast on the cabin radio. Shen Ziwei took out her coat for her and put it on her.

After more than ten hours of flying time, Su Wanwan didn't fall asleep very much, and he was in awe, because most of the time he cried silently, and his spirit was not very good.

Shen Ziwei didn't say anything, just hugged her and led her off the plane.

The car was already waiting outside the airport. Shen Ziwei and Su took their luggage late and went out and sat in the car. Shen Ziwei said silently, "Let's drive."

They checked into a resort at the foot of the Alps, behind the huge Alps, which was already covered with snow.

Su Wanwan walked out of the balcony and looked at the huge whiteness in front of him. Even at night, it was reflecting light, like a big mirror, and the sadness in his heart seemed to be hidden in front of this bright mirror.

Su Wanwan sighed softly and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes. There was a knock on the door behind him. Su Wanwan turned back to the room and walked to the door to open the door.

As soon as Su Wan left the balcony, a tall figure slowly walked out from the balcony of the next room, standing there, stopping and staring.


At the door stood Shen Ziwei.

"Brother Ziwei, what's the matter?" Su Wanwan turned his body sideways and let Shen Ziwei in.

Shen Ziwei shook his head, "I won't go in at this late hour. I'm just here to tell you that President Jin and I have an appointment to have breakfast together tomorrow morning. By the way, we have a preliminary discussion about our cooperation intentions. Would you like to go?



"You don't have to force it if you don't want to go. You can stay in the hotel to rest. There are plenty of things to play here, eh?"

"Brother Ziwei, I'm here to work. How can I let you go alone and I stay here to rest?" Su Wanwan shook his head and cheered up, "I'll be fine. Forget about the troubles, I will go with you tomorrow."

Shen Ziwei smiled and said, "I didn't let you come to work."


"I want you to come on vacation and relax."

Su Wanwan blinked, a warm feeling surged in his chest, "Brother Ziwei, thank you."

"Silly girl, take a good rest, good night."

"Well, Zi Vige, good night."

The next day.

Su Wanwan adjusted his state and went out to talk about cooperation with Shen Ziwei. Instead of thinking about it alone in the hotel and hurting the spring and autumn, he might as well go into work.

Mr. Jin is very hospitable. After discussing business, he invited them to visit the Alps. At this moment, it is the peak tourist season. Many tourists are skiing in the mountains and it is very lively.

Mr. Jin is also a skier, so he invited them to go skiing together.

Sliding down the mountain smoothly, facing the sun and breeze, the feeling of rapidness made Su Wanwan's mind empty, as if she could really forget everything.

She skied repeatedly, fell and got up again, even if it hurts, she was in a good mood.

After sliding for almost a day of snow, Su Wan was so tired when she returned to the room that night, she slumped on the bed and rested for a while. After relieving, she got up and walked into the bathroom, preparing to take a warm bath.

After putting in the hot water, she began to undress, and habitually touched her neck first, only to find that the necklace with the ring on her neck was missing.

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