Mission Flow

Chapter 209 Dinner (Part 1)

The interior decoration of this "Wang Ji Private Kitchen" ordered by Jia Zihao is very luxurious. In the four-story building facing the street, three floors are used as restaurants, a total of 7 restaurants. Movie stars often come here for dinner.

Cao Su gave face to his new younger brother, Jia Zihao, and promised to have someone come over to toast him. After a while, Deng Chao, a popular young student in China, came in with three beautiful female stars.

One is his wife Zhou Xiaobai. "The Legend of Zhen Huan" played by him the year before last was popular all over the country. Many of the lines in it are classics and have a high degree of spread. For example: "Bitch, you're hypocritical!"

One is Yang Xiaohu, a popular post-85 actress, and Gu Xiaoxue, a school belle of Beijing Film Academy and an important female supporting role in the 12-year hit drama "Xuanyuan Sword-The Scar of the Sky".

Although Cao Su didn't pay attention to the entertainment industry anymore, Sun and Yang were both well-known actresses. Advertisements for their endorsements are everywhere. For example, Yang Xiaohu endorsed 58.com. He must have known these two.

And Gu Xiaoxue is a well-known beauty in the film and television industry. At the age of 21, she was at the peak of her appearance when she was studying in her junior year at Beijing Film Academy. As a single man, an Lsp who likes to watch beautiful women online, of course he also knows her.

When a woman is beautiful to a certain extent, it really means that radish and green vegetables have their own preferences. This is a personal aesthetic! In Cao Su's eyes, Gu Xiaoxue's looks can compete with the heavenly fairy Liu Yifei. Of course, Gu Xiaoxue's appearance in Xuanyuan Sword is quite ugly, and her appearance needs to be improved.

Jia Zihao knew that Cao Su was not familiar with the film and television industry. After all, he had only entered the film and television industry for less than two months. He stood up and introduced half a meter away from Cao Su: "Mr. Cao, Mr. Deng Chao is a top actor in the industry. .

He recently saved a game, and Mr. Wu Jing and his wife also played roles in it. Several distribution companies are very optimistic about this film. It is expected to be released this summer. "

Cao Su sat at the head of the round table in the box, nodded slightly, and looked at Deng Chao. Zheng Xue, who was sitting next to Cao Su, would get up knowingly and look away.

Deng Chao was very good at the scene. He took the wine glass and came forward. The Moutai inside was brought by himself, and he toasted Cao Su respectfully, "Mr. Cao, I heard that you are eating here, so I take the liberty of coming over to say hello. , please forgive me! The operation of Cactus Company in Hollywood has really boosted the morale of our filmmakers! I respect you."

In fact, his movie "The Breakup Master" is still filming the last scenes in Beijing. There are still about ten days and a half months before the filming will end.

He has some friendship with Jia Zihao. The news that Mr. Cao invested 60 million US dollars in Hollywood and 20th Century Fox co-produced a sci-fi film, the domestic film and television circles were blown up, and everyone wanted to get to know this Mr. Cao!


Investors who are rich and willing to invest heavily in movies are the God of Wealth! It would be better if it is a layman. Leading companies like Wanda, Enlight, Huayi, Media Asia, and Bona have a deep understanding of the industry and are more constrained.

Second, Hollywood is the ultimate copy of movies. Stars and directors in the domestic film and television circle count as one, who doesn't want to go to Hollywood to be successful? The problem is that it is difficult! And Mr. Cao's appearance is a way!

As long as his "The Martian" is successful, even if it's a modest breakeven, and as long as Hollywood practitioners recognize it, Mr. Cao's status in the film and television industry will be even higher.

So, who wouldn't want to know such a "big boss"?

He called Jia Zihao and expressed his desire to get to know Mr. Cao. After all, everyone in the domestic entertainment industry now knows that Jia Zihao, a fringe man in the Hong Kong circle, is running errands for Mr. Cao. But Jia Zihao called him this morning and called him from the capital.

Interrupting his first filming as a director in his life, he took a two-hour flight to Shanghai. The purpose is to toast this glass of wine and leave a good impression!

There is no need to say the rest. He is one of the best young students and male stars in China. Mr. Cao is going to make a movie, and his name and resume will definitely appear in the list of candidates.

Cao Su nodded with a smile, and drank half a glass of baijiu with the wine glass.

Deng Chao was a little taken aback. Does he have any face?

Jia Zihao said with a smile: "Mr. Deng, Mr. Cao has limited drinking capacity. Just now, we only had half a drink with Director Zhang, Mr. Wu Jing, and Uncle Yu."

The expression on Deng Chao's face eased, he took a step sideways, and stood beside him. Since it is treated equally, there is nothing to say. As for drinking or not, no one would believe what was said on the scene.

Cao Su sat in the wooden chair, feeling very emotional. He didn't intend to neglect others, mainly because he was the guest of honor at the dinner today. Everyone will give him a toast. If he does not refuse anyone who comes, he must accept the wine. It's hard to get drunk.

Just put the shelf up!

And he is obviously qualified to put on airs! So what if he is a newcomer in the entertainment industry? The capital he is showing now is enough to make him willful! Others still have to respect him. To put it bluntly, this is a right!

"On High"

Thirty-two-year-old beautiful woman Zhou Xiaobai came forward to continue the toast. She was no longer the delicate aura of her youthful days, but she was more like a mature woman, with big eyes and clean facial features.

She has a high status in the circle, and the remuneration for an episode of Zhen Huan is the only one among domestic actresses. But if you really want to say it is still not as good as her husband Deng Chao. The chain of contempt in the domestic film and television circle is that the film circle despises the TV drama circle. She hasn't done much in movies.

So, he said with a smile: "Mr. Cao, I respect you. I've done it, you can do whatever you want."

Cao Su still only drank half a cup.

The next toast is the popular actress Yang Xiaohu. Cao Su put on airs and only drank half a glass, which was a bit boring to toast. But her social skills are awesome, her voice is very characteristic, and she complimented her with a smile: "

Mr. Cao, can I invest behind you? I would like to star in the movie you invested in for free. "

Yang Xiaohu is 28 years old this year, and his appearance has not collapsed yet, and his square chin has been corrected. His face is exquisite and charming, and he looks really seductive. But because it is winter now, there are no headlights that can't highlight her stalwart.

Cao Su laughed and said to the left and right: "Did the news spread so fast?"

This was a nonsensical remark, and the others at the table were not easy to answer. The fair-skinned Zheng Xue has been out of state. Jia Zihao, who was standing beside Cao Su, smiled and said, "Mr. Cao, what Ms. Yang said was to invest in movies with you. She is very optimistic about your investment vision. I'm afraid it's not the same as what you said."

Cao Su smiled and said, "I said so! I thought the news of my private equity fund had spread in the film and television industry."

At the Lengjia Cocktail Party yesterday, Shen Nanpeng said that Fang Kun helped him get the license of his private equity fund Dasu Fund. It stands to reason that it will not spread so fast!

Yang Xiaohu reacted very quickly, looked at Cao Su with watery eyes, and said, "Mr. Cao, has your private equity fund started selling? Can you count me in?"

She is indeed a big beauty in the entertainment industry! No wonder it can catch fire. Cao Su nodded slightly, and said, "Well, it's in the road show stage. If you are willing to buy my private equity fund, you can go to my fund company office to handle it another day. Now the major brokerages and banks have not yet negotiated, and there is no sale."

Holding the wine glass, Yang Xiaohu asked with a concerned expression, "Mr. Cao, where is the office of your fund company?"

Cao Su perfunctory casually. There's no way he's making money among the stars. Although these stars are very rich. But how much do they dare to vote? Making money from him is what these stars want to do!

But Yang Xiaohu is obviously a master at socializing, since the chat has come to this point, he simply plays a full set. Asking for the address means that he wants to invest to please Cao Su.

The other people in the box are all "fucking shit" in their hearts! If Miss Yang hadn't been asking, who would have thought of this way to curry favor with Mr. Cao?

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