Mistress, Please Let GL Go

Chapter 3: The heroine (unmodified)

I don't know how long it took, Ling Ruoxue woke up from the coma, she lay weakly on the cold floor, staring blankly at the very beautifully designed ceiling, hanging in the center with dazzling lights crystal chandelier.

The pain in her head has disappeared, but she has no strength to get up from the ground. While wandering, she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

"Miss, did you get up, Miss?" Then came a gentle old voice.

Ling Ruoxue's body froze, but she didn't expect her vigilance to become so low, someone walked to the bedroom door and didn't even notice, even though that person was the housekeeper who saw him as a child, but he also The fact that she has become weak cannot be ignored.

If this is the end of the world, I am afraid that it will be killed by zombies long ago. It seems that during this time, I must exercise my body well and try to restore my skills to the way they were in the previous life.

Ling Ruoxue took a deep breath and said, "Steward Zhao, I'm awake."

After hearing Ling Ruoxue's soft answer, the housekeeper Zhao outside the door finally stopped knocking on the door with his fingers and asked respectfully: "Breakfast has been ready for a while, do you want to go downstairs to eat or not? Let someone serve it, or eat it later?"

"I'll eat in a small building later."

"Yes, miss." After hearing this, Butler Zhao replied, turned around and left slowly.

Attentively listening to the sound of Butler Zhao's footsteps getting farther and farther, Ling Ruoxue finally relaxed, but not completely relaxed, a small part of the spirit was still vigilantly placed outside the room, keeping abreast of the movement at any time, this is Habits formed at the end of the day.

It was noon when she woke up again. Ling Ruoxue washed and changed her clothes and went to the restaurant downstairs. There was no accident on the table. Lunch was already set, which was rich in color and fragrance. Ling Ruoxue couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, her eyes were glued to the delicacies and she couldn't move her eyes. She walked to the dining table in two steps in three steps. After sitting on the chair opened by Butler Zhao, she picked up the chopsticks without a word. Indulge.

The speed of eating has been astonishingly fast, butler Zhao and the other two servants who were standing by the side were stunned, because Ling Ruoxue was gobbling up at the moment, as if she had never had a full stomach before. A beggar with delicious food, even though Ling Ruoxue's actions are still elegant.

But Ling Ruoxue didn't care about other people's eyes at all, because the delicacies of the mountains and seas in front of her were so attractive. At the beginning of the end of the last world, I could still eat such delicious food. However, within a year of the end of the world, the supplies have already begun to be scarce. It is said that chicken, duck, fish, fruit, white noodles, and even green vegetables are hard to eat on weekdays. .

If it weren't for her being a power user, I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to fill her stomach with three meals a day, especially on the way to the base, she was even short of food and clothing. But it was only to fill the stomach, but later fell into the devil's way, and the quality of life improved a lot, but at that time there was no need to eat to fill the stomach, and the practice day and night, did not care about material enjoyment at all. Not to mention appetite.

When she couldn't eat anymore, Ling Ruoxue stopped. She picked up a tissue to wipe her hands and mouth, and was about to leave when she heard hurried footsteps from far to near.


Ling Ruoxue's eyes suddenly lit up when she saw the person coming, she smiled and looked at Lin Yifan who hurried over, and said softly, "Brother Yifan."

Lin Yifan also had a faint smile on his handsome face: "Did you just get up?"

Ling Ruoxue smiled and nodded, staring at Lin Yifan without blinking, wishing she could stick to him, thinking, this time, I must grab Lin Yifan back to her side.

"Let's just say that you should drink less alcohol on your birthday yesterday, you must have a headache when you wake up in the morning!" Although it was an accusation, his voice was also gentle.

I was still thinking about how to tell the things that happened in these days from the butler's mouth so as to retrieve the memory of the past. After all, the last life was in the doomsday for too long, and the things that happened before the doomsday were long ago. blurry. I didn't expect Yifan to mention it, but after she mentioned it, Ling Ruoxue also remembered what happened before.

Yesterday was her 22nd birthday, so she invited someone she knew to have a party in the villa. Originally, her parents promised to come back to help her on her birthday, but they didn't come back, and only gave her a birthday present. When I was not happy, I drank a few more glasses.

"It does hurt a bit, but it won't be all right now."

"That's good, otherwise my parents and my mother will blame me for not taking good care of me." Hearing Ling Ruoxue's answer, Lin Yifan nodded reassuringly.

The other girls were just as indifferent and alienated.

Lin Yifan looked around, and when he didn't see the person he was looking for, he asked, "Why didn't I see your sister?"

Ling Ruoxue lowered her head, a trace of hatred flashed in her eyes, so he didn't come here just to see her. In the last life, she always thought that Lin Yifan had feelings for that person because she always bullied her. After all, at first, the person and Lin Yifan had only met a few times. It was not until she read the book that she knew that Lin Yifan was right. That man turned out to be love at first sight.

But after his reminder, Ling Ruoxue suddenly remembered something very important. She remembered that at her birthday party in the previous life, the classmates in the class deliberately sprinkled red wine on Ling Qingyu in order to please her. Then she took this opportunity to push Ling Qingyu into the swimming pool to prevent her from coming up. It was night and the lights in the garden were off. She led Lin Yifan away again, so Lin Yifan didn't know about it.

When Ling Qingyu was shivering in the water, those classmates let her climb into the swimming pool, but it did not end. After Ling Qingyu climbed into the swimming pool, those people put Ling Qingyu He dragged him to a remote part of the villa, took off his clothes, stuffed it in his mouth and hung it under a tree for a whole night.

Until the next day, Lin Yifan came to Ling's house and asked about Ling Qingyu. She got jealous and left, but Lin Yifan directed Ling's servants to help her find Ling Qingyu, and was eventually arrested by a The maid unexpectedly discovered that Ling Qingyu had developed a high fever and was in a coma at that time, and Lin Yifan carried Ling Qingyu to the hospital.

Lin Yifan stayed by her side for a few days when Ling Qingyu was hospitalized, and the relationship between the two warmed up, but she and Lin Yifan had a big fight over this matter, so that Lin Yifan became estranged afterwards took her a lot.

But now, she already knew the matter and naturally couldn't leave after a big quarrel, she had to think about how to prevent Lin Yifan from looking for her.

Ling Qingyu pretended that she just remembered it, turned her head to Butler Zhao and asked, "Why didn't you see Qingyu, are you still sleeping?"

The housekeeper Zhao has been the housekeeper of the Ling family for decades. He has watched Ling Ruoxue grow up, and has always loved Ling Ruoxue as his own daughter. Knowing that Ling Ruoxue does not like Ling Qingyu, She didn't take Ling Qingyu very much as a young lady. The other servants squeezed and bullied Ling Qingyu, and she also turned a blind eye.

Butler Zhao knew exactly what happened last night, and immediately followed Ling Qingyu's words and lied to Lin Yifan: "Master Lin, Miss, last night after the party ended, two The lady also sleeps late, so this will be still sleeping."

Lin Yifan breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and stayed at Ling's house. In the past, Ling Ruoxue must have been very happy, but now she clearly knows who Lin Yifan is here for, and now she hates it even more .

The most important thing is that now she has to find Ling Qingyu before the maid who accidentally found Ling Qingyu, otherwise she will definitely be exposed. So he made an excuse and slipped out of the hall.

After slipping out, Ling Ruoxue tried her best to recall the place where Ling Qingyu was bound, but she couldn't remember anything. After all, she didn't participate in this matter in the last life, and she didn't write the details in the novel. The direction of the place, just wrote a sentence [under a remote tree behind the villa].

So, where is this remote tree? Ling Ruoxue searched for a long time, and finally saw a familiar figure under a tree.

Ling Ruoxue was overjoyed and ran over quickly, only to see Ling Qingyu's hands tied together by a hemp rope as thick as a thumb, hanging high under a branch, her body stretched and straight, her toes only If you can barely stand on tiptoe on the ground, this binding posture is the most torturous. If you want to avoid wrist pain, you have to put all your strength on your toes. Binding on the wrist.

At this time, Ling Qingyu's head drooped weakly, and his long black hair was scattered in front of his forehead in a mess, covering his entire face. The most important thing is that the clothes on his body are as shown in the novel. It was ripped off as written, leaving only the girl's pale pink underwear and panties.

It's really miserable! The corners of Ling Ruoxue's lips couldn't restrain herself from rising. She wished she could take this scene and print it as a leaflet and hire someone to distribute it in City A. She didn't believe that Ling Qingyu still had the face to live in this world.

But Ling Ruoxue only thought so, even if she hated Ling Qingyu, she would not dare to do it. In any case, Ling Qingyu is currently the Ling family. Even if there is no official announcement, everyone knows it well. If he really did it, he would not only lose the face of the Ling family and make others laugh at her, but I'm afraid her father would not let her go. After all, her father didn't like Ling Qingyu anymore, but it was his flesh and blood after all.


Kill her, Yifan is hers, kill her, her parents will not give up her after knowing her identity, kill her, she will not fall into the magic way, kill her, She wouldn't be killed.

Kill her! kill her! Kill her... As if there was a magical sound echoing in her mind constantly, Ling Ruoxue couldn't control her hands, she untied the rope that tied Ling Qingyu, and she still didn't wake up when Ling Qingyu fell to the ground with a 'boom' When she came over, Ling Ruoxue seemed to be possessed, knelt on Ling Qingyu's body, spread her legs on the ground on both sides, and pinched Ling Qingyu's neck with both hands.

Until Ling Qingyu cried out in pain, Ling Ruoxue finally woke up slowly. At this time, Ling Qingyu's face was blue due to suffocation, and her lips were cyanotic.

Ling Qingyu struggled painfully in a coma, but was easily suppressed by Ling Ruoxue, seeing Ling Qingyu's struggle getting smaller and smaller, and gradually entering death, an uncontrollable sense of pleasure Born from the bottom of my heart.

At this moment, a crisp 'ding' sound suddenly appeared in Ling Qingyu's mind, followed by a series of hurried words without any emotion [The system is successfully activated, the codename 1236 serves the host . warn! warn! Your approach is dangerous, please stop immediately! Please stop now! 】

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