Ling Qingyu was startled and hurriedly said, "Sister, where are you injured?"

Ling Ruoxue stretched out her hand and took off her clothes one by one, until there was only one lining left. Button Next, the slender and articulated fingers are like works of art, but they are just unbuttoning, but they are eye-catching like a performance, with a seductive meaning.

Then, under the inner lining, the black hollow underwear that had been looming was exposed to the air, Ling Ruoxue opened the neckline, and the spring light on her chest completely appeared in front of Ling Qingyu's eyes.

Ling Ruoxue's index finger slid down from the collarbone, down the narrow ravine between the two peaks, Ling Qingyu's eyes lingered on Ling Ruoxue's finger, and under her guidance, she admired the beautiful landscape.

Eventually, her fingertips rested on her belly, where there were baby fist-sized burns.

"Qingyu, it hurts me to be burned here." As she spoke, there was a deep hatred in her eyes: "So I won't like you, and I will never accept you. "After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the willow tree.

Originally, when Ling Ruoxue said the words "burning pain", Ling Qingyu was a little puzzled. When she was sincere with her sister a few days ago, there was no wound on her body, and today her sister only Using fire to set fire on this willow tree, for a moment, a vague idea appeared in her mind, but before she could understand, Ling Ruoxue had already walked towards the willow tree, and she was about to collide with the willow tree. Ling Qingyu quickly put down her doubts and chased after her.

When she took two or three steps, she was getting closer and closer to Ling Ruoxue's position, but Ling Qingyu felt a little flustered. Before, my sister said that plants can also mutate. Both she and her sister felt that this tree The willow tree is a little strange, but now my sister is walking towards the willow tree.

For some reason, Ling Qingyu remembered the last time in the fantasy world. Could it be that this is also a fantasy world? Otherwise, why is my sister so strange tonight, I knew that with my sister's personality, I would not take off all her clothes in front of her.

However, if it is not a fantasy, it is true, my sister is really bewitched by this willow tree. Thousands of thoughts swirled in his mind, but in the end his reason was defeated, but for the sake of safety, Ling Qingyu turned the spiritual energy in his body, and a ball of thunder and lightning traveled in the palm of his hand.

But even so, Ling Qingyu still felt panic, especially when getting closer and closer, the most important thing was that the feeling of wanting to catch up with Ling Ruoxue kept getting stronger and stronger. It's like being bewitched.

Under this feeling, Ling Qingyu was only one step away from the willow tree, but Ling Ruoxue seemed to pass through the middle of the tree, and continued to walk forward, the farther and farther, the figure became. It is also getting more and more blurred, as if to disappear between heaven and earth.

However, at this moment, a gust of wind blew, and then the chest and chest seemed to be hit with a fist, and the whole person shook.

And Ling Ruoxue, who had been walking forward through the willow tree before, could still find her figure.

"Sister." Ling Qingyu couldn't help muttering.

"Wake up!" A faint sarcastic voice sounded in my ears.

Ling Qingyu turned her head blankly, and saw that Ling Ruoxue, who was standing beside her, was still burning a few flames.

"Is it an illusion?" Ling Qingyu turned her head and put her eyes back on the willow tree that was burned by the fire. I don't know if it was an illusion. She actually thought that the willow tree was grim in the fire. .

"It's just an incompetent thing, and it almost lost her life." Ling Ruoxue snorted coldly, and gave Ling Qingyu a disdainful glance.

It is said to be inflow, but in fact it is not, because this tree is not a mutation tree in the true sense. It is a tree that has cultivated into a small path. The so-called cultivation of the small path is just like an ordinary person, who cultivates to become an immortal. However, in this vast world, it is much easier for people to cultivate because they have spiritual wisdom as long as they enter the door of cultivation. Animals and plants are very difficult. Even if some animals are a little smarter, it is not easy to enter the path of cultivation, not to mention that there are no spiritual plants. Even if they enter the path of cultivation, it will take thousands of years to open. intellect.

of other living beings.

When they came in, the reason why there was no one or anything in this village was that they were either killed or escaped, and the way the willow tree used was also an illusion, and it was naturally impossible for ordinary villagers to break open like her. The illusion will be directly bewitched by the willow tree, and then die after being sucked by the willow branch.

Ling Qingyu bowed her head silently, that is because the person in the illusion is her sister, so she will sink, but she knows that she can't say it, otherwise her sister will be disgusted if she knows.

"Sister, I won't do this again next time." Ling Qingyu clenched her fists and said firmly.

Ling Ruoxue nodded undeniably, this willow tree has not been practicing for a long time, so she can deal with it so easily. .

Ling Ruoxue and Ling Qingyu turned around and went back to the room after watching the willow tree burn to ashes. After that, they did not fall asleep, but got into Ling Qingyu's space to practice .

At the same time, halfway up a hill behind the small village, there is a room made of blue bricks, the wooden door of the room is closed, and there is only a skylight at the very top position, allowing light The light came in from the skylight, but despite the dim light inside, the room was full of people, sitting, lying or standing, men and women, young and old, the room was covered with bedding, and there were many dishes and chopsticks stacked in the corners. , it can be seen that these people have landed here.

And those people, everyone has a sad face, yellow face and thin skin, as if they have not eaten enough for a long time.

In the very center of the room, there is a long dark red table. On the table, there are forty or fifty tablets. At first glance, they are all surnamed Li. .

In the middle of the tablet, there are five plates, which should be tribute, but now it is empty and there is nothing.

Obviously, this is an ancestral hall, and the people in this ancestral hall are the survivors of the small village at the foot of the mountain, and that small village is Lijia Village.

Although Lijia Village is only a very small village, even if it is small, there are at least three or four hundred people in the village. However, when the end of the world broke out a month ago, some people became zombies, and then many other villagers were scratched, bitten, and eaten without any precaution. Those who were scratched and bitten became zombies, and those who were eaten , is the real death.

In the beginning, they couldn't deal with their relatives and friends, so they kept calling the outside world, but they couldn't get through. With the passage of time, when the villagers realized that they would be killed if they didn't get rid of these zombies, they had to be cruel to get rid of them, and finally restore peace to the village.

In fact, the reason why they were able to get rid of those zombies so quickly was entirely because there was a person in the village who had a strange power and could control the land. At first, they also regarded that person as a monster and locked him in the ancestral hall .

Not long after the village returned to peace, there were outsiders passing by, and they were kind to welcome them, but they encountered such greedy people during a reception, and there were such people in that group of people. Only when they used strange powers did they know that it was a power user. They were defeated by the power user. The group of people ate, drank and enjoyed themselves in the village. Later, some villagers quietly escaped and released the power user in the ancestral hall. The capable ones were defeated, and only then did the group of people be driven out.

However, their power user was seriously injured because of this. After the injury was slightly healed, a wall was erected at the entrance of the village to prevent outsiders. As a result, a few days later, something happened to the village again, and the dead zombies disappeared inexplicably. In fact, no one noticed at first, because they put these villagers who turned into zombies in one of the rooms. Originally, I wanted to burn it with fire, but after all, we got along with each other day and night, so I couldn't do anything.

After two-thirds of the time, the woman was startled, and she told the man of her own house. After seeing it, the man hurriedly notified the village chief, who came with a large group of people.

It was found that there were indeed a lot less, so they asked other village names to search for corpses in various places of the village together, but nothing came of it.

Made of a willow tree, after all, people can become zombies, and there are supernatural abilities, and there is nothing impossible.

They used fire to burn the willow tree, but it didn't work for several days and nights. They had to live together, but the situation did not improve, and there were still people missing.

The earth-type ability user also tried to deal with the willow tree, but he was injured without any problems.

Li Pingshun was just a strong peasant before the end of the day. When the end of the day broke out, his wife turned into a zombie. He also exploded his powers when he was almost bit by his wife. The rest of the people were locked up as monsters, but in the end, they were kind and simple in nature. Even so, they still tried their best to help the villagers.

The doctor turned into a zombie long ago when the apocalypse broke out, and the food, when these people fled here, they brought bed necessities and a lot of food and water, but these days have long been used up.

At this moment, someone suddenly heard someone shouting: "Village Chief, Village Chief!"

The one who shouted was a middle-aged man. This loud voice woke up the whole ancestral hall. In the dead ancestral hall, everyone looked up at him, with displeasure and accusation in their eyes. But the man who was stared at like this didn't feel embarrassed at all because he was being stared at like this, and there was excitement in his eyes.

The village chief also looked at the man very displeased. The man's name was Li Aimin. Although he also grew up in Lijia Village, Li Aimin is more promising. Talented, unlike other children in the village, who dropped out of school when they reached junior high school or elementary school, but went all the way to university, and finally found a good job, and then married the boss's daughter.

After that, I never went back to the small village, and I disliked and looked down on the countryside, especially when he married his urban wife, who always looked down on the rural people. , The words also revealed a sense of superiority. At that time, many people in the village were offended, and because of this, the people in the village changed from admiring him to hating him.

The reason why the doomsday will be in the countryside this time is entirely because his mother died before the doomsday. He came back to attend the funeral, and his wife did not come back because he was unlucky. The funeral should be finished the next day. Going to the city, he didn't expect the doomsday to suddenly erupt, so he was left here. Of course, he originally wanted to drive out of here, but he didn't dare to be alone, so he stayed here, and the survivors took him. The news came, and it became like this outside. He felt that since he couldn't go back in the city, it would be good to stay in the countryside.

Lijia Village is far away from the city, and it even means isolation from the world. Of course, this isolation also makes Lijia Village poor and backward, but the end of the day is different. Isolation is just to ensure personal safety, and because it is a rural area, it depends on the fields for food, and every household has food stored in the basement, even if it stays for a year or two, it is not a problem.

But it would be great if I could stay like this all the time. I didn't expect a willow tree that would be harmful to people, and the people of a village could only crowd into this small ancestral hall.

Li Aimin goes to the village every day at the door. The ancestral hall of Lijia Village is halfway up the mountain. Looking down from here, you can see the situation of Lijia Village, but because the distance is too far, you can also see Not too clear.

And just now, when he was looking down at the door, he found a fire in the village. Of course, he had to tell everyone that it was a good thing!

Although the village head is unhappy, he has passed more than half of his life, and he has been the village head for two years.

"What's wrong?"

Li Aimin's cheeks were flushed with excitement, and he pointed to the door, and shouted excitedly: "The village chief, outside...the village...there is fire in the village, there is fire."

When the village chief heard this, his eyes widened, he stood up from the ground and walked towards the door. . Sure enough, I saw a raging fire burning in one part of the village.

"What's going on here! The village chief." One of the women in their thirties and forties said worriedly.

"It can't be that the house is on fire!" Another man also said, and the others panicked when they heard it. For the people in the village, the house and food are their lives. If these two are gone, it is like half their lives.

"Otherwise let's go back and have a look. If the house is on fire, we must put it out quickly, otherwise the whole village will be burned down." Another suggested.

"Yeah, we can get some food by the way."

Although the village chief's heart was also lifted in mid-air, his face was not obvious, he pondered for a while, and said solemnly: "That location should be the entrance of the village."

As soon as the village chief's voice fell, everyone who was chatting and guessing suddenly became quiet.

The entrance to the village!

At home, there is no need to hide in the ancestral hall with hunger and thirst. However, how could this willow tree be burnt to death, is it an outsider?

If you can burn them to death, you don't have to hide here. If you can't burn them to death, the tree will definitely kill outsiders.

But even a power user may not be able to deal with that tree. Isn't Li Pingshun also a power user? Even such a large wall could be erected, but was defeated by that willow tree.

"Let's observe first." The village said.

Others nodded. After all, they didn't know what was going on right now. Everything was just speculation.

Therefore, a group of villagers hid behind the door, craned their necks to look down the mountain, only to see that the sky-high fire gradually became smaller as time passed, and then disappeared again. Understand whether the tree is dead, or the person who set the fire is gone.

"Village chief, what should I do now?" one of the villagers asked.

Kill but starve to death here.

"Village chief, why don't we wait until the daytime before going." Another villager saw the village chief's hesitation and suggested.

The villagers in the village all died mysteriously under the tree at night, but it never happened during the day. After listening to the name of the village, the village chief finally nodded in agreement. So everyone returned to the ancestral hall, but there were always one or two people at the entrance of the ancestral hall craned their necks to look at the situation in the village so that they could grasp the situation in time.

Time passed by minute by minute. In these few short hours, everyone felt that the time was so long, many people refused to sleep, and squatted on the bed holding their thighs, Little by little, the sleepy head waited for the morning to come.

in the grey sky.

"It's dawn, get up." One of the village names shouted.


"Young men stand up." The village chief said in the chaotic crowd.

Everyone who spoke stopped, everyone looked at the village chief, and understood what the village chief meant, but none of the young and strong youth showed fear and stood up one after another, even some underage The teenagers also stood up, except Li Aimin.

, then he doesn't have to go, anyway, when someone brings something to eat, he can eat it.

"You don't mean a young man, village chief? I'm 30 years old this year. I'm a middle-aged man, so I won't go out and join in the fun."

Everyone looked at him with contempt, but Li Aimin didn't care, no matter what contempt or contempt, as long as he survived, it didn't matter, it was better than losing his life.

The village chief also really hated Li Aimin, so he turned his head without looking at him, pointed at the young men standing in the crowd of young and strong men, and said, "You all come out."

One of the teenagers said, "Grandpa, the village chief, we have also grown up and can contribute."

"Yes, we are young men too."

"Let's go!"

The teenagers said, the village chief looked relieved, worthy of their Lijia Village, but this does not mean that he agrees, after all, these teenagers are the next generation of Lijia Village , it would be bad if something went wrong.

"I am very happy that you are not afraid of life and death this time, so bloody, but you are all the next generation of our Lijia Village, this time you don't know your life or death when you go down the mountain, you stay on the mountain , if we people really can't go back, you have to live well and continue the blood of our Lijia Village." The village chief refused firmly and explained the truth.

The young men next to them also agreed with the village chief's words, and the women opposite also agreed, and they persuaded them. stand out.

"You guys also come out and protect others here, and the rest follow me down the mountain." There are only thirty-five young people left, and the village chief pointed to fifteen of them. Stay here and say to the other twenty people, "But if any of you don't want to go down the mountain, you can say that I won't force you."

, led twenty young men down the mountain.

On the other side, Ling Ruoxue and Ling Qingyu opened their eyes at dawn, had breakfast, packed their things and decided to go, after all, the weather is getting colder and colder now, Ling Ruoxue still remembers the past life A few days after the weather suddenly became cold, it began to snow, and the snow was getting heavier and heavier. A group of people on the road found a house with no one to live in, and decided to wait for the snow to stop before leaving.

Going down, when the snow condensed into ice, many level 0 zombies were upgraded in this heavy snow.

In a few days, it is better to get out of the countryside as soon as possible on the expressway.

When the car was halfway through, Ling Ruoxue and Ling Qingyu heard footsteps in front of them, and they both radiated their mental energy together and found that there were nearly twenty people coming, but they were ordinary people. .

A villager in this village? Ling Ruoxue thought, didn't they all die but left the village, but since they left the village, why did they come back now.

"Sister, do you continue to drive forward?" Ling Qingyu asked.

Ling Ruoxue nodded, and when her mental power was deployed, she found that although there were many people in this group, none of them had supernatural abilities, so it was nothing to be afraid of.

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