"Friends in the audience! What is being broadcast live for you now may be the most intense battle of this century, and the battle is about to begin!"

"Very, very honored, we have been authorized by the mysterious Miss Siren, she allowed us to broadcast the entire battle with drones!!"

"Wang Dajian played against the mysterious siren! And they used a 6v6, 33 system. It is said that this is the standard configuration in the deep sea arena?"

For a time, most people in the world got up.

"Boss, I don't want to go to work today, I want to watch the duel between Wang Dajian and the Sirens!"

"Mom, there is a very, very important game today! Yes, it's Wang Dajian's, let's watch it together as a family! Dad is on his way home!"

"Son, wife, I can't go back, I can only watch it with you on the subway!!!"

On the other side of the world, at three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, the dead house excitedly woke up the roommate: "Wang Dajian! Wang Dajian!"

"Huh? Wang Dajian vs. Sirens?!"

"Really? I, Ao Ye, want to watch it all night!"

"Fuck you, I won't write this manuscript, get up and watch the battle!"

It can be said that people all over the world are calling for friends and calling for friends, and they keep calling everyone they know around them.

But the battle hadn't started yet, and the host on the TV station was explaining before the match.

"The mysterious girls you see now are the legendary Eastern Sirens. They seldom appear in this world. The whole world knows nothing about them, and there are no records!"

"According to what Wang Dajian just told reporters, the Sirens are a special race, and they follow a different technological route from the deep-sea habitat forces."

"The Siren seems to have come here for something in Wang Dajian's hands, and even made a bet with Wang Dajian."

"I'm really looking forward to it, but as human beings, we would rather see Wang Dajian win this game."

That siren girl just allowed humans to live broadcast her entire battle, obviously to rub the morale of humans! I also want the world to see that Sirens are invincible!

It's just that the siren girl is not allowed to use drones within 100 meters of her, and can't take pictures of her at close range. Everyone can only look at a small dot in the east of the picture with regret.

Can't appreciate the Citi appearance of the Siren girl.

And Wang Dajian's team has also arrived, and the battle is about to begin.

"Controller, Huang will not let you down."

Chicheng stood in front of Wang Dajian confidently.

And what about her younger sister Kaga?

"Okay, you have to pay me 100,000 meal tickets for this battle, remember!"

Kaga Tsundere is still working for Wang Dajian, and will not bow to the evil forces!

Only Feilong, she was a little unconfident...

"Controller, do you really want me to go? I... a ship girl of my level, why don't you let sister Guanghui go?"

From Feilong's point of view, she is just an elite aircraft carrier, and Guanghui is obviously stronger than her, isn't it better?

However, Wang Dajian approached and pressed Feilong's shoulder: "Although you are rarely allowed to appear on stage, do you trust me?"

"Trust... trust the controller, but I..."

"There's nothing wrong with it, there's a reason for you to appear."

Hearing what Wang Dajian said, Feilong, who was a little unconfident, suddenly gained some confidence: "The controllers have said so, Feilong will go all out!"

The main ships are Akagi, Kaga and Flying Dragon.

And what about Pioneer?

"Your Excellency the Controller trusts Kaohsiung, and Kaohsiung will definitely not disappoint the Controller!"

Miss Atago, who was beside her, also had a smile on her face. She walked over and gave Wang Dajian a hug.

"When my sister was abducted and I was allowed to participate in such an important battle, there was really no other way, and I had no choice but to give full play to my strength."

When it was finally Elwirich's turn, she didn't say anything, but just picked up the tablet and drew an expression [(e) Xiao Ai will work hard].

With a cute facial expression and a paragraph of words, Wang Dajian couldn't help but hugged her and kissed her.

[Controller, it's not good for others to watch. 】

Elwirich shyly buried her head on Wang Dajian's heart. The little loli must have been so shy that she leaked electricity, which shocked Wang Dajian numbly.

Akagi, Kaga, Dragon, Kaohsiung, Atago, El Will Ridge.

6 ship girls, 6 mirror ship girls against Siren Girl.

Brilliant, corporate, war exhausted. There are also three fantasy gods Cleveland, Wichita, and Helena.

Such a lineup of gangsters, the ship girl of Geely Citi.

As for Wang Dajian, apart from El Will Ridge, the five dogs are neon ship girls.

The distance between the main force of the two sides is ten kilometers, while the distance between the vanguard team is within 2.5 kilometers.

It can be said to be very close!

There is a rule in the 6v6 duel East.

Compete with the take-off and landing speeds of the two aircraft carriers!

In other words, all the planes cannot be prepared in advance, and the planes can only be released when the battle begins.

In this way, it is a competition who can take off and land faster!


At the moment when the battle started, Akagi and Kaga activated the skill [First move will win]!

The current skills of Akagi and Kaga are to shorten the take-off speed by 30%

Definitely faster than the enemy's!

I saw Akagi and Ka

The two sisters He released one plane after another, and the small planes surrounded Akagi and Kaga.

The speed of launching the plane on the other side is obviously not as good as Akagi and Kaga.

Compared with the two perverts Akagi and Kaga, Feilong has no younger sister, his attributes are not as good as before, and his take-off speed is much slower than Akagi and Kaga.

At the same time, the vanguard team in front has already started a fierce battle!

The shells of both sides come and go, and they don't want to throw money at each other.


Kaohsiung and the others are facing the Three Phantom Gods!

2 light cruisers and 1 heavy cruiser!

I just saw the barrage of Ke Dae and Hai Ma, it was like a barrage! Don't spend money on Kaohsiung Atago.

Oppaita, on the other hand, can trigger a skill and shoot twice in a row.

The opponent is particularly strong in the barrage advantage.

Immediately thick smoke billowed from Kaohsiung and Atago's bodies.

It hurts to see!

But the two sisters gritted their teeth and insisted on fighting.

Because Wang Dajian knows!

The only shortcoming of the three phantom gods on the opposite side is that there is no torpedo!

"Paste it and start the Rainbow Project!"

In an instant, Takao and Atago turned on their invisibility under El Willrich's skills, and the enemy couldn't lock the three of them at once.

The vanguard team that disappeared out of thin air disappeared in just 2 seconds, and many people saw an astonishing scene.

The gorgeous goddess scattered flowers!

The dense torpedoes flew towards the three phantom gods.

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