Mixed In Africa To Be the European Emperor

Chapter 233 I am also very happy


I saw Elizabeth eat the whole can.



How should I put it, eat up the iron sheet and wrapping paper on the outside.

It's a good thing she is a ship's mother, otherwise her stomach would have been scraped open by the iron sheet.

Wang Dajian just stared dumbfounded.

Elizabeth smacked her mouth: "The taste is not bad, let's have another can."

Wang Dajian took another can and passed it over, but Elizabeth looked puzzled: "What are you looking at? Have you ever seen this king eat? Don't you know that staring at others is very rude?"

"Oh no, I just wanted to tell you."

Wang Dajian opened the tab: "After opening the lid, you can eat the meat inside."


Elizabeth blushed.

ah! ! ! !

so awkward!

She didn't know what these things were, and she had to open the lid to eat them.

But no! Can't lose the face of the royal family! Don't let Wang Dajian feel that she is a country bumpkin who doesn't understand anything!

Thinking of this, Elizabeth pretended to be calm: "I... of course the Queen knows that the cover must be opened, but I like to eat the iron sheet on the outside. Is there a problem?"

"It's okay, it's okay, old iron, it's okay."

Wang Dajian was almost amused to death by this Elizabeth.

And she intentionally took a bite of it knowing that the tin can outside was not edible.

Are you trying to laugh at me, Wang Dajian, so that you can inherit my base?

Seeing that Elizabeth was still stubborn, Wang Dajian took out a bottle of something: "This one, do you know how to use it?"

"Of course I know! This is a drink!!!"

Silly Bai took the bottle, turned off the cap and drank the liquid in one gulp!

readily! Proud!


"Do you know what this is?"

"Drink, hiccup!"

Silly Bai couldn't help hiccupping, she quickly covered her mouth, feeling weird in her stomach.

"Can you take a closer look?"

After being told by Wang Dajian, Shabai picked up the bottle and took a serious look at the auspicious words written on the bottle—repair fluid.

"Hi... hiccup."

Shabai began to hiccup vigorously, and she suppressed it, covering her mouth.

She clenched her fists and held back: "Wheelchair...wheelchair...take me...outside!!! Hurry up!"

Wang Dajian pushed a wheelchair, and she sat on it immediately, rushed outside, and vomited down the mountain.

Throw down everything you just ate.

"You bastard, it must be on purpose!!! I'm afraid you are trying to make things difficult for the queen on purpose!"

After spitting out the repair fluid she drank, Elizabeth got better.

Wang Dajian is a devil, right?

"Didn't you say you know what it is? What's wrong, blame me?"

After being told by Wang Dajian, the idiot who wanted to save face said again: "I...Of course I know, I just want to have a...one...an internal repair, that's right, I need to drink repair fluid for internal injuries."

What a tsundere queen.

It was the first time for Wang Dajian to meet her, the first time to see such an arrogant and charming ship girl.

At this moment, Wang Dajian's cell phone rang.

He picked it up and took a look.

[The northern base, the cafeteria is completed. 】

Canteen built?

Just in time, take this group of ship girls to the canteen area for a meal.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the real canteen. Do you want to see what your sister, Warspite, usually eats?"

"War weariness?"

Elizabeth frowned.

Warspite is the second ship of the Elizabeth class, which is Elizabeth's younger sister.

Elizabeth had also heard that there was a war-weary person in Wang Dajian's team, and she was a little interested in that younger sister whom she had never met.

"Then, let you lead the way for this queen."

"Then I'm really honored?"

Elizabeth proudly raised her head: "Hmph, of course."

Wang Dajian didn't have the same knowledge as little loli, so he pushed the wheelchair to the cafeteria area.

Silly Bai was shocked by the dazzling array of food in an instant.

She has been staring at all kinds of food, all kinds of food she has seen and haven't seen, and...all of them are the food of the ship's mother!

"I...I want a cup of black tea, and..."

"Shh, no need to say more, ma'am, I understand."

Wang Dajian smiled and took an afternoon tea set from there.

The three-story tower has ham and cheese sandwiches on the first floor, strawberry pudding, puffs, and chocolate on the second floor, and chocolate cakes that make people drool on the third floor.

Mostly desserts, colorful!

Pink strawberry pudding, black and white chocolate cream cake, and colorful candies!

Silly Bai looked silly.

This... Is this the afternoon tea dessert for those ladies in the palace?

As a ship girl, eating human food is tasteless and useless.

And what Wang Dajian put in front of her today was all Jian Niang's food!

Fine Citi...delicate...

This one doesn't know

How old is Elizabeth, Her Majesty the Queen will always be 11 years old, her eyes are starting to sparkle with little stars.

"Is this for me?"


"Didn't you lie to me!?"

"Of course."

"Really, is there a conspiracy? I'm afraid this Queen is not dreaming!!!"

Elizabeth, this silly white, is like a little girl who got a neon gift, so happy and excited.

Thousands of times I have fantasized about being like a human being, tasting afternoon tea elegantly and eating patch desserts, and now...

"Hey, am I dreaming? I was sent into the water by the enemy's naval guns. I should still be dreaming now."

Wang Dajian's auspicious afternoon tea moved Elizabeth almost to tears.


"Can I have this cake? It's so perfect I don't want to spoil it."

"If you don't eat it, it will go bad later."

"I eat, I eat!"

After Queen Elizabeth ate a piece of cake, she closed her eyes tightly: "Chocolate is mixed with cream. Is this chocolate? Is this cream? It's the first time I eat it, and I can't tell the difference. The bitter and fragrant taste is chocolate." Is it?"

"Yes, that's right."

"My queen... my queen, I'm so happy."

Elizabeth took a sip of black tea and ate a piece of pudding, Citi sizzling!

"Seeing you so happy makes me happy too."

Wang Dajian also laughed, and the two looked at each other, smiling happily.

"By the way, why are you happy?" Elizabeth was very curious, why was Wang Dajian happier than her?

"Because this auspicious afternoon tea set costs a total of 120,000 auspicious pounds, I have sent the bill to you Royal Navy."

The smile on Elizabeth's face suddenly froze, this joke is too cold, it's not funny at all! ! !

"I can fuck you!"

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