The three pretended nothing happened, the Prince of Wales and Counterattack pretended to be stupid, and Hu Zhizhi followed the inspectors forward.

"From now on, you take the two of them into the car and go to your lounge. The port is out of service. Now you have to take the car to the train station, and then transfer to the western port. Over there, you will have a comprehensive inspection .”

After the inspectors finished their orders, the three of them got into a car.

In the car, the Prince of Wales clasped his hands and sweated.

Go to the western port... do another full inspection...

Wales lowered his voice: "We can't go to the western port. If we go there for a comprehensive inspection, we will find that our backdoor chip has been removed."

If it is found that the backdoor chip on the body is gone, something big must happen!

Wesker Corporation will definitely catch them and reinstall the chips.

"Then what to do?"

"Find a way to get out of the car and find an opportunity to contact Wang Dajian."

Hearing what Wales said, Hu Zhizhi also realized that there is no better way now than to ask Wang Dajian for help.

Seeing the car slowly driving out of the city and arriving in the suburbs, Wales felt it was an opportunity.

Just do it!

While the driver wasn't paying attention, Wales made a gesture, counterattacking with understanding.

At the moment of turning the corner!

Wales knocked the driver unconscious, and counterattacked by grabbing the reverse disc to prevent the car from rolling over!

End Citi!

Wales moved the man aside again, counterattacked and turned over, driving the car.

"Open the car door, don't stand still!"

After being told by Wales, Hu Zhizhi woke up from the sluggish east, opened the co-pilot's door, and threw the driver to the side of the road.

Then close the door, start the car, and leave!

They ran around and stopped at the side of the road after running for a while.

"Now let's find a way to borrow a mobile phone from a passer-by."


The three stood on the main road, trying to stop the passing cars.

There are quite a lot of people on this country road in broad daylight, and three or four cars can pass by in one minute.

But half a day...

Nobody... nobody stopped the car!

Fuck! ?

After half an hour, finally! Finally, a woman stopped the car slowly and poked her head out.

"Three, do you need any help? The car broke down? Need me to help you contact the crane?"

"I'm the Prince of Wales. I'm escaping from Wesker's control. Please lend me my phone."


The female car owner didn't look back, stepped on the accelerator and drove away, leaving a sentence before leaving: "Crazy!"

Crazy, the real Prince of Wales, that's the ship's wife, how could he be seen casually on the road?

Don't think you can fool me just because you're in uniform and dressed up like the Prince of Wales!

With this mentality, the first young lady left.

Welsh glanced at each other, glanced at Hu Zhihe next to him and counterattacked.

"What should we do? Humans won't help us."

The counterattack came up with an idea: "Ah... don't people like money very much? How about... we give them some benefits? For example, after things are done, we give them a big reward?"

"Okay, but human is it calculated?"

The three girls were stunned.

They are like the young ladies who live in the house, have no contact with the world at all, and don't know how much money is suitable.

"Wang Dajian usually has hundreds of thousands of Citigroup gold paintings, why don't we say a few million auspicious pounds as a thank you gift?"

The counterattack who didn't understand the concept of money came up with such a bad idea.


The Prince of Wales decided to try again!

After 20 minutes of hard work, they finally stopped another kind-hearted man.

An old gentleman in his fifties poked his head out: "Three ladies, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I'm the Prince of Wales. I'm being tracked by Wesker's people. You lend me your mobile phone to contact Wang Dajian. After the matter is completed, I will give you... 3 million auspicious pounds as a thank you."

\u0026nbk`you! When I am an idiot! "

The old man raised his east finger and drove off in the car.

Don't think that the old man has never experienced telecommunication fraud, and pay back three million auspicious pounds? I can fuck you!

If you don't believe me, let's go!

The old gentleman was still in the car and sighed: "Hey, Geely is really getting worse every year, and these three beautiful girls are actually reduced to street scams."

The three fell into a daze again.

It is impossible for human beings to regard money as dung.

"Or, our three million auspicious pounds is too little?"

"Impossible, three million is too little? How about thirty million?"

The three people who have no idea about money are caught in a tangle of whether Dongfang is giving too little.

Just like that, they stayed on the side of the road all morning, and no one was willing to lend them their mobile phones.

3 million, 30 million, 300 billion... The more you say it, the more exaggerated it is. Someone went to the police and said that three young women had committed fraud on the side of the road.

But in the end...they were rescued, and it was Hu Zhizhi's idea.

A 2-year-old little girl riding a tricycle with a lollipop in her mouth is

Playing at the gate of your own yard.

In order to avoid the superintendent who came to search, the three fugitive girls walked into the small town and met the 2-year-old little girl.

The 2-year-old loli is holding a lollipop, babbling: "Wang... Wang... Dajian."

It seems that too much news about Wang Dajian has been broadcast on TV, resulting in a 2-year-old girl who has not learned auspicious language well, and will always pronounce Wang Dajian's name.

Seeing this, Hu Zhizhi's eyes lit up in the east: "I have a way."


I saw Hu Zhizhi strode up to the young girl and shouted: "I! Wang Dajian! Send money!"


In the east of the incredulous eyes of the three ship girls, the little Lolita took out a 10 auspicious pound note from her pocket.

The three people holding the money seemed to have seen aliens.

After asking for help for a long time... finally... finally got a piece of money!

It still came from a 2-year-old girl...

have to!

The three of them began to think again.

"What should I do? If you have money, can we call?"

"Call? I suddenly feel that it's not possible, how about... we can find a place with a computer and send a letter to Wang Dajian for a try?"


The three of them came to an Internet cafe in the small town with the only pen and paper of 10 auspicious pounds in their hands.

"Register." The boss looked at the phone and asked listlessly.

"Prince of Wales."

"Hu Zhi."


The owner of the Internet cafe who was feeling sleepy fell off his chair.

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