Oops, I saw the barrage of the sea of ​​birds in full swing. Don’t be so perverted with the epic heavy patrol!

Falling like raindrops on the enemy, you can see various critical hits! Critical hit! Critical hit!

Chokai's huge barrage triggered a bunch of critical hits, damn, it was terrifying.

The epic level of Chokai has more than three times more barrages than Eldridge, and a series of critical hits damage...

The durability of the siege beast was instantly cleared, and its body disintegrated, revealing the crystal ball inside.

Niao Gao raised her sword and killed the mechanical beast that intercepted her. She jumped over the mechanical beast's head and jumped into the air, grabbing the crystal ball.

After getting the crystal ball, Toumi put away his knife, turned around and returned to the base.

Everything took less than a few minutes.

Back at the base, Niaohai strode towards Wang Dajian: "What's going on? Is that enough?"

Wang Dajian smiled and nodded repeatedly: "That's enough, that's enough. You wait outside."

Entering the maintenance room, Choumi was waiting nervously outside.

Kaohsiung and Atago on the side didn't know what to say, and they were a little bit dumbfounded.

Choumi walked back and forth nervously, then looked at Takao and Atago: "You are my eldest sister and second sister, right?"

"Well, that's right. We are all at Kaohsiung level. What I want to see most is for us four sisters to attack together and fight against the abyss."

Kaohsiung took the initiative to extend his hand. Choumi hesitated for a while and then shook hands with Kaohsiung.

Soon, Wang Dajian walked out and sighed: "This crystal ball is no longer useful."

Hearing what Wang Dajian said, Niaohai immediately stood up: "How is that possible!!!"

Wang Dajian shrugged: "I'm not lying to you, this crystal ball is really useless."

"Then please! Please save Maya."

When Choumi was nervous, he heard Wang Dajian say something leisurely: "Actually, it's nothing. It's just that Maya is hungry and doesn't need repair. I'll give her something to eat and she'll recover."

When he heard these words, Choumi felt something instantly.

This...is a trap! poisonous!

"You lied to me?"

Wang Dajian, as for Wang Dajian, said coquettishly: "What do you mean by lying? Don't frame me up, okay? I just made a technical error. I'm not a maintenance person. How do I know?"


"Oh, don't be excited. Look, Maya has recovered. Shouldn't you be happy for her?"

When Wang Dajian said this, Niaohai felt that it made sense?


"But, but I killed the abyss siege beast, I..."

Hearing what Niaohai said, Wang Dajian patted her on the shoulder: "You can't go back. If you go back, you will be treated as a traitor by your own people."

"So, you cheated me!" Niao Hai gritted his teeth and looked at Wang Dajian.

"Can what I, Wang Dajian, do be called a trap? It's called love and care. I want your Kaohsiung-level family to be happy together. How can this be called a trap? This is called abduction."

Choumi turned around angrily and ran back to the prison, closing the door behind him.

Takao and Atago both looked over: "Commander, Choumi is angry, what should we do?"

"Don't be afraid. Choumi regarded us as enemies before, but now, do you think she still hates us?"

Seeing Wang Dajian's mean look, Atago raised his hand: "I don't hate us anymore, but I hate you, Commander."

"Don't panic, let me train you slowly."

Wang Dajian walked leisurely to the underground prison, while Atago and Kaohsiung couldn't laugh or cry.

Arriving at Niaohai's prison, Wang Dajian sat next to Niaohai.

Niaohai immediately sat aside, and Wang Dajian moved over.


Niaohai stared at Wang Dajian, wondering why this human... was so close.

"She is so beautiful, and her legs are also beautiful. She has really inherited the excellent genes of Kaohsiung class."

Hearing Wang Dajian praise her, Niaohai blushed slightly: "What on earth do you want to do?"

"Akito, don't tell secrets, be my wife...oh no, be my ship girl!"

rbWhat? Is there a q at the end?

However, young Niaohai did not understand the meaning of Wang Dajian's letters.

She was slightly startled. When she heard Wang Dajian say this, her brain shut down and she couldn't function.


"For whatever reason, when I first saw you, I knew that you belonged to this commander. Don't you think that you should fight together with the three sisters?"

When Wang Dajian said this, Niao Hai was at a loss.

"What is the purpose of your being created?" Wang Dajian walked in and forced Niao Hai into the corner.

Looking at Wang Dajian, Niaohai lowered his voice: "It's just... it's fighting."

"What are you fighting for?"

Why fight? Choumi's mind went blank and he forgot.

When she was being created, the process was interrupted by Wang Dajian, causing her to lack something.

"I do it for...for..."

"Fight for me, fight for your sisters. Do you choose to join the abyss and be treated as a fighting machine until the last moment, or do you want to be here with everyone?"

The unstable shackles in Choumi's mind began to loosen.

"I...I want..."

The abyssal chain sealed in the core of the mind is breaking.

Other ships flashed through her mind

Mother, they are happily living in this base with their sisters.

"I want to be with everyone...with my sisters!"

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