Now it was a two-front battle, and Wang Dajian had to send a temporary fleet to support it.

Novalu and the others were still hiding in the building, using equipment to fight each other.

Energy core full power output!

They were struggling to hold on. The enemy's four Kongou-class ships and one Mikasa were ejecting projectiles that were quite terrifying.

On the transport plane, Duke of York looked around: "Seniors, we must not disappoint the commander during this attack."

Elizabeth raised her head proudly: "Of course, with the command and encouragement of this queen, you can boldly let go and fight the enemy!"

Hood, Warspite, and Wales are all ready to fight.

"Arrived at destination, get ready!"

The plane landed at a height of 20 meters above the sea and dropped a group of ship girls into the sea.

Maya pressed the headset at this time: "Commander, we have successfully arrived at the target sea area."

"An enemy fleet was discovered 20 kilometers ahead."

"All ships prepare!" Elizabeth raised the scepter in her hand and gave a direct command from the Queen, adding various buffs to the battleships.

Under Elizabeth's orders, the Duke of York, Hood, Warpity, and Wales all raised their cannons and pointed them ahead.


Mikasa and other ship girls who were attacking the Neptune Building saw shells falling from the sky roaring towards them.

The shells hit hard, like hitting steel with a hammer.


The ship's hull shook violently, and waves tens of meters high surged from the sea.

"Enemy support troops found, return fire."

Mikasa turned the fleet around and launched a salvo at the Duke of York and the others, who were twenty kilometers away.

Seeing the projectiles falling from the sky, cold sweat broke out on Elizabeth's forehead: "Are you kidding? You're counterattacking so quickly..."


As soon as the bullet hit, Elizabeth was wounded. She covered her torn clothes with both hands and cried, "It's too much! The output of these common people is too much!"

Class suppression, after all.

They are six-stars, and all their enemies are seven-star ship girls.

They fired dozens of shots, but the power was not as powerful as the enemy's one shot.

Only the Duke of York could barely fight.

"Damn it!!! How dare you bully my sisters and seek death!"

The Duke of York fired a volley of skills, and blood mist exploded in the enemy's formation.

Mikasa was very calm. Although their shields were constantly decreasing, she calmly led the fleet out.

"Break out of the blood mist and prepare for the second round of counterattack!"

On the other side, Wang Dajian had just connected to the battlefield, and the reconnaissance plane had just arrived over the battlefield.

When the video time was turned on, Wang Dajian sprayed.

[Elizabeth's shield value is 40%. 】

[Hood shield value 65%]

[War-weary shield value 61%]

[Welsh shield value 69%]

[Duke of York shield value 92%]

Damn it! ?

We have just started to connect to the battlefield, and half of our support fleet is destroyed?

Then play with the tits.

"Emergency evasion, Elizabeth, are you a stubborn person? You actually have a hard time with the other party!?"

Elizabeth was very unconvinced: "The queen needs to lead the fleet forward bravely, even if the opponent is stronger than us!"

"The breasts are not big, but the tone is not small."

"Shut up and don't mention the Queen's pain points!" Elizabeth was very angry. What did the designer think? She was a battleship, but she was a flat-chested loli. She was afraid that she had lost her mind.

Wang Dajian came to control the fleet, so he couldn't be reckless.

Immediately analyze the entire battlefield situation through virtual projection.

Sure enough, 1 Mikasa battleship and 4 Kongo class ships.

Kongo, Hiei, Haruna, Kirishima.

With expressionless faces, they emerged from the blood mist, their cannons ready.


Rumble, seeing the artillery shells flying on the map, Wang Dajian immediately shouted: "Disband the formation and retreat!"

"But!" Elizabeth was also stubborn and wanted to be tough.

Of course, battleships are indeed made of hard steel, and battleships without hard steel are not good battleships.

But when the level gap is obvious, proving that cirrhosis is almost the same as committing suicide.

Then the team disbanded and scattered to avoid enemy shells.

Mikasa on the opposite side frowned: "The enemy actually disbanded their formation? There is no sense of gentlemanliness at all."

Wang Dajian still worries about the gentleman's demeanor now, as long as he can win, the level gap is too obvious.

It is impossible to hold several 6-star battleships against each other.

Wang Dajian immediately shouted: "Stay back, tired of fighting and fishing."

Warspite's marksman skills allow her to shoot very far. Now she can shoot from a hundred kilometers away, let alone 20 kilometers away?

100 kilometers is indeed an exaggeration, but with the support of Warspite’s skills and equipment, it’s no problem to hit a distance of 100 kilometers.


Warspite took a deep breath, distanced herself from the enemy, and began to use her marksman skills.

On the sea surface, the enemy's five ship girls were constantly chasing, while Wang Dajian's ship girls kept retreating.

Kite tactics!

Keep retreating, Li

Use Warpity's range advantage to lob the opponent.

And when the enemy is approaching, let the entire fleet wait and fire a wave of artillery, and then continue to escape from the artillery!

I have to say that this battle speed is very useful. I was not hit during the whole process, but the enemy continued to suffer.

Although the enemy only loses a little bit of durability each time he attacks, it adds up to a lot.

Mikasa on the other side frowned, if she continues like this, she will be beaten to death by Wang Dajian!

"All ships, turn on 120% power, accelerate to pursue the enemy, don't stop firing, just rush forward with the enemy's gunfire."

Firing cannons will slow them down, so Mikasa simply lets the fleet rush up, so that they can pursue at a closer distance and they will have an advantage.

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