In the base, Kaohsiung reported to Wang Dajian with a tablet computer.

"Commander, Mikasa, Kongo, Hiei, and Haruna were captured in this battle, but why did you let Kirishima go?"

Wang Dajian lit a cigarette and explained unhurriedly: "Letting a small fish go is to catch a big fish."

Catching big fish?

Kaohsiung understood a little bit, but she was very puzzled: "But, why didn't you send a plane?"

Wang Dajian didn't send a reconnaissance plane to track Kirishima, so there was no way to fish.

It's like throwing the bait directly into the water, but there is no line. How do you do this?

Wang Dajian waved his hand: "No, I can't send out a reconnaissance plane, otherwise the other party will be alerted."

"Then you..."

"I sent a ship girl, guess who it is?"

Kaohsiung was very puzzled and shook his head: "My subordinates are incompetent and cannot understand the commander's meaning."

"Oh, the ship girl I sent is..."

On the other side, on the foggy sea.

An injured Kirishima is struggling to move forward. Suddenly, a figure appeared in the fog.

"Enemy? Die!"

Kirishima raised the barrel and pointed it at the figure in front of him.

At this time, a little loli raised her hand: "Don't hit!"

Kirishima frowned, if it had been anyone else, she would have fired immediately!

But the situation of this little loli in front of me is a little different.

Her ship suit was smoking, and this loli ship girl... was injured.

"Who are you?"

Kirishima looked at the other person in confusion.

"I am Xuefeng, the ship girl who defected from Wang Dajian."

The ship girl who defected from Wang Dajian? Kirishima was confused.

At this time, Prince Snow smiled secretly, and then shouted: "Be careful!"

Yukikaze rushed over and stood in front of Kirishima.

Then Xuefeng screamed and her ship's armor was shattered, but she was fine.

Kirishima quickly hugged the fallen Yukikaze: "Run! Let's run first and then talk."

Kirishima left with the 'injured' Yukikaze. After breaking out of the fog and arriving at a slightly safer sea, Kirishima let go of Yukikaze in his arms.

"Are you...are you okay?"

Xuefeng shook his head repeatedly: "It's okay, I just lost my ship uniform. I'm a real man with cute and big breasts!"

Kirishima and Yukikaze stopped on an uninhabited desert island. Kirishima looked at Yukikaze, a little loli, cautiously.

She said nothing, just observing Xuefeng.

Is this... a spy sent by Wang Dajian?

A defecting ship girl appears out of nowhere, which is very suspicious.

However, Xuefeng didn't say anything. Instead, he lay down on the rocks, closed his eyes in pain, and lay there motionless.

Kirishima hesitated for a long time, then leaned over and said, "Are you okay?"

"'s okay, it's just that the energy is exhausted."

Seeing this, Kirishima fell silent again as she observed.

But Xuefeng's face was in great pain, and he lay there motionless, with only 3% energy left. After a while, Xuefeng's body began to sound an alarm.

【warn! warn! The energy is lower than 2% and it will enter sleep mode. 】

"So... so tired."

Xuefeng slowly closed his eyes and lay on the rocks.

Kirishima didn't go there from beginning to end, but hesitated for a while, got up and left.

Yes, Kirishima left!

Leaving Yukikaze, the little destroyer loli, there, exposed to the sun like a salted fish, Kirishima left on his own.

Xuefeng opened his eyes slightly: "Mom, you won't really leave me behind, will you? No... I have to hold it in!"

Xuefeng closed her eyes again and waited for a full 2 ​​hours!

A whole 2 hours! ! !

[Commander, I’m going to turn into a Yukikaze fish! ! ! 】

Wang Dajian's voice sounded in Xuefeng's mind: "Hold it, I'll come back and give you a promotion." 】

Xuefeng had to wait patiently [It's been two hours, she must have abandoned me long ago! 】

Just when Yukikaze was about to lose his hold, Kirishima came back!

She poked her head out from behind the reef and glanced at Xuefeng quietly.

"Is she really a defected ship girl?"

For two hours, Xuefeng remained motionless and no one came to save her.

This made Kirishima hesitate. He couldn't leave behind this ship girl who had just endured a torpedo for her.

On this deserted island, if she had not been discovered, Xuefeng would most likely have been abandoned here forever, until someone passed by in a few decades...

Thinking of this, Kirishima gritted his teeth and had no choice but to come over, pick up Yukikaze, and start the return journey.

For two whole hours, Kirishima was waiting there, so patient!

After a full 5 hours of sailing, Xuefeng felt like he was about to die. He was so hungry! ! !

After sailing, Kirishima arrived at a base.

Just as he passed, a black tachi was placed on Kirishima's neck.

"Why did you come back alone and bring a strange ship girl with you?"

Kirishima swallowed: "We are defeated."

"I know, the problem is the ship girl in your arms."

The person behind him said coldly.

Kirishima gradually calmed down: "She saved me and said she defected."

"What if it's a spy?"

"It's impossible. I left her on a desert island and left her there for more than 2 hours before going back. She had no energy."

The gatekeeper thought for a while and said, "Take her in and put her in jail."

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