Seeing this scene, everyone took a breath of cold air. Even the knight commander Zhang Lun lost?

Zhang Lun sat up suddenly and said in disbelief: "How is that possible! Why did you suddenly become stronger?"

After Choumi suppressed the complicated emotions in his heart, he immediately said: "That's because the commander is manipulating me. You didn't lose to me, you lost to my commander."

Zhang Lun looked at Wang Dajian, this guy actually...has such powerful control ability?

Councilor Lin waved his hand: "Take them all down, this is my constituency, you people are not allowed to cause trouble!"

The police siren came over and took Zhang Lun away.

After the matter subsided, Councilor Lin exhaled a long breath: "Fortunately, you are strong enough, otherwise I wouldn't know what to do."

"Fortunately, I was smart enough to bring a bodyguard, otherwise it would have been worse."

Hearing the sarcasm in Wang Dajian's tone, Councilor Lin couldn't say anything. After all, it was her fault.

"The other sirens still can't accept it. You take away the military fortress. We only have two military fortresses and two founders. You took away a0002 at once. I'm afraid they can't accept it."

"Then what? What does it have to do with me? That little loli doesn't seem to recognize anyone except me. Is it possible that you can recreate her memory?"

What Wang Dajian said made Congressman Lin feel helpless.

Because once the founder starts it, it cannot be cleared.

So Zero Two has always been sealed away.

But now that Zero Two recognizes Wang Dajian as their master, they are really helpless.

Zero Two is a very advanced military fortress siren, and her memory cannot be reset.

Needless to say, the results of the investigation were obvious. Representative Lin came to the machine and opened the hatch.

She had no choice but to announce to the people around her: "The test results are out. Everything about a0002 is normal, the body is intact, and the core has not been modified. She took the initiative to regard this human being as her master."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

"A0002, a very high-end military fortress."

"Why would the founder regard this human being as his master?"

"No way, is it true or false?"

The incident also shocked the entire city.

In the city council, a group of members were discussing Wang Dajian.

What's the origin?

Why would the founder regard him as his master?

This is a very unbelievable thing. How could this be possible?

And what about Wang Dajian?

This matter is taking Zero Two to live in Representative Lin's home.

"Master! I want to eat pork chop rice! Zero Two is hungry!"

The little loli pulled Wang Dajian's clothes and wanted to eat.

"How about we change things up a bit this time? Have some barbecue."

The little loli with twin ponytails and golden eyes nodded repeatedly: "Yeah! Zero Two is not picky about food. I want to eat roasted leeks."

He gave Zero Two a pile of leeks, and then picked up a roasted chicken leg and gave it to Choumi: "Toriumi, you've worked hard, come and have a roasted chicken leg."

"Thank you, Commander, everything is your fault."

Niaohai's impression of Wang Dajian has obviously improved greatly.

It seems that this commander who brags all day long is actually not only good at bragging, he is really good at it.

Councilor Lin sat aside and observed the interaction between Wang Dajian and Zero Two.

It was also hard for her to believe that a very high-level founder, Siren, would regard Wang Dajian as his master.

This is... very incredible.

Wang Dajian came over with a barbecue: "Congressman Lin, would you like one?"

"Thank you... thank you." Councilor Lin took the kebab and savored the taste of the meat.

It's really delicious!

"By the way, Congressman Lin, the inspections have come out, what do you say?"

Councilor Lin was eating Wang Dajian's skewers with a look of helplessness on his face: "The parliament is still discussing, and now no one wants to hand over the founder to you."

"You are afraid of my strength and don't dare to hit me, right?"

Wang Dajian curled up his lips and asked Zero Two to drag the military base over if he wanted to.

At present, both sides do not know the strength of the other side. Coupled with Wang Dajian's strong combat effectiveness, the Deep Sea Siren obviously does not dare to take action rashly.

But if Wang Dajian wants to leave, he can do so at any time.

He has a mission.

The mission of investigating the entrance to the Abyssal Sea. Unfortunately, these deep-sea sirens regard the entrance as a holy place and do not allow anyone to enter.

Anyway, the whole city is now noisy, and a bunch of people are discussing the human being Wang Dajian.

But at the entrance to the abyssal sea, a group of black monsters were slowly rising.

At the entrance to the Sea of ​​Abyss, in the Parliament Building, a group of members were having a quarrel.

"Let's go to war and take back our founder!"

"Even if we go to war, we won't necessarily take back the founder!"

"Calm down, that human being is quite powerful. How about we give that human being an official title and let him stay in our city, and we can also keep the founder."

Just as a group of people were arguing, the door suddenly opened, and roars came from outside: "There are unknown creatures!!!"

"Quick, fire!"

"So strong! The monster's defense is so strong, I can't defeat it!"

"Ah!!! It, it's eating me!"

The MPs stopped arguing and looked at

Outside, a dozen black mud monster-like things were eating the guards.

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