Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 18 Are you dumbfounded? Do you regret it?

After walking a distance, Tang Song was annoyed: "Mr. Hu, I'm sorry, I didn't expect this racist guy to be such a jerk and not believe us at all."

Hu Qing was naturally very annoyed: "For this kind of person, I will make him beg me humbly."

Tang Song frowned and said: "Mr. Hu, but this Abik doesn't believe you at all, how can he beg you?"

"He will." Hu Qing said, looking at a water dispenser next to him, which provided disposable cups.

He went over and picked up a disposable cup, and then walked to a corner where no one noticed.

He turned his back to the surveillance and everyone, took out the bottle of life essence, quickly poured a little into the disposable cup, and then put the bottle of life essence back into the inventory.

"Life Essence: Restore 161HP, melted by the life essence crystal."

It was restored to 175HP before, and now there are 161HP left, which means that the life essence in this disposable cup can restore 14HP.

Hu Qing handed the cup of life essence to Tang Song and said, "Let another paralyzed patient drink this in front of Abike."

Tang Song looked at the pink liquid in the cup in surprise.

He just didn't understand why Mr. Hu took an empty cup to the corner, but now he knew.

Tang Song immediately did as he was told and left with the disposable cup. This private hospital was full of paralyzed patients, so this was easy.

Liu Qingqing on the side was a little angry: "Mr. Hu, do you really want to treat that racist bastard? That's too easy for him."

"It won't be too easy for him. When he comes to me for help, in addition to the land acquisition, I will also extort a lot of money from him." Hu Qing suddenly looked at the girl with a sly smile and said, "Don't forget our previous plan. Extort money from him first, and then you can scare him. When he is scared, we can decide how to cheat him?"

The girl's eyes lit up: "After the trick, I will continue to scare him?"

Hu Qing was very happy to see the girl's awareness: "As long as you are happy, you can even paralyze him after you have cheated enough."

As long as the girl cooperates, there will be a lot of money.

"Then it's a happy decision." The girl was excited when she heard about Abike's punishment, and asked: "Mr. Hu, when that guy begs you, how much money do you plan to extort from him this time?"

"What do you think?"

"100,000 US dollars? No, 1 million US dollars, extort a lot from him."

"Then 10 million US dollars."


Tang Song soon saw Abike again and walked over immediately. The other party was obviously leaving the hospital after taking the medicine.

Abike saw Tang Song and his bad mood rose immediately: "Yellow monkey, it's you again, I warn you not to appear in front of me again."

Tang Song ignored Abike at all, he looked at a little boy sitting in a wheelchair next to him.

The little boy looked depressed and looked at his legs with a gloomy expression.

Next to him, a beautiful mother was talking to a doctor.

"Ms. Ariel, little Bill's nerves have been necrotic, and the existing treatment can't make him recover."

"Doctor Gaide, is there no other way? He is like this to save other children."

"Sorry, Professor Mander has also seen little Bill's film, and there is nothing he can do in that situation."


Hearing the doctor's words, the beautiful mother's face became more and more ugly, and she hurriedly asked about various possibilities, even if it was a chance to cure the child.

Tang Song squatted directly in front of the child's wheelchair, holding the disposable cup and said to the little boy: "Little friend, have you seen it? This medicine can make you better. There are only two doses in total. I will only give it to two people. You are a little hero and I will give you one. Do you want to drink it?"

How could the child understand the wickedness of human hearts? The long-term paralysis made the child feel discouraged. At this time, hearing this, his eyes almost lit up and nodded without hesitation.

Tang Song also smiled and sent the life essence to the child's mouth.

The child also cooperated and drank it.

After the child drank the life essence, Tang Song rubbed the child's head, put the disposable cup on the table next to him, and then turned and left.

Seeing this scene, Abik frowned and reminded the beautiful mother: "Madam, check on your child quickly. A yellow monkey fed him something. Those dirty inferior races will kill your child."

This shocked the beautiful mother, and she immediately went to the boy's wheelchair and asked anxiously: "Bill, what did you drink?"

The little boy said with expectation: "Mom, the uncle fed me medicine, and I will be fine after drinking it. He said that there are only two doses of the medicine in total, and I was given one because I was a little hero."

"Where is this medicine? Damn it..." The doctor Gaide cursed. Someone fed something to his patient here. If something went wrong, it would be troublesome. He immediately shouted: "Security... Security... Uh, how could it be..."

Just as he shouted, Gaide widened his eyes in astonishment, because the little Bill suddenly stood up in front of him.

"Oh my god...oh my god..." Ariel was so shocked that she was incoherent when she saw her son.

Little Bill tried to take two steps and exclaimed excitedly: "Mom, that uncle didn't lie to me, I'm really fine."

This scene was amazing and unbelievable.

Abik's face was full of disbelief, as if he had seen a ghost. This...this is really fine.

Suddenly, he thought of something, pointed at the disposable cup, and hurriedly said to the bodyguard beside him: "Push me over, push me over..."

The bodyguard did not dare to hesitate and pushed Abik to the disposable cup.

Abik took the disposable cup with difficulty with his still usable hand, and there was still some pink liquid left in the cup.

Thinking of the miraculous recovery of little Bill, he hurriedly poured the remaining liquid into his mouth.

The richer a person is, the more he possesses, the more he fears losing his freedom and becoming a paralyzed waste who can do nothing.

Only he himself understands the pain of possessing wealth but not being able to enjoy anything.

After drinking the remaining liquid, Abik clearly felt a warm current flowing into a nerve in his head.

After a while, his hand touched his mouth inconceivably.

His mouth was originally crooked on one side due to paralysis, but now he moved his mouth and his mouth was restored.

The remaining liquid only restored his half crooked mouth, but this confirmed one thing for him.

"This... this medicine is really effective..." Abike muttered to himself in disbelief.

All around, the doctors in the hospital were attracted by Little Bill's story, and they were in chaos, with constant shouts of "miracle".

Abike thought of Little Bill's words at this time.

There were only two doses of the medicine.

He hurriedly said to the bodyguard beside him: "Quick, take me to find those two yellow... Chinese."

The bodyguards all looked at Abike. This boss really deserved it. Just now, they came up to him and he just said such harsh words in front of them. Do you regret it? Now go to them, and they have to be willing to treat you again.

However, as bodyguards, they can only follow the instructions of Abike, their employer, and push him to chase in the direction where Tang Song left.

Until they reached the parking lot, they saw Tang Song's car waiting.

"Push me over." Abike anxiously ordered the bodyguard.

Tang Song's car window was lowered at this time.

Tang Song, Hu Qing, and Liu Qingqing looked at Abike who came over with an anxious face, but they all said goodbye to Abike.

Of course, Abike could only see Tang Song and Hu Qing, but the girl felt the same joy as Tang Song and Hu Qing, and felt very involved.

The car started and drove out of the hospital. At the same time, a business card was thrown out of the car.

Abike was anxious watching the car going away.

There were only two doses of medicine. One was given to that little Bill, and that was the last one. If the medicine was given to someone else, then he might really have no chance to get better.

Abike really regretted it at this time. Seeing the business card floating out, he hurriedly said to the bodyguard: "Hurry... hurry, they seem to have lost the business card, pick it up for me quickly."

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