Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 224 Upgrade! Being hunted by the guardian angel!

[Life -65]

Hu Qing groaned.

Under this blow, he felt as if his body was about to fall apart.

Moreover, one sixth of his total 400 HP was gone.

Hu Qing quickly cast a healing spell on himself.

LV3 healing spell, can restore 60 HP in 5 seconds.

Seeing his life recover quickly, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Amisius solemnly.

The guardian angel in front of him was very strong.

His magic was restrained by the angel blade in the opponent's hand, even if the warrior's strength and speed were 0, they were far inferior to the opponent.

Just now, the fourth move of the basic tactics did not touch the opponent.

There is no point in fighting such an enemy, the situation will only become more and more disadvantageous to oneself.

Therefore, getting rid of the opponent and leaving here is the most correct choice now.

Hu Qing immediately took out the 20 special amulets infused with lightning spells.

The opponent has an angel blade in his hand to target his lightning spell, but he does not believe that the opponent can really ignore the lightning spell with a magic power of 49.

Seeing Amisius approaching him again, Hu Qing decisively threw all the amulets in his hand.

At the same time, he activated the mental force combat method.

The LV2 mental force combat method can control the flexibility of other skills at will within a range of 40 meters.

The 20 amulets infused with lightning magic flew 10 to Amisius, and the other 10 flew to the approaching ghosts.

Controlling so many amulets at once, Hu Qing only felt a sense of emptiness and a heavy head.

He didn't dare to waste time and rushed towards Adam at the fastest speed, and took out a random scroll in his hand at the same time.

"What kind of magic is this?"

Amisius saw the amulet flying towards him, and was about to swing the angel blade to cut it off, when he saw an amulet suddenly exploded, and a blue rune emerged, and then a blue thunder-like lightning condensed in the sky and fell towards him.

"???" Amidos frowned and waved the angel blade to split the lightning.

But then, azure runes surged one after another, and thunders appeared in the sky one after another, falling madly towards Amisius.

This scene made his face change slightly, and he hurriedly recited a spell: "Quid matrem tuam ut moria..."

As the spell was recited, a gray-white energy lit up on the Angel Blade.

Amisius pushed the Angel Blade upward, and then, with the Angel Blade as the center, he condensed a gray-white shield with surging interwoven runes.

One after another, lightning spells fell and hit the gray-white shield. After the collision, lightning flashed and arcs crackled.

But the power of those lightning spells was all removed and dissolved by the gray-white shield, and it didn't work at all.

Amisius blocked these lightning spells, and the murderous intent on his face became stronger and stronger.

If it weren't for the Angel Blade, I'm afraid I would have suffered a little.

"Ah...!" A miserable howl suddenly sounded at this time.

Amisius looked over and saw a resentful soul being struck by a bolt of lightning. Its figure twisted and howled miserably, and then it instantly disintegrated.

Then the second resentful soul, the third...

One after another, the resentful souls were struck by lightning.

The lightning spell with a power of 49 magic was not something these resentful souls could resist. In a blink of an eye, 10 resentful souls that approached were killed.

"Damn it!" Amisius was angry.

These were the resentful souls he had created through experiments. There were not many of them to begin with, but so many were killed at once.

The key point was that they were killed by a human that he could easily control.

This was simply unforgivable.

Amisius looked at Hu Qing viciously.

During this time, Hu Qing had already reached Adam's side.

Adam's face was not good. The attack just now had caused him serious injuries.

[Experience +5000]

[Experience +5000]


[Level Up! ]

[Experience +5000]

Hu Qing's mind also had a series of experience prompts and upgrades.

This was also his goal.

Even if he couldn't beat the other party, he had to get some experience and level up before using the random scroll.

Now, this goal has been achieved.

Looking at Amisius who was rushing towards him with murderous intent, he decisively grabbed Adam and used the random scroll at the first time.

A special wave instantly wrapped Hu Qing, and then the figures of the two disappeared in front of Amisius.

Amisius rushed to the front, and there was nothing there, which made him grit his teeth: "Damn it, do you think you can run away? That strange body is a container that I value. I have marked it long ago, and you can't save it."

Amisius took the angel blade and cut his palm.

This human magician actually has this method. If he gives the other party time, he may become a threat to him in the world.

He just came out of the seal, and he didn't want to leave a threat to himself.

This human magician must die today.

As blood gushed out of his palm, Amisius chanted the spell again: "Mulier pulchra depone eam vestimentis ..."

The blood flowing out of his palm actually began to condense together, emitting a grayish-white light, and then the condensed blood actually disappeared out of thin air.

He was obviously exerting a strange power.

On the rooftop of a building, as a twisted wave appeared, Hu Qing and Adam appeared on the rooftop.

"Huh!" Hu Qing couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. This should be somewhere in Norfolk.

The limit of random teleportation of random scrolls is the current map. Except for sealed illusions such as caves, crypts, houses, etc., in open air conditions, the current map defaults to the current city.

Then, he looked at the experience column in his mind: Level 19 23440/17000.

Although I had to use a random scroll, it was not a loss to increase the level by one level.

After reaching level 19, there is also an Uncle Da's gift bag in the inventory.

"Uncle Da's Gift Pack (Professional Major): This is a true legend recommended by Uncle Da. Upgrades come with gifts from Uncle Da, and this is a big gift package from Uncle Da's career."

The professional gift pack is similar to the gift pack of basic tactics, healing, and fireball for the first time.

Come to think of it, this professional gift package includes: summoning skeletons, teleportation, fireballs and attack and kill sword skills.

Hu Qing decisively opened this uncle's career gift package.

The gift package disappeared in a flash, and there were 4 more skill books on the inventory.

The four skill books are: Summoning Skeletons, Teleportation, Fire Balls and Attack and Kill Sword Techniques.

After learning these 4 skills, I think my strength can be improved a bit, especially summoning skeletons. This skill is an important skill for the rise of Taoist priests.

"Thank you!" Adam breathed a sigh of relief at this time and thanked Hu Qing.

This thank you was very sincere. Even if he didn't understand human emotions or sophistication, he knew that this time it wasn't the person in front of him, and he had already confessed.

Hu Qing smiled and said: "You're welcome, aren't we friends?"

"Uh!" Adam was stunned again. He didn't feel anything when the other party called him a friend in the alley before. This time he was saved by the other party. Hearing these words again, he obviously had a different feeling.

For a moment, Adam seemed to accept the title of friend calmly, and then asked with a frown: "What on earth... ah... happened to that angel named Amishius..."

Before he could finish his question, Adam suddenly cursed angrily, and his face turned very ugly. He hurriedly tore up the clothes on his chest, and saw a gray-white wing pattern suddenly appeared on his chest.

The next moment, a gray light shot out instantly and headed straight for Hu Qing.

The speed of this gray light was extremely fast, and Hu Qing just reacted and wanted to dodge, but the gray light had already hit his chest.

Hu Qing immediately felt something was wrong with his chest. When he opened his clothes, he saw a pattern of gray-white wings that was the same as Adam's chest.

"Damn it, I didn't realize when it was being manipulated." Adam suddenly showed an annoyed look.

Immediately afterwards, the patterns on Hu Qing and Adam's chests lit up with gray light at the same time, and then they both heard the voice of Amishius at the same time: "Under my mark, you can't escape, I will soon." Find you."

The expressions of both of them changed, and suddenly they could feel a breath coming towards them in the distance.

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