Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 273 Yu Zhi is such a good subordinate! Hu Qing was stunned!

The moment she saw Yu Zhi appear, Serena's face turned very ugly.

Although she was under house arrest, she had an inexplicable feeling that Mr. Hu did not seem to have any ill intentions towards her. Therefore, after she guessed that the other party's purpose was to be a werewolf, she cooperated and did not want to offend him.

But the other party's subordinate always gave her a sense of danger, especially since the other party threatened her last time.

"Damn it, haven't you already left?" When Michael saw Yu Zhi, his expression became even uglier, and he subconsciously wanted to pull Serena and run away.

"Ha!" Yu Zhi sneered and appeared in front of Michael and Serena at a very fast speed, blocking their way.

Before Michael could react, Yu Zhi's blow had already landed on his chest, knocking him away directly.

Yu Zhi didn't hold back with this blow, and you could almost hear the sound of Michael's bones breaking.

Michael rolled to the ground and his mouth was covered with blood. He couldn't even get up for the first time.

He had only transformed into a werewolf not long ago, and there was a huge gap in strength between him and Yu Zhi.

Seeing this scene, Serena punched Yu Zhi without hesitation.

Even though she knew she was no match, she had no choice but to do nothing.

A punch fell on Yu Zhi, but her face turned even more ugly.

The other party took her blow without even moving, as if he ignored her power.

Even without transformation, Yu Zhi 45's defense is not something Serena can break through with her current strength.

Yu Zhi looked at Serena teasingly.

This made Serena quickly pull back and take out the dart as a trump card from her waist.

At this moment, Yu Zhi appeared in front of her at a faster speed and grabbed her wrist holding the dart.

"Do you really think this thing can hurt my lord? You have to use this thing several times." Yu Zhi took the dart from Serena's hand with disdain.

Serena's darts as her trump card were taken away, and her face turned pale: "What do you want?"

Yu Zhi joked: "Miss Serena, it should be what you want."

"What do you mean?" Serena asked.

"Miss Serena, the reason why you used this dart several times before was because my lord was tolerant of you. Another person would have been a corpse." Yu Zhi suddenly made it clear and said: "So, you should thank my lord, understand. His heart, He wants you.”

"What?" Serena was stunned and opened her mouth in disbelief.

She suddenly remembered that Mr. Hu from before also joked that he had a crush on her.

After guessing that the other party's purpose was a werewolf, she didn't take it seriously.

Because the other party has such a terrifying existence, it is impossible for him to do so many things for this reason.

She didn't realize that she had that kind of charm.

But now, what the other party's subordinates say...

While Serena was stunned, Yu Zhi had already let go of her and appeared next to Michael.

"You..." As soon as Michael said one word, his vision went dark and he was knocked unconscious by Yu Zhi.

Yu Zhi mentioned Michael directly, looked at Serena and said: "Miss Serena, you are the woman that my lord likes. I dare not do anything to you, but this werewolf will not let me have any scruples. Maybe , he won't survive tomorrow morning."

After saying this, Yu Zhi had already carried Michael out of the underground parking lot.

But everyone can hear the threat in his words.

"..." Serena froze on the spot, biting the corner of her lip subconsciously, her heart already in confusion.

Facing this situation for the first time in more than 600 years, she was even a little overwhelmed.

After a while, she left the underground parking lot and returned to room 816 anxiously.

The doors of rooms 816 and 814 are still open.

She walked into 814 subconsciously, but there was no sign of Michael inside. He didn't know where he was taken.

This made her regret bringing Michael to Seattle.

Along the way, she has been greatly influenced by Michael and has regarded him as a friend. She does not want him to be hurt because of her.

Legendary castle.

As the sun slowly set, the entire castle was bathed in a golden glow.

Kelly has returned to the castle after get off work.

Kalinda also returns from the detective agency, followed by Miguel and Jenna, the witch.

The witch is here to mess with you again.

At this time, everyone was looking at the huge figure cleaning the lawn.

I have to say that Shaq is a good hard worker, as long as he can be fed.

Ever since he came to the castle, he has been working without stopping. He ordered 20 more Big Mac pizzas for him at noon. Kelly and Kalinda couldn't let Kelly and Kalinda do it because of his huge appetite.

After Shaq finished eating the pizza, he continued to work without any laziness, as if he was not tired at all.

"Hu, where's the big guy here?" Kalinda asked in surprise.

Hu Qing smiled and said: "I found it in a small town. Anyway, the castle needs people to work. So far, it seems that Shaq is doing a good job. Although there are some intellectual problems, but in our situation, it is difficult to find ordinary people as servants." ”

Liu Qingqing heard Hu Qing's words and suddenly said: "Mr. Hu, servant, I have a solution."

"Can you find enough servants?" Hu Qing asked in surprise.

Liu Qingqing smiled and said, "Yes, but we'll keep it a secret first."

Hu Qing didn't ask further questions. He might have guessed what Liu Qingqing was going to do. After all, the other party was the female God of Death.

Night falls.

Kelinda and Kelly went into the kitchen together to prepare dinner.

Looking at the two busy women, Hu Qing looked at Liu Qingqing who sat down and waited for food.

This female death god's cooking skills are the best. After not seeing her for so long, I miss her cooking skills.

He looked at Liu Qingqing and gestured to look at the kitchen.

Liu Qingqing looked at other places proudly.

She doesn't cook. She doesn't cook for others unless Mr. Hu is alone. She doesn't want to make Kalinda and Kelly, the two witches, jealous because of her cooking skills.

Hu Qing could only helplessly see this.

"Mr. Hu, is Mr. Yu Zhi not here today?" Jenna suddenly came over and asked.

"He has a mission." Hu Qing looked at the witch with a weird look.

Come here to eat, and ask Yu Zhi specifically, this fool will think there is no problem.

It seems that his summoned creature is really lucky in love.

"Hu, let me tell you something." Kalinda brought out a dish and put it down: "We still have a lot of empty rooms in our castle. It's not popular anyway. Jenna said she wanted to come and live here, and I promised her."

"Uh!" Hu Qing opened his mouth.

This witch even took the initiative to deliver it to the door?

"Hu, is it not possible? I promised Jenna!" Kalinda put her hands on her hips, as if she thought Hu Qing was hesitating, and looked at her covetously.

Hu Qing said decisively: "How could it be, Kalinda, if you agree, I agree."

"That's more like it." Kalinda was satisfied and went back into the kitchen.

Liu Qingqing squinted her lips and looked at Kalinda in disbelief. This witch just acted like a hostess.

A building is still there.

Kalinda, the witch, is really getting bolder and bolder.

At this time

Kelly also brought out a bowl of food and said, "There are two more dishes. Bring them out and you can eat."

Kalinda and Kelly's cooking skills are not top-notch, but the dishes they cook are now more diverse, no longer just hot dogs, bacon, etc.

Of course, most of the credit should be attributed to Kalinda.

After dinner, Kelly said, "Hu, I won't be back tonight because I have a case. A smuggler will do a deal in the Boskan area. I have to take people to catch him..."

Kelly has officially become the deputy director of the police station and is now busier. In addition to spending a lot of time investigating and collecting information about the town, she also has to deal with cases that happened in the police station.

However, after Kelly left, Hu Qing also felt a burning gaze.

It was the enchantress Kalinda.

The enchantress threw a coquettish eye at her and twisted her long legs to walk upstairs.

Hu Qing understood, grinned, and followed.

"Humph, you left after one building!" Liu Qingqing couldn't help but snorted.

Mr. Hu is obviously a scumbag. He is always so impatient with Kalinda, the witch. Why...

Kalinda's room is on the north side of the city gate. Perhaps it was intentional. She chose a room that is the opposite of Kelly's.

Hu Qing felt that this would be convenient for him.

After all, even if Kelly is in the castle, he seems to have enough space to play some exciting things with Kalinda, the witch. Anyway, he has invisibility, so even if Kelly suddenly comes, he can deal with it calmly.

As soon as he entered the room, Hu Qing found that the witch pounced on him, and the pair of breasts on her chest pressed directly on his face.

The suffocating feeling made him work together, and with his extremely rich experience, he completely removed all the defenses of Kalinda, the witch, in less than 10 seconds.

Then it was:

[Experience +1]

[Experience +1]


This process lasted for an hour and a half before the halftime break, and then the second half would start.

"Hu, what else do you want to do tonight?" Kalinda looked at Hu Qing with a charming look. For such an exclusive night, she was always very proactive.

This made Hu Qing start searching for the dozens of gigabytes of various postures in his previous life.

Kalinda, the witch, was willing to cooperate. If he didn't experience all the eighteen postures, he would really be sorry for her.

However, while thinking about it, Hu Qing's mobile phone rang. It was an unfamiliar number.

Hu Qing pressed the answer button in confusion, and Selena's voice came from the phone: "Hu... Mr. Hu... Can you come to the hotel?"

Hu Qing suddenly received a call from Selena, and was a little confused. Why did this female vampire suddenly call him?

But before he could reply, the other party had hung up.

Hu Qing was a little confused. What was this female vampire doing?

"Hu, what happened?" Kalinda found that Hu Qing was a little bit wrong and asked.

Hu Qing frowned. He felt that Selena, the female vampire, was a little bit wrong. The tone was obviously a little hurried and nervous. He had to say to Kalinda: "Kalinda, there may be some problems with Yu Zhi's mission. I have to go over and take a look!"

"Well, go ahead, business is important!" Kalinda nodded.

Hu Qing then stood up, put on his clothes and left Kalinda's room.

When he reached the corridor outside, he moved in an instant to the outside of Room 816 of the Crown Hotel.

Hu Qing saw Yu Zhi standing upright in the corridor and asked in confusion: "What happened to Serena? Why are you calling me so late?"

"My lord, I don't know. Maybe Miss Serena wants to see you for something important?" Yu Zhi said calmly, but his eyes clearly showed a look of "My lord, you know what I mean."

Unfortunately, Hu Qing was really confused and could only knock on Serena's room.

The door opened, revealing a crack.

Hu Qing pushed the door open in confusion, but saw Selina who was obviously a little nervous behind the door. She hurriedly closed the door.

But Hu Qing looked at Selina in shock. The other party was only wearing a bath towel at this time. The bath towel was not big and could not even cover much of the scenery.

The next moment, something happened that shocked Hu Qing even more. Selina gritted her teeth and actually lifted the bath towel, and then...

Hu Qing couldn't describe the scene in front of him. He was completely stunned. Is this female vampire crazy? Or does she want to seduce him?

This is not what Selina's character can do.

Seeing Hu Qing's face full of shock, Selina was a little annoyed.

"Don't you want me? Why are you pretending now?" Selina seemed to be inspired by the remaining dignity. She went forward and grabbed Hu Qing and pressed Hu Qing against the wall...

She wanted to fight back!

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