Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 418 The first wave of experience arrives! This mentality collapses!

Seattle, Anna Grove.

A luxury car stopped at a street parking lot.

Hu Qing and Abik got out of the car and went straight to a remote, retro Chinese-style bar.

"Mr. Hu, you don't know that there are many people with supernatural blood in Seattle." Abik introduced to Hu Qing as they walked: "Most of these people with supernatural blood are not strong, and are even worse than me."

"However, some beauties with supernatural blood always have a different flavor, such as an extra pointed ear, an extra fox tail, and two tongues..."

"There will definitely be a lot of such beauties at the party held by Magnus today. I will introduce you to which one Mr. Hu likes."

Hu Qing really wanted to complain to Abik, making everyone as lustful as the other.

However, the information of Magnus has been confirmed to be the one in the movie.

Then the supernatural creature gathering tonight must be the supernatural creature gathering in the movie.

It was mentioned in the movie that Magnus would hold such a party every once in a while. Valentine would not give Clare and Simon a buffer period. The plot would definitely happen tonight.

Therefore, Clare and Simon would bring him a lot of experience immediately.

Abik arrived at the door of the bar and pulled open a device on the door of the bar, revealing a hole through which one could see inside.

Abik put another blue crystal into the hole, and a rune lit up.

This was made by the Chinese warlock Magnus. Only supernatural creatures who accepted his invitation could enter.

A moment.

The door of the bar opened.

A man in a suit who was guarding the door made an invitation gesture to Abik.

Abik also put the crystal in his hand into the box next to him.

Magnus did not just hold this party, but would also take back the crystals he sent out every time.

The neon lights flashed in the bar, and groups of people gathered together. Hu Qing immediately sensed the supernatural aura emitted by these figures, but it was not strong, and each one was very weak.

"Mr. Abik!"

"Mr. Abik is here."


Several female voices sounded, and many hot and revealing women came over.

Rich tycoons are obviously very popular with beautiful women no matter what occasion they are at.

Abik smiled and hugged a beautiful woman with a bunny tail and a long ear, and did not forget to look at Hu Qing, as if asking if he liked any.

Hu Qing gave Abik a look that said "you play by yourself", and then found a corner to sit down, waiting for Clare and Simon to arrive.

He didn't wait too long before he saw a pretty girl appear at the door, followed by two young men and a hot young woman.

Hu Qing immediately felt that the aura of these three people was stronger than that of others. These three people were shadow hunters, and one of the men was one of the male protagonists of "The Holy Grail: City of Bones" Jace.

In the movie, Jace and Clare were extremely ambiguous, which made Simon eat enough dog food. However, after Jace confirmed his relationship with Clare, he was told that he and Clare were siblings, which fulfilled the proverb that lovers eventually become siblings!

Simon followed Clare and Jace and kept muttering: "Clare, I think we can ask Mr. Hu for help. He is a very powerful exorcist. He can definitely help us."

He remembered that Mr. Hu said that he was a friend, and Mr. Hu also said that he liked to help friends the most. If there were any difficulties, he could ask Mr. Hu.

"Jace, what do you think?" Clare asked Jace.

She had also seen Mr. Hu, and knew that he was accompanied by a hellhound and a ghost lady. He was a mysterious person.

Jace frowned and said, "Clare, you don't know how terrifying Valentine is. He is not something that ordinary exorcists can deal with. If we rashly ask an exorcist to help, he might even hold us back."

"Yeah!" Clare now trusts Jace very much, and nodded when he said that.

"..." Simon curled his lips.

This Jace only cares about Clare, and has no idea how powerful Mr. Hu is.

As he was thinking, he found that there was movement around his waist. It was the green mask.

Although he didn't know what the mask was at first, he could use it more or less now, and he wouldn't remember anything after using the mask like he did at the beginning.

He sensed that the green mask seemed to have discovered something terrifying and was shaking in one direction.

Simon looked over in confusion, but saw Hu Qing sitting in the corner.

"Mr. Hu!" Simon was overjoyed. Just as he was about to walk towards Hu Qing, he found that the mask in his hand suddenly exerted force, pulling him out, as if he was in a hurry to escape.

How could he not escape?

The Loki mask is intelligent and can help pick up girls and have children.

It naturally retains the memory of the prank Loki was killed by Hu Qing. Just like last time, running away when he met Hu Qing was a subconscious reaction.

Simon was pulled out and didn't dare to let go. This green mask can give him strength. He wants to help Clare. Without the mask to help him, he is just an ordinary person. Wouldn't that let Jace, the pretty boy, show off in front of Clare?

Hu Qing also saw Simon being chased by the Loki mask, and got up and followed him out. Clare was playing an ambiguous game with the handsome guy Jace, and just like in the movie, he didn't notice that Simon was missing.

You need Magnus's crystal to enter the bar, but not to leave.

The Loki mask directly knocked open the door, pulled Simon outside, and then rushed into an alley with Simon before stopping.

Simon actually saw the mask in his hand made a relieved expression.

What is it doing?

"Simon, we meet again." Hu Qing's voice also sounded at this time.

The Loki mask in Simon's hand immediately made an exaggerated frightened expression and hid directly behind Simon.

"Mr. Hu!" Simon said in surprise.

Hu Qing looked at the Loki mask hiding behind Simon and hooked his hand: "Come here by yourself, or I don't mind sending you to see the prank Loki."

The Loki mask looked frightened, but he didn't dare to disobey. He jumped off Simon's back tremblingly and fell into Hu Qing's hands. .

The prank Loki was killed. Sending him to see him would mean the death of the mask?

"You know what's good for you!" Hu Qing said holding the Loki mask.

Simon looked at the Loki mask and said anxiously: "Mr. Hu, that's mine!"

"It's mine for now, because you're going to be a prisoner first." Hu Qing suddenly looked at the back of the alley.

Figures jumped down from there at a high speed.

These figures surrounded Hu Qing and Simon, their eyes were red. It seemed that Valentine had created the evil spirit vampire. According to the plot of the movie, the other party would capture Simon and ask Clare to exchange it with the Holy Grail.

"Catch him!" An evil spirit vampire pointed at Simon, with a clear purpose.

Two evil spirit vampires instantly rushed to Xin and grabbed Simon.

Simon was horrified: "Mr. Hu, save me!"

"No!" Hu Qing said with a smile.

"Ah..." Simon's mentality jumped when he heard this: "Mr. Hu, didn't you say that we are friends and you like to help friends the most? Save me, they are monsters!"

"Even if you don't save them!" Hu Qing still shook his head.

If they save them, won't they be unable to find the nest of the evil spirit vampires? There are hundreds of evil vampires, hundreds of experience points.

Anyway, for the Holy Grail, these evil vampires will not hurt this guy, at most they will beat him up.

Hu Qing looked at the evil vampires and said, "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't know this guy, you can take him away and pretend you didn't see me."

"Ah, Mr. Hu..." Simon looked at Hu Qing pitifully.

The evil vampires ignored Hu Qing's words, but stared at him, and even surrounded Hu Qing.

"You found a delicious meal in front of you, can you pretend you didn't see it?" An evil vampire laughed sarcastically.

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