Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 469 A miracle has occurred! We took it for granted!

Think of him as God?

Vivian looked at the man in front of her in astonishment. Could it be that he really had a way to quickly cure the infected people in London?

What she said about God was nothing more than a joke, telling the other party that it was impossible for anyone to do it.

Hu Qing took out the Plague Devouring Crystal (middle) with a smile on his face, and an option of whether to use it or not immediately appeared in front of him.

This attracted Vivian's idea.

The next moment, Hu Qing silently chose to use plague to swallow the crystal (middle).

A beam of incandescent light instantly burst out from the spar, rising into the sky in Vivian's disbelieving eyes, forming a beam of light that went straight to the sky.

The light pillar emitted countless incandescent rays in the sky, which still appeared extremely clear in broad daylight. Then the light turned into countless light spots and quickly fell towards the entire London, covering the entire London with a kind of light spots.

Hu Qing was surprised. He didn't expect that there would be such a big movement when using this thing.

Moreover, the light spots were most obvious around him, and the entire area was densely packed.

These light spots were very purposeful, flying quickly towards the bodies of those infected with the plague. After a while, the light spots turned gray when they flew out, and flew back into the light pillar.

The whole of London was already in chaos.

In a short period of time, almost half of London fell. This also let England know that the situation was getting worse, and they did not dare to promote a herd immunity system even if they wanted to.

This is not giving a chance at all. It spreads at this speed, and England will be gone soon.

Therefore, officials in England followed the advice given by China, urgently closed the city, and dispatched the army.

Western countries pay attention to human rights, but in many cases they are the ones with the least human rights.

After the market was closed, anyone who refused to listen was killed on the spot.

Yes, it was so decisive. I don’t know how many gunshots were fired at the exit of London. This is a country where human rights and freedoms prevail.

This sparked chaos in London, as if the entire city had been cursed and turned into hell.

All countries were equally nervous. After receiving information sent back by medical staff and knowing the horror of the virus, they all urgently closed various routes in England.

But something even more shocking happened in London. A pillar of light rising into the sky attracted the attention of people in the entire city. When the entire London was covered by the dense light spots, countries all over the world were shocked when they received the news. .

Using satellite photography, you can clearly see the light curtain over the entire city of London. The densely flying light spots seem to turn the entire London into a fairy tale world.

The scene was very shocking.

But people in London soon discovered that those light spots were flying towards them one after another, especially those infected with the plague. When the light spots flew into their bodies, a very comfortable warm current immediately appeared.

With more light points, the feeling of comfort became even greater, and when gray light points flew out of their bodies again, they found that they were completely healed, no more fever, no more coughing...

More and more people discovered this scene, which was naturally accompanied by more and more gray light spots. The incandescent light covering London slowly turned into gray clouds, and the incandescent light pillars also began to turn gray.

This also made countless people realize that it was those light spots that were saving them. The light beams absorbed the virus and turned gray.

"God, miracle..."

"It must be a miracle, otherwise who can explain it?"

"God so loved the world..."


In fact, the gentlemen in London do not believe in God very much. However, now that a miracle is ahead, even the most stubborn scientists have to accept the fact that this kind of situation is not something humans can do.

But things didn’t end there. Soon someone discovered that not only people infected with the virus, but also many people suffering from various diseases were inexplicably healed. The paralyzed people could stand up, and the deaf people could hear. …

This further sent the city into a frenzy.

The Red Cross organizations and medical volunteers from various countries are completely crazy. They can't believe that a virus that they have no clue to deal with together has been solved in this way.

The countries that had just ordered the blockade of England's various routes were also a little confused. They had not yet fully implemented the blockade!

In the hospital.

More and more people gathered around Hu Qing. As the people closest to Hu Qing, they were the quickest to be cured by absorbing the plague in their bodies. Even all the other patients in the hospital were inexplicably cured immediately.

Immediately, when they saw the light pillar and Hu Qing shrouded in the light pillar, they all kneeled down subconsciously, even if they couldn't see Hu Qing's appearance clearly.

In the future, they will tell their descendants that they saw God on this day.

Soon, some people in London designated this day as the Day of the Advent of God.

On this day, all of them saw a miracle.

It’s just that they don’t know who God is.

After the beam of light swallowed up the plague in London, it shrank instantly, fell quickly, and disappeared into the spar.

Everything seemed to be fine again and calm was restored.

Blood Queen Vivian's face was filled with shock. She couldn't believe that the plague she was so proud of had been solved like this.

What is the crystal in the opponent's hand?

Hu Qing has casually put the Plague Devouring Crystal (middle) back into the inventory, and the note information has also changed.

The plague and disease that could devour ten cities has become nine cities, but there is an additional skull symbol, and the information that it can be released once is added.

In other words, it can be reused, and can be absorbed or released?

If so, he seems to have always underestimated this thing, which has infinite uses.

"Let's go!" Hu Qing said again at this time, and led people to leave the hospital quietly.

The Blood Queen's men deliberately lured Hellboy to take King Arthur's sword of the king. According to the action of the mysterious investigation department, Hellboy and his men should go to the place where the sword of the king is, that is, the park where the ruins of King Arthur's round table are located.

By the way, the sword has another name, called the sword in the stone, which is very famous in England.

The ruins of King Arthur are in the waste of an ancient ruins stone circle. There was once a museum built here. It is located in Leeds, England, separated from London by a city, and it doesn't take long to fly.

When Hu Qing brought Blood Queen and Amisius to the museum, there was only an old man guarding the door, and there were no tourists. The three of them entered easily.

"Where is King Arthur's Sword of the King?" Hu Qing asked Blood Queen.

Blood Queen Vivian snorted: "Of course it can't be outside. That thing is covered by magic. After all, Merlin cast some kind of magic and still hangs on the earth and refuses to leave. I don't know where he got some prophecy from, waiting for the new owner of the Sword of the King to come. It says that the new owner of the Sword of the King can rule the world again. I think it's almost like destroying the world."

As she spoke, Vivian also walked towards a place. When she approached a wall, she condensed energy in her palm and stretched it out. The wall actually had a kind of ripple like water waves, and then she passed through it.

Hu Qing and Amisius followed and appeared in a dim space. The structural design of the four sides was no different from the museum outside, but it was more old.

"This is it." Blood Queen looked around and said.

Amisius also said at this time: "Lord, there is a residual breath of life in the upper right corner."

As Amisius finished speaking, energy fluctuations suddenly appeared in that place. After a vibration, something rose up, and then a withered figure covered with mud and leaves stood up.

Hu Qing knew that this guy was Merlin, or he could no longer be considered a human, but a magical product with Merlin's memory, and he didn't have much power.

Merlin appeared and was obviously shocked to see the Blood Queen: "Vivian, no, it's not you, it should be Arthur's descendants who will come."

The Blood Queen snorted coldly: "Merlin, don't talk nonsense, where is the Sword of the King?"

Merlin frowned and said: "Vivian, you want to get the Sword of the King? You won't succeed, because you can't use it at all, and you can't even pick it up. Only the descendants of King Arthur can pick up that sword."

Merlin's words were full of strong confidence, and he even waved his hand to make the ground vibrate, and a long sword that pierced the ground rose up.

Vivian snorted, walked over, and grasped the King's Sword, but at that moment a special magical energy appeared from the long sword, directly shaking the Blood Queen away, and she couldn't pull the sword out at all.

Merlin smiled proudly and said, "Vivian, I saw it, it only belongs to the descendants of Arthur."

Hu Qing was a little disdainful of Merlin's words. What do you mean it only belongs to the descendants of King Arthur? It's just some kind of directional authentication magic, just like modern fingerprint authentication. The authentication of this sword is King Arthur's bloodline.

But when the power is strong enough, this kind of directional magic will not work at all.

Just at this time, several footsteps suddenly sounded, and several figures came through the wall. They were Hellboy, Professor Bloom, Iris, Fishman Yabo and some people from the mysterious investigation department.

They came at the fastest speed, but they were still one step slower than Hu Qing and the Blood Queen.

Seeing that the Blood Queen and Hu Qing were both inside, the group was obviously a little nervous, especially Professor Bloom, who was a little confused about the situation.

He knew that Mr. Hu's power would not be difficult to deal with the Blood Queen, but why was he here with the Blood Queen without any intention of fighting?

"Anu, it's the Sword of the King, go get the sword." Professor Bloom saw the sword again and immediately urged Hellboy.

"It's the descendant of Arthur, I feel it, you're here." Merlin's eyes lit up when he saw Hellboy.

He had cast a special magic on Arthur's blood, and he would not be wrong about Arthur's descendants.

It's just that the appearance of this descendant of Arthur made him feel a little uncomfortable, too ugly, and did not inherit Arthur's handsomeness.

Hellboy glanced at Hu Qing, and seeing that Hu Qing did not object, the professor urged him again, so he could only walk towards the Sword of the King.

The Blood Queen smiled when she saw this scene. This was the result she wanted. At the same time, she looked at Hu Qing nervously, fearing that Hu Qing would stop her.

As long as the other party did not stop him, Hellboy would definitely be stimulated by the power of hell and could not suppress the devilish nature of destroying the world.

Then she can just sit back and watch the show, waiting for the other party to fight Hellboy.

Then she will have a chance to escape.

The other party arrogantly thought he had her in his grasp, but he didn't know that this also gave her a chance.

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