Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 574 God's Stone Tablet! Giant beasts are rampant!

Hu Qing looked at the light falling from the sky, and suddenly sensed a trace of thought conveyed by Amitheus, and immediately summoned Amitheus to his side.

"Do you know what's going on?" Hu Qing asked with a frown.

Armisius explained: "Lord, there is something wrong with heaven. I feel the God's Stone. It is the core thing of heaven. Only God can activate it. It is also God's duty. Other beings cannot even get close to the God's Stone. "

"But now the God's Monument has fallen into the human world, and that huge pillar of light is it. Moreover, the angels in heaven seem to have been sucked in by a certain rule, and now they have been dragged into the human world by the God's Monument. They have been exiled."

"Those light spots are all angels." Hu Qing was a little surprised and thought of something in his mind.

In "The Force of Evil" there is also a plot where all the angels are expelled from heaven and fall into the earth.

It's just that the situation now seems a little different from that in the play.

Armisius reminded at this time: "Lord, God's stone tablet is engraved with God's functions. Now that God's stone tablet has fallen, it may indicate that God is really dead. No one is performing God's functions. As long as someone gets God's stone tablet, a new God may be When it is born, new rules will emerge in the world.”

"God's Stone Tablet, God is not qualified!" Hu Qing thought for a while, this thing seemed to have appeared in "Evil Power".

Moreover, God in the play seems not to have died and lost his functions, but to seek his own death, destroying his own God.

at this time.

In a small town bar.

The four archangels Lucifer, Gabriel, Michael, and Raphael also walked to the door of the bar and looked at the light falling from the sky in shock.

"Is he really dead?" Michael said in disbelief.

"He's not dead, how could there be such a change in the God's Stone Tablet?" Lucifer mocked.

Naturally he means God.

Now that the God's stone tablet has fallen into the world, it means that someone who gets it can become the new God.

The fall of the God's stele into the world also represents the loss of God's functions. God will lose his functions only after death.

The two of them did not know that God did not lose his power when he died, but lost his function by committing suicide.

"Damn it." Raphael looked annoyed.

He is a man who has always believed that God is dead.

The fall of the God's Stone is proof that this was the best moment for him to become God. As long as he got the God's Stone, who could stop him?

Now he was trapped in this crappy place.

Gabriel on the side reminded: "Why bother? You can't get out. As for the God's Stone Tablet, it should fall into the hands of Mr. Hu, right?"

This made Hu Qing appear in the minds of the three Lucifers again.

In the end, the three of them sighed helplessly.

In the castle.

Hu Qing has already taken Amishius to leave the castle and go to find the God's Stone Tablet. Since this thing has fallen into the world, no one else can get it, so as not to cause trouble.

Since one of his clones can become the Lord of Hell, why can't it become the Lord of Heaven?

At this time, his cell phone rang again, and it was Nutrilite calling again.

"Nutrilite, what's wrong?" Hu Qing asked doubtfully.

Nutrilite said hurriedly: "Mr. Hu, do you still remember that gorilla? The big guy you called King Kong, it seems to be moving strangely because of the beam of light falling from the sky."

Hu Qing frowned.

Is it possible that this King Kong is also interested in becoming a god?

He remembered that giant beasts like King Kong were also called gods in ancient times and were believed by countless humans.

Is it possible that they also want to get the God's Stone Tablet and become God?


Hu Qing arrived at an island on the aircraft of the Mysterious Incident Investigation Department.

The huge stars can be seen roaring crazily on the island.

Hu Qing jumped out of the aircraft and flew above King Kong.

King Kong seemed to sense Hu Qing's arrival, and subconsciously calmed down. It looked at Hu Qing with fear in its eyes. The memory of the terrifying power last time was still fresh in its mind.

Bobby's voice rang in Hu Qing's headset: "Mr. Hu, King Kong said that the world is about to be in a catastrophe. Many big guys will come out to snatch the fallen thing. That thing seems to be able to increase their power."

Hu Qing was surprised: "Have you deciphered King Kong's language?"

Bobby's voice came from the headset again: "It's not cracked. We found a special girl. They seem to be able to understand the meaning of King Kong's expression. She translated it."

"In other words, those guys are coming out together?" Hu Qing had seen Godzilla in his previous life, so he naturally knew what King Kong was talking about.

He remembered that in the movie King Kong vs. Godzilla, there seemed to be a little girl who could understand what King Kong was saying.

"Monitor all places for me. I want to know where those giant beasts appear." Hu Qing gave an order directly to Bobby.

Now that there is this news, there is no need for him to search hard for the stone tablet. As long as he finds those giant beasts and knows where they are, the stone tablet should be there.

When Bobby heard Hu Qing's order, he also directly issued an order to the entire mysterious incident investigation department. At the same time, he notified the exorcist union to let all exorcists pay full attention to this matter.

Stars and Stripes Country.

In a city called Saint Sophia, a figure walked silently on the streets of the city.

This city is not well-known in the United States, but its area is not small, not necessarily smaller than those international metropolises such as New York.

And the things that fell from the sky are in this city.

Chuck walked, concentrating on sensing everything.

The fall of the God's Stele was seen by many people, but it did not cause any waves in the city because it did not cause much damage.

The rules on the God's Stele are very strange.

Unfortunately, now he has lost his God function and cannot control the stele, so he can only rely on this method to sense.

I don't know how long it took, but Chuck finally sensed the existence of the God's Stele. After all, he is God, and this stele was once something under his control.

Chuck hurried to the place where the God's Stele was. It was a power plant. Just as he was about to rush to the power plant, the power plant suddenly erupted with a terrible explosion.

A giant beast with bamboo-like limbs rushed out of the power plant, and as the giant beast rushed up, a beam of light shot up into the sky.

When Chak saw the light column, he immediately knew that it was the God's Stele. He also sensed that the giant beast had a strong power in its body.

However, it was not difficult for him to kill this power.

But suddenly, a terrifying cry sounded from the sky, and several huge figures like toothless pterosaurs appeared, and another giant beast appeared. They rushed directly to the light column of the God's Stele.

But this was not the end. Two more giant beasts came out of the ground. One of the two giant beasts had wings, and the other did not. But they followed closely together and rushed to the light column.

"Damn, what's wrong with these giant beasts? Do they want to be God too?" God Chak was a little confused. After all, these giant beasts had not appeared during his reign. Could it be that these giant beasts were sleeping for such a long time? They have existed on the earth longer than he has?

Chak obviously didn't know that he guessed right.

At this moment, Chuck suddenly looked up at the sky. There were lightning and thunder. It seemed that a huge monster had appeared. The monster had huge wings and three huge heads.

"Three-headed dragon?" Chuck frowned at this guy.


A huge vibration sounded, and on the other side of the river, another huge monster climbed up from the deep river. There were sharp spines on its back and a long tail. It was hundreds of meters tall. Every step it took would cause a vibration on the ground.

For a while, the entire city of Saint Sophia was in chaos. These giant beasts rushed around, destroyed city buildings, and countless people died.

In an instant, a terrible disaster befell the city. No one understood what was going on with these giant beasts and why they appeared here.

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