Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 68 The boss will drop something! Demonic pattern!

Kalinda looked at the strange tongue stabbing at her, her pretty face pale.

She wanted to dodge, but the suppression on her body made it impossible for her to do so.

She was too arrogant this time, and the power of the Soul Devourer was much stronger than her.

Seeing this, Liu Qingqing, who was next to her, hurriedly opened her hands to attack the Soul Devourer and launched a telekinetic attack.

Her power was obviously far inferior to that of the Soul Devourer, and she could only hinder it for a while.

But this was enough.

An ebony sword instantly cut through the strange tongue of the Soul Devourer.

"Ah!" The Soul Devourer's miserable howl sounded at the same time.

Hu Qing suddenly pulled Kalinda into his arms, hugged her and retreated, keeping a distance from the Soul Devourer.

"Hu..." The moment Kalinda threw herself into Hu Qing's arms, the strong masculine breath seemed to ignite something, making her beautiful eyes shine with a hint of confusion.

"Go see Kelly." Hu Qing ordered and let go of Kalinda, then stared at the Soul Devourer coldly.

The next moment, he decisively swung his sword at the Soul Devourer.

The power of this Soul Devourer was greater than he had imagined.

Kelly and Kalinda had both awakened the banshee bloodline, and their strength was much stronger than that of ordinary people, but they had no power to resist.

"Damn human, dare to sneak attack me..." The Soul Devourer roared angrily, looking at Hu Qing who was rushing towards him, and the demon pattern on his forehead flashed a strange light again.

Hu Qing suddenly felt a great pressure, and his speed slowed down by more than half in an instant, as if there was an unbearable weight on his body.

This shocked him.

After the upgrade, his magic defense has reached 11 without equipment.

Now the opponent's telekinetic attack actually penetrated his magic defense and could have such a great impact on him.

Even if he wore a cast iron ring, leather gloves and cloth clothes to increase his magic defense by 5 points, he would probably be greatly affected.

The melee ability was completely restricted.

While launching the telekinetic attack, the Soul Devourer had already pounced on Hu Qing at an extremely fast speed.

The Soul Devourer, a special demon, can summon vengeful spirits and create ghosts.

But if there are no vengeful spirits and ghosts around them, then its most common attack method is to use the power of telekinesis pressure to restrict the enemy, and then rush to take the opponent's life, making the opponent a member of his ghost army.

Hu Qing saw the Soul Devourer rushing over and decisively cast the fireball spell.

The opponent can limit his melee ability, but there is no way to limit his long-range attack.

A fireball larger than the size of a basketball condensed out, attracting everyone's attention.

Nutrilite and Bobby had never seen this scene, and they opened their mouths in shock. Could Mr. Hu be a magician?

Kalinda helped Kelly up, and her beautiful eyes were also staring at the fireball condensed by Hu Qing.

Hu Qing cast the mental force combat method again, and the surrounding 20 meters were immediately in the special perception of the mental force combat method.

The next moment, the fireball flew towards the Soul Devourer.

"It's actually magic?" The Soul Devourer was shocked.

For them, demons, human magicians are always the biggest threat, because magic power can directly destroy them.

Looking at the flying fireball, the Soul Devourer dodged it fiercely.

This made it feel relieved, it seemed that it was just a magician who was not to be feared.

At the same time, it looked at Hu Qing again, and its murderous aura was even stronger, and it rushed over at a faster speed.

There is a saying among them that if you meet a magician you can't beat, you should run as far as you can, but if you meet a magician who is weaker than you, you must kill him.

The Soul Devourer rushed to Hu Qing, with a hideous smile on his face. It would be a great sense of accomplishment to make a magician become its ghost.

Hu Qing also smiled at this time.

This made the Soul Devourer stunned.

Can you still laugh before you die?

But then, the Soul Devourer was shocked to find that a scorching heat was coming from behind it.

It turned its head subconsciously, and saw that the fireball that it had dodged was flying towards it again, and it was already close at hand.

"No... How could such a thing be done..." The Soul Devourer was horrified.

This time it had no time to dodge.

Moreover, the fireball hit its face directly?

Bang! ~

The fireball exploded instantly, generating a terrifying tearing force and impact force.

"Ah..." The Soul Devourer howled and flew backwards, his face was burnt and bloody, and one of his eyeballs was exploded.

It was stunned by the impact at this time.

The pressure on Hu Qing disappeared, and it was obvious that the opponent could not maintain this telekinetic attack.

He did not hesitate, and rushed forward, slashing out with the most fierce move of the level 1 basic combat method.

When the Soul Devourer reacted, the ebony sword was already close to it. It instinctively wanted to dodge, but the ebony sword had changed its moves, and a very exquisite move chased it up, slashing across its neck, leaving it with nowhere to hide.

"No... not just a magician..." The Soul Devourer stared at Hu Qing, his neck bursting with black blood, and the wound was corroded by the evil-killing ability of the ebony sword.

A head also fell to the ground.

[Experience +2500] [3380/5000]

Hu Qing breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the experience prompt, and this time he actually got 2500 experience, which was just like beating a BOSS.

However, this Soul Devourer seemed to be unable to burst out with full strength for some reason, and only the upper body appeared as a demon body.

Maybe the blood of the FBI can only go so far. If it kills more people, a complete demonic body may appear.

The headless corpse of the Soul-Eating Demon also lost its balance and fell down, but a bright light on the corpse attracted Hu Qing's attention.

The BOSS is the BOSS, and he exploded something.

Wrapped in that light, others couldn't see it and didn't pay attention at all.

But Hu Qing looked surprised when he looked at the thing wrapped in the light.

It seemed to be a piece of dried skin, but there was a pattern on it, which was actually the same as the devil pattern on the forehead of the Soul-Eating Demon.

Hu Qing immediately put the light into his inventory and saw the note.

"Devil pattern (can be equipped): The devil pattern with the special ability of the Soul-Eating Devil. After wearing it, you can use the Soul-Eating Devil's telepathic pressure ability, putting the enemy under the influence of telepathic pressure. The effect on the spirit body is stronger, and the power is affected. Magical influence, the higher the magic, the stronger the power. Since this demonic pattern is stripped from the soul-eating demon, it can only be used 1/1 time per day and requires level 11. "

Hu Qing was surprised when he saw this note information. Was this an equipment explosion? Moreover, it turned out to be this thing. He had personally experienced the pressure of telepathy just now.

From the remarks, we can know that this thing seems to have a more restraining effect on spirits, probably because the Soul Devourer can summon and control resentful spirits and create ghosts.

I just don’t know where this devil pattern equipment will occupy the equipment column.

As soon as the idea came to mind, he chose the equipment. The next moment, the devil pattern appeared in the medal column, which was the same grid where the candle was equipped before.

While putting on the equipment, Hu Qing also noticed something abnormal between his eyebrows, as if something was swimming.

"Hu, there's a pattern on your forehead!" Kailin exclaimed.

Kalinda also asked anxiously: "The pattern is the same as the one on the demon's forehead. Hu, what happened?"

"It's okay!" Hu Qing shook his head towards the two of them, then turned on the camera function of his mobile phone and saw that the devil pattern appeared on his eyebrows. It looked like a tattoo, but it gave people a very evil feeling. .

Moreover, he could clearly feel the demon pattern, and the attack of mental pressure could be triggered with just a thought.

"Mr. Hu, she...she appears again." Billy exclaimed.

Hu Qing looked and saw that the resentful spirit Mephi'er was indeed walking towards here holding the scissors.

After the Soul-Eating Demon died, she was freed from the influence of the Soul-Eating Demon, and the power that the Soul-Eating Demon left in her became completely hers.

So, there are now three more experiences to harvest.

However, now this beautiful girl just came to his door to give him an experiment.

Hu Qing walked directly towards Meifeier.

"Do you think I'm beautiful?" Mayfair held the scissors and asked again as before.

"You are ugly now!" Hu Qing told the truth.

This answer obviously angered Mayfair, and she was about to attack with scissors.

The next moment, she suddenly fell to the ground, as if she was being pressed down by something extremely heavy.

On the center of Hu Qing's eyebrows, the demon pattern was shining. It was the power of mental pressure that had an effect on Meifei'er.

Hu Qing stepped forward unhurriedly and chopped off Meifei'er again with one sword.

After a while, the demon pattern on his eyebrows returned to normal. Looking at the equipment bar again, the number of uses has become 0/1, and he will have to wait until it is refreshed tomorrow before he can continue to use it.

This thing is really easy to use. Although it can only be used once a day, but this time it is used in conjunction with the fireball technique, it is definitely a sure-fire move.

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