After hearing what Bobby and Nutrilite said, Phil looked at the two in astonishment.

No supernatural events?

Are you afraid that you don’t know what is standing next to you?

Hu Qing watched Liu Qingqing tighten the ebony sword in her hand.

According to the information written by Sam Winchester on the Internet, Fan Tao will already have considerable strength after the ghost breaks away from the earth-bound spirit.

If you are stimulated again, or if you are unable to get rid of it as time goes by, you will become a resentful spirit. If you vent your anger wantonly and inflict your own experiences before death on others, you are a resentful spirit and you will be in big trouble.

Liu Qingqing has caused so many people to fall into coma and end up in the hospital, and it has obviously reached this level now.

Phil said that his head hurt like being hit. Maybe Liu Qingqing was hit on the head before she died.

Liu Qingqing also looked at Hu Qing immediately. Especially stimulated by the compass and ebony sword in his hand, her body began to tremble, black energy slowly began to emerge from her eyes, and blood overflowed from her head, becoming slightly... Somewhat ferocious looking.

But because the girl is so beautiful, she gives people a miserable beauty.

Phil, Elena, and Polly saw this scene and their eyes widened in shock.

The three of them backed away in shock, their faces full of nervousness.

Bobby and Nutrilite also noticed something was wrong when they saw the appearance of the three of them.

What do they mean?

But the next moment, the two of them felt an inexplicable chill, and their clothes seemed to be rustling in the wind.

Moreover, the source is right next to them.

The two of them turned their heads almost subconsciously, and then looked at the changed Liu Qingqing in shock.

Before the two of them could react, Liu Qingqing suddenly raised and pushed her hands, and the two FBIs flew out like two balls, hit the ground and rolled twice, causing severe pain.

"Shit, what's wrong with her?"

"Oh, I bought it...!"

The two people's eyes widened in shock. For a moment, they felt that their world view had been greatly impacted, and they even forgot about the pain of the fall.

However, as FBI, the two reacted quickly. They hurriedly took out their guns and opened fire on Liu Qingqing. They could shoot if someone attacked them. Moreover, Liu Qingqing's burst of power made them feel life-threatening.

But the bullet passed through Liu Qingqing's body, but it only caused a ripple and had no effect.

This ordinary physical attack seemed unable to harm her.

"Are you kidding?" Bobby was shocked.

The two people's attacks only angered Liu Qingqing. She reached out and pushed the two of them again, and the two of them felt rolled out by a huge force again. This time, they even vomited blood in their mouths.

Moreover, the two of them suddenly covered their heads and groaned in pain.

The two of them were in so much pain that their expressions were ferocious.

Now that they believed what Phil and those people said, their heads hurt as if they had been hit hard. .

Hu Qing was extremely horrified when he saw Liu Qingqing showing off her power.

Ordinary people can't deal with this method at all. Without seeing that the gun is useless, are these two FBIs lambs waiting to be slaughtered?

Liu Qingqing looked at Hu Qing and the others again, raised her hand and swung it at Hu Qing and the others.

Phil, Elena, and Polly immediately exclaimed, flew out like Bobby and Nutrilite, and hit the ground hard.

Then, the three of them also covered their heads and screamed in pain.

Hu Qing also felt a force acting on his body, but his body only took two steps back as if he had been pushed normally, and did not fly out like the others.

At the same time, he also had a pain in his head, but it was just like a headache caused by a common cold, and he did not cover his head and howl like a few people.

This also made Hu Qing feel relieved.

According to what Sam Winchester said online, Liu Qingqing's attack is a telepathic attack, which is also a non-physical attack.

The magic defense is what resists non-physical attacks.

His current magic control is 3, which is three times higher than the original 1.

Liu Qingqing's current strength cannot completely penetrate his demon control, and the attack has little power after being weakened by 3's demon control.

Hu Qing looked at Liu Qingqing again, and as expected, two illusory words appeared in the middle of her body: [Wraith Spirit]!

Sure enough, as he thought, she had turned into a wraith.

Liu Qingqing was stunned when she saw that Hu Qing didn't fly out.

She waved her hand again at Hu Qing,

But Hu Qing didn't fly out either.

She continued to wave, but Hu Qing still simply took two steps back. .

However, Liu Qingqing's continuous attacks finally prompted a message in Hu Qing's mind:


This made him tighten the ebony sword in his hand. It would still remove the blood. He couldn't just let her attack. He just wanted to try the effect of the ebony sword.

Hu Qing took one step forward, rushed forward, and almost struck Liu Qingqing with his ebony sword before she could react.


Liu Qingqing, who was invulnerable to bullets, screamed in pain under the sword.

The ebony sword made a hissing sound when it struck her, and a stream of black energy came out.

Hu Qing looked at the ebony sword in his hand in surprise. It was actually effective. He said that the ebony sword had spiritual energy that could restrain evil things. He would not deceive him.

And coupled with the ebony sword's 5 attacks, his attack also reached 12.

Hu Qing immediately swung his sword and slashed at Liu Qingqing. With another strike of the sword, Liu Qingqing screamed in pain again with smoke coming from her body.

The third sword continued to slash.

Seeing Hu Qing slashing at her with a wooden sword, she continued to wave her hands to attack Hu Qing, but she just couldn't knock Hu Qing away. For a while, she could only be slashed by the ebony sword, screaming "Ah...Ah...", and then she began to run away from Hu Qing.

If you don't know this, you might think that some weak girl was violently treated.

When Liu Qingqing was chased and chopped by Hu Qing with a wooden sword, Phil and others suddenly found that their heads didn't hurt.

They exhaled heavily, and then they all looked at the scene of Hu Qing chasing Liu Qingqing with a wooden sword in disbelief.

They were a little dumbfounded.

They had just experienced the horror of this ghost, how could she run away like a lamb in the blink of an eye.

Especially Bobby and Nutrilite, the two FBI looked at the guns they dropped, and the effect of this thing was not as good as a wooden sword.

Phil even murmured to himself: "Guo didn't lie to me, Mr. Hu is really amazing!"

Finally, Hu Qing jumped, and the black wooden sword in his hand fiercely pierced into Liu Qingqing's body, and hit her hard, directly through her heart.

The hissing black smoke kept coming out of Liu Qingqing's body.

She wailed more painfully, and her figure instantly turned into smoke and disappeared.

This scene made everyone else breathe a sigh of relief.

Phil's face was even more happy, and he stepped forward to ask: "Mr. Hu, have you purified her?"

Hu Qing shook his head: "No, we must find the source and burn it..."

This is just a form that dispersed and condensed. If the source is not solved, she can quickly condense another form.

"Hu, what is this source?" Phil was very anxious when he heard Hu Qing's words.

He had seen the horror of Liu Qingqing. She could throw him like a ball with a wave of her hand, and the gun was useless. If he wanted to kill him, he would not know how he died.

"It should be her body. Let's go and find her body." Hu Qing was more confident at this time. He picked up the compass again and asked Phil and the others to take gasoline and digging tools to follow him.

The compass needle has pointed to a direction, which is the direction of the woodland park along the path.

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