Mixed in the world of film and television to eliminate demons

Chapter 99 The unlucky duo! Chinese vampires?

On the road at night, a car was running at high speed.

There was a man and a woman in a panic in the car. Their mouths were covered in blood. When they opened their mouths, their interlocking teeth were exposed, and there was even meat foam between the teeth.

"Kewu, hurry up, those two bastard exorcists are catching up." The woman shouted in panic.

From behind, a classic car rushed quickly.

The classic car was incredibly fast, and it didn't look like an outdated car at all.

"Dean, come on, don't let these two bastards get away." Sam stuck his head out of the car window and shouted with a spray tube.

"Don't worry, trust my driving skills, these two bitches can't escape." Dean also looked fierce.

The two guys in front are vampires, or they cannot be regarded as full-blooded vampires, but only sub-species vampires.

They don't have the terrifying power of vampires, but they are physically stronger than ordinary people. They don't have fangs like vampires, instead they look like staggered canine fangs.

Purebred vampires will only leave two blood holes when they suck blood. They will not die until all the blood is sucked.

One bite from these subspecies of vampires will cause the entire neck area to become rotten, making it impossible for them to survive.

These two guys just killed a family of three, not even sparing a 7-year-old girl. They will die today.

Dean was chasing madly, and suddenly he was shocked to find a truck coming at the curve in front, and two vampires' cars hit the truck head-on.


A violent crash sounded.

Both cars overturned.

The truck marked 'Hundry' Company overturned, and a lot of things rolled down inside, including bottles and cans, some books... the most conspicuous thing was a box the size of a coffin.

The driver of the truck hit his head on the windshield and became motionless and fainted.

The two subspecies of vampires had better physiques. They actually struggled to get up and staggered to escape.

Sam and Dean had already gotten out of the car and were approaching the two subspecies vampires.

Sam fired without hesitation, and the shotgun bullets sprayed on the two vampires.

This is a real bullet, and it is a bullet specially soaked in garlic and verbena liquid. When penetrated into the bodies of these vampires, their bodies will be greatly affected, and they will lose their strength along with pain.

The two subspecies vampires howled miserably immediately after being shot, and being shot in such a large area made them very weak.

Dean stepped forward quickly, already holding a sharp machete in his hand. When he got behind the female vampire, he decisively wiped her neck with the knife.

Even a vampire couldn't recover from that kind of injury. Seeing this, the male vampire roared angrily, and Dean cut off his head with a backhand knife.

Their brothers' mercy was never reserved for these murderous monsters.

After taking care of the two vampires, the two brothers breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to see the unlucky driver brother." Dean wiped the blood on his knife and walked towards the truck driver.

Sam looked curiously at the things dropped from the truck. Those bottles and jars seemed to be antiques.

"Dean, come here and take a look, what is this?" Sam suddenly shouted in surprise.

Dean was rescuing the driver and putting him on the ground when he heard his brother's shout and rushed over with a frown.

"Oh, this guy is so ugly." Dean complained when he saw the contents of the coffin-sized box.

Inside was a corpse, or mummy, which should be a Chinese mummy. There was a pattern carved on the face, and it was also wearing a kind of armor unique to the Chinese country. It must have been a general in ancient times.

Dean professionally slashed the mummy's body with a machete. It was completely dry and so hard that it couldn't be scratched at all.

"He is a poor dead man. He must have been dug up from China and smuggled here." Sam frowned and said, "I have seen several museums exhibiting this kind of ancient corpses brought from China. , seems to be very popular, and there are also Chinese burial utensils, so there are always people who like to disturb the peace of the dead. "

Both brothers understood that the bottles and jars transported by this truck were probably dug out of the dead cemetery.

But the two brothers didn't notice that Dean's knife scratched the body part, and the blood on the knife remained on the body, and the blood slowly blended into the withered body.

"Sooner or later, these damn guys will encounter something fatal." Dean said, and then greeted: "Sam, dig a hole and burn these two vampire corpses, and then call the police after burying them."

Sam nodded.

The two brothers began to look for tools behind the car.

But while the two brothers were busy, the blood of the two vampires flowed under the box where the mummy was.

The blood suddenly seemed to be pulled, and began to pour into the box little by little, and penetrated into the body of the mummy. The runes on its face also quickly dissipated visible to the naked eye.

The two brothers quickly took out their tools and dragged the corpses of the two subspecies vampires into the nearby forest, and then began to dig holes and burn the corpses.

The flames ignited in the night.

Dean and Sam breathed a sigh of relief. If the corpse of the vampire is not dealt with in time, it will always cause some problems.

The two brothers buried the burned corpse of the vampire before walking out of the forest.

But when they returned to the place where the car accident happened, the two brothers' eyes widened.

"Wang Defaq?" Dean was shocked and angry.

at this time.

The truck driver was actually picked up by a figure and bitten on the neck, his body twitching and shaking wildly.

"It's the Chinese mummy." Sam exclaimed: "What happened, how did he survive?"

The two brothers were shocked.

They didn't dare to hesitate, and rushed over and grabbed the Chinese mummy together, trying to pull it away.

The next moment, the two brothers felt a huge force, and they were thrown out and rolled hard on the ground.

Looking again, the mummy was already looking at them, with blood all over his mouth, two big fangs at the corners of his mouth, his hands stretched straight forward, and the whole person was standing very straight.

"Oh my god, he's a vampire." Sam was shocked.

The brothers hurriedly went to the trunk to get weapons again.

Sam came out directly with bullets to deal with vampires. Garlic and verbena were soaked in turn, and even purebred vampires would lose their abilities.

The bullets were all sprayed on the mummy in an instant.

Dean also took the opportunity to step forward and swung his knife at the opponent.

Snap! ~

Dean slashed with his knife, but the person was shocked.

The sharp blade in his hand could not cut into the opponent's skin. The opponent's skin was very hard.

The mummy waved his hand and threw Dean out again.

Sam was horrified and immediately took out a silver cross-shaped dagger with special runes from the back of the car and slashed it.

This thing is also a weapon against vampires.

But the silver cross dagger was still useless. It did not cause any damage when it passed through the opponent's chest, and it could not break the defense.

After a while, the two brothers were thrown out again, and their bodies were in great pain.

The methods they used to deal with vampires had no effect on this Chinese vampire.

The two brothers looked at each other, did not dare to hesitate, and ran into the car together!

The car drove far away, and the two looked back, and were surprised to find that the Chinese vampire was jumping and chasing them, jumping high and fast.

"Shit, what kind of vampire is this?" Sam was shocked.

Dean stepped on the accelerator.

The sky was getting brighter.

Hu Qing came down from upstairs early in the morning, and Thor surrounded him.

Kelly had gone to the police station and prepared breakfast for him.

After a simple meal, he left the villa and walked into the forest.

Thor followed him in strides.

When he reached an open area in the forest, he raised his palm, and saw a fireball condensed and shot out.

The fireball flew out a distance of 20 meters, and soon reached 30 meters, until it reached 40 meters, and then turned and flew back.

This was naturally Hu Qing's mental combat method upgraded again.

The psychic warfare can be upgraded to LV2 at level 13. After he upgraded "Light of Temptation" to LV1, he also upgraded the psychic warfare to LV2 in the past two days.

"Psychic warfare LV2 (0/800), can improve the control and accuracy of other skills within a range of 40 meters, consumes 40MP/3 minutes, and can be upgraded to LV3 at level 19."

After the upgraded psychic warfare, the control range of that special psychic power has reached 40 meters, and the consumption has become 40MP.

After the upgrade of this skill, it undoubtedly adds a greater threat to his long-range attack.

He raised one hand and a fireball flew away, and the other hand condensed another fireball.

The two fireballs flew towards a tree one after another, but when they reached the tree, they all turned around and then bombarded a tree behind them.

The tree cracked twice and broke into three pieces.

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