MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 967: Retreat

The rest is a loud roar and a brilliant beam of light in the sky. Under the bursting flame beam, the players in the range are like paper-sticky breasts.

The neat beam of light exploded rapidly from the periphery to the inside, and within a few seconds, the original stronghold had become a sea of ​​fire, and it was extremely messy.

Everyone quietly watched the splendid scene like fireworks, which was too shocking, especially the audience did not know how to express their feelings for a long time.

After the explosion, only a level three refrigerator or an invincible level three or above can be used to save his life, and his life will have disappeared when all of it has been blown up.

And Xinghuo's military merits also soared to a desperate level within a few seconds, directly surpassing 150,000.

And the second place is not even one-third of Xinghuo's military merits.

The original allied forces have basically disappeared. Only those people outside the city gate are still intact, but they are also unsightly. Although they know that there will be no second wave of explosions, but they dare not continue to step in. Has become a stronghold in ruins.

"It's too cruel, too miserable." A commentator sighed.

The American commentator also said: "I think there is a big gap between what Xinghuo bought and the first stage of military merit. I thought that their other military merits were exchanged for the things in the box. Now it seems that their remaining military merits have purchased explosives of this level. Explosives were installed underground when the stronghold was established. From the beginning, this was a trap. Xinghuo used half of its members’ lives to gain military exploits that others could hardly overcome.”


The public screen is already full of six, and the audience don't know how to describe the mood at this moment. The style of painting has changed so quickly, and I didn't expect that there would be such a show at the end.

Li Yao used his own warlord transformation to lead a large number of players to the stronghold, and after a pot of pot, it was really shocked to the extreme.

"The firework show is over, let's go." Li Yao directly threw the detonator into the river and said.

All the ships of Xinghuo started slowly, leaving quickly along the river.

"Liaoyuan, if you win this round, we will see you again."

The lizardman shaman saw Starfire’s ship sailing down the river and did not order to continue attacking. It was basically impossible for them to destroy Starfire. What if some losses were caused.

As long as Xinghuo has a ship leaving, then with Xinghuo's points, Xinghuo must have already qualified.

What is more anxious is the people of the three major camps, rather than their sub-plane guilds.

In that case, the spark has not been wiped out, and now the best opportunity has been lost. Moreover, Xinghuo still has a lot of boxes, everyone knows that this is Xinghuo's other hole card.

Every time Xinghuo's sword shines, it is basically earth-shattering. People of these sub-planes no longer want to provoke. At this moment, their idea is very simple, that is, to increase points and strive for qualifying, so that they are eligible for the final battle with Xinghuo.

"Perhaps, but are you still thinking about qualifying." Li Yao chuckled and did not continue.

Several alien guilds watched Xinghuo leave, and then several guilds that were originally allies looked at each other on alert.

Now it was impossible to extinguish the Spark, and their alliance was naturally dissipated.

It's just that they are relatively restrained, they didn't do anything very wise, and their ideas are very simple. It's not the time to fight each other. After all, everyone's strength is not much different.

Only those guilds in the three major camps are the weak, and hunting them can retain their strength while gaining more military merit.

"Originally, I left them with a lot of grenades. It seems that I don't need them anymore." The Peerless Demon Ji said when she saw that she had completely entered the safe zone.

"Then keep it, it will definitely work." Li Yao said.

"Then what should we do now, continue to implement the next step." Sister Li asked.

"Everyone is very tired, take a good rest, our plan will not be implemented until the third day. Now we should sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, otherwise it will be difficult for our family to implement the plan."

All of Xinghuo's aerial pets are constantly patrolling, and all Xinghuo will come ashore when it is almost the boundary of the competition area.

Not far away was a forest of thorns, which was the territory of the wild boars. Xinghuo carried the box into the forest of thorns, but did not provoke the wild boars in the depths.

Instead, he found a small hill, and then Li Yao took out a few crystals glowing with purple light, and then everyone got busy.

This set of crystals is a set of magic circles, and it doesn't have much effect, it is hidden.

To put it bluntly, it means concealing the characters and affairs in the circle. This circle was obtained by a member of Xinghuo after receiving a difficult task.

He couldn't do it alone, so he asked for help in the guild. Sister Li saw the value of the rewarded item and directly asked the core team to help. It took a long time to complete this difficult task.

This member put this thing in the guild warehouse to exchange points and equipment, but Sister Li didn't care about it. When Li Yao got the Thousand Chance Bow, he found this array and took it directly.

This thing was also very rare in the previous life, and it was an artifact of many travelers.

With a set of this magic circle, you can set up camp in any dangerous place, but the output of this kind of thing is limited and only a small number of players have it.

Li Yao kept simulating the situation of the camp in his mind, and it took more than ten minutes to arrange the crystals one by one.

As the set of crystals continued to grow, a lavender magic mask appeared, and then disappeared quickly.

The people inside the circle have no influence, but the people of Xinghuo have disappeared, as if there is no camp in this hill, not only that, even the live broadcast can not see the scene inside.

"Xinghuo is really a good calculation, so it's basically foolproof."

"Yes, otherwise the players from the three major camps are expected to frantically encircle and suppress the sparks, otherwise the sparks will not be extinguished, and they will have no chance of success."

"It seems that Xinghuo has already calculated so many points. If you keep hiding, as long as the time is up, Xinghuo will definitely appear in the three camps."

Qin Fengyi laughed unconvincingly when she heard some commentaries. She knew Li Yao's character, and things would never be so simple.

However, as several commentators have said, the players of the three major camps soon learned that the coalition failed to deal with Spark. Coupled with the points of Spark against the sky, the players of the three camps were frantically looking for the trail of Spark.

The purpose is also very simple. It is to find out and extinguish the spark. In their opinion, without the protection of the stronghold, extinguishing the spark is not impossible.

The guilds of those alien players are very tacit, they are basically hunting the guilds of the three major camps, and the competition has entered the most intense stage...

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