MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 970: Gold-red collision

The inside of the stronghold was still messed up. Just as Li Yao and the others had thought before, they never thought that anyone would attack in this solid stronghold.

After all, the defense of this stronghold itself is strong, and everyone has been exhausted from the daytime war for a whole day.

In the first half of the night, they were afraid of being attacked, but the battle was really tiring for a day. In the second half of the night, they all went to sleep.

In addition, Spark's attack was too fierce. The city gate was breached before they had any reaction, and the city wall was lost in an instant.

What's more frightening is that many people still don't know what the situation is, why their companions who came down from the wall will attack them who rushed to the wall to support them.

The entire stronghold became chaotic for a while, and the various professions did not form a corresponding formation in such a short time.

"A small team of fifty people, disperse them separately, don't let them form a formation."

Following the orders of the Peerless Demon Fairy, the more than 2,000 people of Xinghuo divided into dozens of small teams that looked like scattered flowers and scattered directly in the stronghold.

Each team does not have a large number of individual players, but disperses players who want to gather into a team, and specializes in killing those healing and crispy occupations.

For a while, the entire stronghold was lit up.

The stronghold is still in the dark, and occasional flares can illuminate a corner, and the faint bonfire is enough for many people to see things up close.

The vampires had also gotten off the wall and dispersed, and each kobold became their blood slave.

The kobolds still don't know what the situation is. One by one teammates took up weapons and killed their companions. Many people were in a state of confusion, making the already chaotic kobolds even more chaotic.

The battle formed an upside-down body in an instant.

The core group has become a firefighter. Wherever there are dangerous and difficult bones, the Hell War Scorpion will take the core group to rush wherever.

"Chairman and President, coordinates, xxx, **** formed a stubborn team that seems to have formed a magic formation, please support."

Li Yao looked at the map, and the Hell Scorpion quickly turned around.

Li Yao’s pet alone is extremely overbearing. Coupled with the strongest core group members, their group of people are simply harvesters. There are only three MTs leading the team to fight, and their significance in the battle scorpion is not very good. Big.

On the battle scorpion, Li Yao doesn't need to say, whoever meets in seconds.

And the Hitomi Totem inserted on the back of the **** war scorpion is also extremely comfortable, one by one violent spells shot out.

Sister Li and Variety Baby are all very violent output.

Especially the Variety Baby, transformed into a owl beast form, waves of sparks and meteors landed, with the group injuries of the Hydra, no one could hit the war scorpion and be killed.


A golden light suddenly rose in the distance, a golden dragon phantom lifted into the sky, and then let out a roar. Then the ghost of the Golden Dragon covered this area.

More than three hundred players gathered together, and more kobolds gathered in the past. Every time a player joins the Golden Dragon Phantom, it becomes more real.

"Everyone gathers towards the golden dragon formation, and we are invincible if we gather the golden dragon formation."

With this shout, all the kobolds seemed to have found the backbone, and gathered in this direction one after another.

"It seems that I wronged your black dragon. The kobold in this song sub-plane is actually the descendant of the bronze dragon." Li Yao smiled and said to the indifferent black dragon queen next to him.

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress glanced at the Golden Dragon phantom lightly, and said disdainfully: "Who am I, turned out to be the descendant of Nozdormu's illegitimate child."

Li Yao was immediately aroused by curiosity and asked, "Dragon King bastard?"

The Black Dragon Dragon Queen sneered and said: "Naturally, you have to know that among the dragon clan, only the heirs of the dragon king can be called the heirs of the dragon king, and they are qualified to be called the prince and princess. Otherwise, it is no different from other dragon clan, and they cannot be called. Dragon King is the parent."

Li Yao said little by little, "I know this, the bastard?"

"There is one thing you may not know. The dragons who can become princes are almost all the children born by the dragon queen or the first spouse of the dragon king, and the dragons born to the dragon king and the dragon queen are only very unlikely to have a prince. My black dragon clan The prince and princess were born only tens of thousands of years ago. The difficulty can be imagined, but Nuozdormu combined with a woman who did not know what race, and the guardian bloodline appeared in contact. This is a big deal. Now, although the bronze dragon queen is low-key, none of you know that he is the most domineering and capable one, and Nozdormu is afraid of his wife."

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress was full of mockery: "You know, there was no prince in the bronze dragon clan at that time. As a result, such a man appeared. Nozdormu dared not bring back to the Cavern of Time. I heard that it was hidden in a secondary plane. I thought that they were the ancestors of these guys."

Li Yao was also speechless, and he didn't expect such a story.

"Whatever the prince and princess, I am not afraid of you, the Black Dragon and Dragon let alone a prince phantom."

Li Yao said directly: "Tongtong, bloodthirsty, watch me break him."

"Good." Tongtong turned on bloodthirsty directly.

Suddenly Li Yao's attack soared by half, coupled with Li Yao's own rapid shooting and various buffs, his attack power suddenly soared several levels.

The Thousand Chance Bow made a zapping sound, and Li Yao pulled it like a full moon, and the Thousand Chance Bow was like a layer of burning flame.

Level 5 Charged Arrow + Red Dragon Warrior!


Li Yao suddenly let go of the bowstring, and the arrow burning red flame gave out a violent scream. This is a combination technique of the Dark Ranger. Although the launch of the charged arrow is slow, the increase is huge. The fifth-level charged arrow will be Li Yao. The attack reached four hundred percent, which is four times the damage of the Red Dragon Warrior.


As the arrow shot, the red dragon warrior appeared.

One red and one gold two phantoms collided violently, and the golden phantom burst into pieces with an unwilling roar.

The red dragon warrior had already rushed to the original position of the golden dragon phantom, and then suddenly burst, a fiery red shock wave spread.

With layers of flames, waves of kobolds fell like wheat.

The kobolds who originally gathered were full of despair and disbelief. Their strongest circle came out to be invincible and invincible. It was with this circle that they won victories again and again, and then basically none What casualties, but it is so vulnerable today.

"The president is invincible!"

Xinghuo's morale was very vigorous and madly killed the kobolds around.

"The kobold is over." A commentator sighed.

"Is this really an alien guild, why is it so weak against Spark?"

You know that the Alien Guild almost killed the guilds of the three major factions...

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