MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1006: reward

This is indeed a top-level legend of the highest quality, this kind of equipment can be met and unavailable, and even more precious than ordinary dark gold equipment in some cases.

Not to mention the first special effects and achievements, it is very powerful, the key is to match the two forms of light Xia very well, with the transformation of her form and the transformation of light and shadow attributes.

However, attribute weapons have gradually become a topic among the ancient gods. The general equipment attack attributes are not available, and they vary according to the attributes of the skills.

Some people think that what effect the attribute weapon can have is that it changes the damage attribute, it is not a big deal.

After all, the non-attribute situation will not be restrained by a certain attribute, so the output will be more stable.

However, with the deepening of various elite professions, players have become more and more powerful, coupled with the role of inscriptions, attribute enhancements and bonuses have been gradually developed by players.

Often attribute bonuses begin to have very obvious effects, which can greatly increase combat effectiveness.

But weapons are non-attribute, that is, certain damage calculations, or many skills that use weapon damage as the unit of calculation, cannot enjoy the attribute bonus.

And the players formed a theory called the maximization of the strong use of attributes, and attribute weapons have undoubtedly become very popular things.

Many people follow the attribute stream, use a certain attribute weapon, and the equipment is also equipped with enchantments or gems are added certain attribute gems.

This dual-attribute weapon that can be transformed is even the equipment that many people seek, and the second special effect. It is also quite overbearing, equivalent to a dual-attribute skill, which can cause damage to the enemy and heal teammates, and the CD time is not long, which is equivalent to a very powerful skill, which can input output and healing cycles.

The final special effects are very useful skills, whether they are group blinding or aging curse, which relatively make up for some of the deficiencies and defects of the priest.

Li Yao picked up the next trophy again and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Goggles·X45t type

Quality: Golden Legend

Armor: 88

Strength: 95

Agility: 94

Stamina: 93

Field of view: 25%

Infrared can be used for night vision and detection of certain creatures.

Intermediate appraisal, add one level of appraisal technique (invalid for advanced appraisal technique)

The laser beam shoots out two laser beams, and the hit enemy enters a frantic state for five seconds and a cooling time of one minute.

Mechanical tacit understanding, increase all attributes of mechanical pet mechanical weapons by 15%.

Equipment level: 40

Note: Nova goggles developed by a high-level engineering goblin.

This is also a top-quality equipment with very good attributes.

The increase in the field of vision is equivalent to increasing the attack power and survivability for the hunter. Suddenly increasing the range by a quarter is quite critical.

Infrared rays, although not as good as Li Yao's Eye of Titans, are much stronger than ordinary eyes, and are already a pretty good gain.

You know, now in the crypt caves, many races' vision will become very close, and the goggles that increase the vision are quite popular, but they are too expensive and difficult to make, so there are very few things like auction houses, and there are There is no market for prices. Not to mention this is a gold outfit.

If the helmet allows it, it is even equivalent to an extra equipment slot.

The intermediate appraisal is equivalent to adding a first-level appraisal technique, that is to say, even if you don't know the appraisal technique, you can learn the primary appraisal at least. As long as the advanced level is invalid, this is not a problem at all. The current appraisal technique is good, that is, the intermediate level. It is quite powerful to directly become the highland appraisal technique, at least for the forty-level player.

As for the role of laser rays, there is no doubt. In fact, no matter what hunters do not lack the means of output, they are relatively weak in survival.

Especially in the case of being close, plus traps that do not work, life-saving and control skills become very critical.

It is equivalent to having an extra life-saving skill. If you use it well, you will be able to achieve unexpected results.

Finally, adding the attributes of mechanical pets and mechanical weapons is the most affordable.

"Yours." Bing Yu said while looking at the goggles.

Li Yao shook his head and assigned the goggles to the ice rain, and said, "My warlord suit does not allow me to use this goggles. And this kind of thing has a limited effect on me."

As Li Yao said, now even if he adds one piece of equipment, his improvement is limited, his range has reached the limit of the current level, increasing the range and vision is basically useless.

The increase in attributes, to be honest, does not have much gain at all. Even if the player is a tank, it can be dropped in seconds, and against more advanced monsters, this attribute does not have much effect.

Infrared rays, identification techniques, not to mention, Li Yao's upgraded version of Eye of the Creator is much better than this.

"Thank you." A gleam of light flashed in Bing Yu's eyes. You should know that Li Yao is very carefree in his I didn't expect to be so generous now.

Li Yao seemed to understand what she was thinking: "I am a person, one size fits one size, and the employment relationship is the employment relationship, but now we are the relationship of teammates, the way we handle things is naturally different."

The two women nodded. In any case, Li Yao is at least good, although sometimes he is a little overbearing.

They naturally thought of the few power leveling players standing with their former teammate Ling Feng, and sighed silently in their hearts. It is better to be more realistic and not too greedy.

Just like those people, their consciousness is greedy, but they didn't get the experience. Instead, they lost their wife and broke down. Now they are even passing the first kill. The two of them, in fact, did not see Li Yao's point of view at the time, but they kept their promise. Now that they had agreed to listen to Li Yao's command this time, they persisted to the end. Even if there is an objection, it will be after Li Yao has failed.

In fact, just as they thought, Ling Fengli and the few power levelers who were not reconciled were in the wind at the moment.

They are now as uncomfortable as having eaten flies. They can't help but think that they should have a share for the first kill. Such an awesome first kill, such a dazzling world announcement, passed them by. Complexity makes it difficult for them to accept for a while.

After a few power leveling sessions, she returned to the city without a sound, especially the kitten. When countless people guessed that the hunter was a prairie fire, she was sure that this was his idol.

It was a bit annoying to think that I had been with my idol for so long, but I didn't recognize it, but I laughed when I saw my friend who was added to the hunter.

But Li Yao didn't have the heart to think about this. He started to take the last two trophies and saw the final harvest. Even Li Yao was a little bit happy in his heart and praised his good luck...

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