MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1009: Horses are not fat

"Old man, you are not strong enough to run around. You deserve to be trapped." Li Yao was very satisfied. The main storyline was triggered, and the reputation and glorious deeds he could obtain were obtained, and Li Yao's mood also relaxed.

Kane was taken aback, his eyes flashed at Li Yao, and he smiled randomly: "Who am I? It turns out to be you kid, no wonder, no wonder, he said that I, you can toss better than me. Pass my message. Go back and tell them they can do it."

"That's okay. Don't hang up, you old boy." On the Neutral Continent, Kane is also the top figure, and although the Rogge camp is headed by the prophet, the prophet does not care about specific affairs at all, it is nominal. It can also be said to be a spiritual leader.

He is the one who handles specific matters. At the time of the camp meeting, he basically represents Camp Rogge. In fact, he is equivalent to the leader of a race, and his status is similar to the queen.

Therefore, I was also very impressed with Li Yao Kane, and Kane’s best skill is the identification technique. It can be said that the ancient gods are comparable to the first in the eyes. With those golden eyes, Li Yao’s changes can be hidden from anyone, but I just can't hide it from him.

"Don't worry, although I can't fight, I still have some ability to protect myself." Kane said.

"That's very good." Li Yao directly chatted with the two women privately, let them Hearthstone, and then ran towards the teleportation formation without looking back.

"Damn it, kid, who are you." Mimiron also knew that Li Yao was not what he was like, which meant that he didn't know who had calculated himself.

"Guess." Li Yao said without turning his head back. Now it is the harvest time that Li Yao is not in the mood to wrestle here.

At this time, the portal is getting smaller and smaller, and now there is no such possibility even if you dare to break through.

"Old thing, who is that kid?" Mimiron was going crazy.

Kane is so smart. Although he doesn't know what Li Yao did, he knows that he must be calculated by the other party's furious look. He will naturally not spoil Li Yao's affairs, and said with a smile, "Guess."

"Nima, I want to kill you." Mimiron immediately ordered the mechanical guards around him to attack Kane.

Kyle tore open a scroll directly, and a transparent light shield shrouded him. The violent attack of the mechanical guard could not break the shield at all.

At this time, the portal completely disappeared, and Li Yao directly teleported to the ice sheet. The two women have also returned to the corresponding hotel in Hearthstone.

Whether it's Kane or Mimiron, in fact, they don't look at the players very much. They can't kill them even if they stand still.

Only Li Yao was the one who allowed them to take a high look, and they valued potential.

As soon as Li Yao and the two girls met at Camp Rogge, they directly summoned Nightmare to quickly run towards Mimiron's temporary laboratory.

To be honest, although it was temporary, it was better than Li Yao's laboratory. If it is possible for Li Yao to occupy this place, it is impossible.

"Alert, alert, intrusion alert!"

Li Yao heard the alarm from the mechanical guard as soon as he entered.

Then a mechanical guard suddenly shot a ray, and Li Yao shifted sideways to dodge the ray. He had already reached the mechanical guard's side.

Li Yao pointed a finger, and a hole appeared on the chest of the mechanical guard with a shining gem inside.

Li Yao grabbed the gem, and the mechanical guard immediately stopped moving.

Although Li Yao directly disassembled the mechanical guards into various parts and put them away.

Then came the second and the third. Along the way, Li Yao dismantled fifteen guards. These guards attacked very powerfully, but for monsters above level sixty, Li Yao died after being attacked.

Li Yao finally arrived in the laboratory. Li Yao did not go to look at the piled materials, but directly looked at the engineering desk, where there were a lot of drawings.

Li Yao couldn't wait to step forward. The main reason for robbing him this time was for the blueprint.

After all, even if he gets rich, he has a way, and although these ancient craft Titan tools are precious, he can also obtain some relics.

But precious drawings are difficult.

Li Yao took a deep breath. What he wanted most was the drawing of the fighter aircraft.

At first glance, they are all basic drawings, but they are all drawings that go beyond advanced engineering. Finally. Li Yao saw a drawing he dreamed of.

X-001 production drawings of laser gun for human

Quality: Dark Gold Legend

Learn to make the X-001 anti-human laser turret.

Study requirements: more than 20,000 advanced engineering.

X-001 to human laser gun

Racial senior leader

There was still a hint of disappointment in Li Yao's eyes. In fact, the part he wanted most was the head or the combat unit.

Although this is very strong, a turret can basically be ignored when moving. Of course, it's not that this is not strong, but that Li Yao doesn't like pets that have no mobility at all.

Li Yao directly studied this drawing, and then began to converge on the tools he could take away.

Fortunately, Li Yao has room for and this time, he almost emptied his backpack. Coupled with the Kodo Beast, there is no fear of being unable to hold it.

Li Yao even thought about bringing a team here, thinking that the speed of the team was too slow, if it was caught by Mimiron, it would be troublesome, so he gave up.

It was only when those tools were acquired that Li Yao had the intention to look at a pile of materials. In Li Yao's view, although these materials are amazing, the key is the drawings and tools.

Of course, Li Yao couldn't help but breathe when looking at these materials carefully.

Most of the materials here are ordinary materials, some copper ores, a bunch, Li Yao directly ignored.

He looked at the precious materials, such as mithril and thorium, which are called universal metals, as well as real silver, and they were all refined materials that were smelted and refined. With these materials alone, Li Yao estimated that he had tens of thousands of gold coins.

Then there is a box of various gems. Li Yao carefully estimated that it could be worth tens of thousands of gold coins. They are all superb and perfectly cut gems.

Then there was a small bag of rune stones. Li Yao's eyes were straight. Although they were all runes below the 20th rune, there were more than 30 small bags of Li Yao roughly. This rune stone is simply not measurable in value, Li Yao said that he would not sell anything.

And there were three huge boxes under these materials, and Li Yao was almost blinded when they opened them.

Two of the boxes contain gold ingots, which can also be said to be gold bricks, and the third box is a box of silver ingots.

"This time, you don't need to buy these materials for a short time, and you won't be short of money." Even though he knew that the harvest this time was very big, Li Yao didn't expect it to be so huge.

He doesn't even care about the main tasks now. What he wants to do most now is to return to the guild, and then go to the auction house to purchase gray equipment with holes, make Rune Language, and of course, make his own fort pet...

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