MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1028: Counterattack

The female pirate's eyes suddenly began to shine. If what the officer said is true, the Xinghuo treatment is really good, not to mention the salary treatment, the key is the later guarantee, which is simply unique.

Pirates have always danced on the tip of a knife, and they are precarious. If you are lucky, you can eat and drink for a while. If you are not lucky, you will endure starvation.

More importantly, if the pirate is disabled, let alone the later protection, a disabled pirate will be buried in the sea the next day, and his property will be swallowed by countless people.

"If this is the case, I can help persuade them." The female pirate said quickly: "Of course, I won't want to continue to be their leader."

"You are very good, you actually let them surrender, this is not like a pirate style." To be honest, the style of a female pirate can be different from the pirates in the ancient gods in his impression.

"If you can choose, who would be willing to be a pirate." The female pirate smiled sadly: "They are already dead. They have been abandoned. Maybe it's not a bad thing to join you."

"It's impossible for you to command all the original subordinates. Xinghuo is too short of people now. The two major ports basically have no defensive strength. If the training reaches my satisfaction, I need to fill the guards of the two ports. And I also want to form a maritime **** for this port, and I want you to be the commander of this escort. What do you think?" Li Yao really valued female pirates.

Female Pirate Minnie

Potential qualification: faction level

Grade: middle racial leader of Tier 4

Occupation: thief keen dark tide hunter

Specialty: Pirate raiding, good at assassination, senior leadership, senior captain, navigator, intermediate lucky, junior march, intermediate morale, junior diplomacy, senior logistics.

Personality: enthusiasm, ideal, kind, smart

Hobbies: music, dancing.

Li Yao saw his subdued subordinates through the Eye of Titan, his eyes were worth it.

Compare yourself to the current captain of the guard.

Desert Harbor Guard Captain Mozank

Potential qualifications: senior leader

Grade: Intermediate leader in the middle of Tier 4

Occupation: Warrior Defence Steel War

Specialty: Advanced training, good at defense, junior leadership, junior morale, junior logistics

Character: Loyal

Hobbies: drinking, beautiful women

The comparison between the two is simply the gap between the sky and the earth. If the female pirates are trained well, the female pirates can grow into the leader of the camp, and Mozambique is only the highest level.

And their expertise, where a female pirate is a pirate, simply comes from a military nobleman. Of course, Li Yao had never heard of female pirates in his last life. Obviously, female pirates definitely did not grow up, otherwise this kind of qualification would be the top of all pirates.

Of course, Mozambique's role is also very important. For example, he is responsible for training soldiers, which is what he is best at. But now Xinghuo is too short of people, how can there be so much attention.

"You also said that you were abandoned by the one-eyed, but just abandoned children. The one-eyed scum, leaving a good successor like you without training, but trying to cut off your wings, is really killing yourself." Li Yao sneered: "For a talent like you, I naturally want you to serve Xinghuo. Of course, I don't force you, but you must have some understanding of Xinghuo. Although Xinghuo is weak now, it may not be able to grow into a big one in the future. tree."

The female pirate smiled bitterly: "My pirates are elite in half of the pirates, but they are not your opponents at all. This is already very powerful. Lord Liaoyuan, Minnie loyal to you, I only hope you treat them kindly."

Saying that the female pirate was kneeling on one knee, Li Yao was overjoyed and helped the female pirate up.

It was a surprise to subdue so many pirates and get such a qualified subordinate.

Li Yao asked: "You just said that some recruits bought Cyclops with a lot of money, and Cyclops then cut off your wings with this opportunity?"

"My father and Cyclops were the leaders of the same pirate regiment back then, but my father died in battle. Before his death, my father entrusted the pirate regiment and me to Cyclops. With the background of two pirate regiments, Cyclops had a place here, except Several pirate kings are considered to be relatively strong. But as I grew up, my father’s former men gradually moved closer to me, and even the magic ship seed found by my father was delivered to me, one-eyed Becoming jealous of me."

"However, he used his soul to swear to Poseidon that he will not hurt me. The vows are bound by the vows, and for the stability of the pirate group, he ostensibly regards me as a daughter, but he actually kept trying to suppress and restrict me. It was the entrusted mission of a few recruits to send my men to death. The magic ship was reluctant to sacrifice, so he just told me to attack the port at any cost, and I could escape by myself."

Li Yao nodded to express understanding, while Tianxiang continued to use healing techniques to increase blood for the female pirate.

"It's midnight now, are you still opening up wasteland?" Peerless Demon Ji asked.

"We don't care about land reclamation. We have more important things than land reclamation." Li Yao looked at the battleships gradually appearing on the horizon and said: "Our battleships are here."

"Now the forum is full of gloating voices, and our battle has been broadcast live by a deliberate anchor." Peerless Demon Girl saw a message and let them broadcast it. "Li Yao showed a weird smile. How can these idiots know the importance of NPCs, not to mention that they are sure to get the first kill, what if they can't get the first kill? In contrast, the first kill It's a hairy with the army of more than 20,000.

"Lord Lord, where's the pirate, where's the **** pirate." The head of the Starfire's Marine Corps yelled anxiously before arriving.

Xinghuo planned the functions of NPCs in detail this month. This is because these original navy forces conquered them because of Xinghuo's excellent life and strong vitality. Together with the common adversities, the battle together, and the complete integration into the territory, Xinghuo will completely. Regularization facilitates management.

"The port war is over." Li Yao said briefly.

The commander of the Marine Corps and the Marine Corps were full of disappointment. They rushed over in a hurry for the battle. The battle meant military merit, and Xinghuo's military merit reward was very rich.

"You don't have to be disappointed. The port is kept, but we have other wars to fight. Your navy is the main force." Li Yao said.

"Don't worry, the lords have longed for the war, and I promise you won't let you down." The people on the battleship were overjoyed.

The female pirate's expression changed: "Do you want to counterattack the one-eyed pirate group?"

Li Yao nodded: "Now is the time when the one-eyed pirate group is at its weakest. Since he dared to fight the idea of ​​Xinghuo, then I will let the one-eyed pirate group disappear completely and frighten the younger generation. Otherwise, I don’t know how many little pirates live and die. Attack Spark."

Li Yao saw the ugly female pirate: "Don't worry, I won't ask you any information about the one-eyed pirate group. You don't have to do anything in this battle, just watch it."

Li Yao directly jumped on the magic battleship: "Leave 20,000 members to stay at two stations, and the others will board the ship and fight with me."...

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