MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1042: Guardian Mother Egg

The crowd watching the weird scene was a little gloating, and the situation on both sides is now reversed. Fastest update

Originally, the spark that started the war should be the siege party, and the prosperous age should be waiting.

However, what you see now is the people of Xinghuo on the wall of Shengshi, using most of the defensive things of Shengshi to defend.

"Hey, God opened his eyes when Sheng Shi was so miserable."

"Sheng Shi has always been defiant, horizontally domineering, and has been retributed."

"These people are sick, so they fight for the first kill if they fight for the first kill, and they work together to prevent anyone from getting a copy."

"A group of persuasion, what can they do if they get the first kill, shows that they are afraid of sparks."

"It's still Xinghuo domineering, look at the president of the other person, I am really envious."

"Yes, Liaoyuan said well, don't you let us take the first kill, then none of us should take it."

"The key Xinghuo benefits are too good. Xinghuo originally had the most abundant warehouse, but now it has swallowed the Shengshi warehouse. Now Xinghuo's warehouse has truly surpassed all large guilds."

"No wonder I suddenly took out more than 10,000 gold coins and ten pieces of gold as military rewards. It turned out to be the same as playing for others."

"Yeah, it's so cool to join Xinghuo, but the requirements are too high."

"The main reason is that there are too many people who want to join Spark, and the competition is too great."

As Xinghuo continued to carry various properties and supplies, and the people outside the city hadn't attacked for the time being, they were relatively calm, and the audience began to discuss enthusiastically.

But those big guilds were secretly shocked, constantly figuring out how to deal with the situation of Xinghuo, after all, Xinghuo could easily conquer the prosperity and their place.

"President, come here." Peerless Demon Ji interrupted Li Yao to strengthen his guild building.

"What's wrong?" Li Yao spread his wings and jumped off the arrow tower.

"The things in this cave are weird, high-quality scary, but untouchable." Peerless Demon Ji said.

Li Yao quickly came to a basement. Li Yao frowned when he saw it. Although the basement was artificially constructed, the walls were filled with various biological fluids and solidified to form a smooth wall. Li Yao knew that this was the Zerg style. .

Li Yao saw several Starfire players standing far from the edge, and there was a huge egg at the end of the hall.

This egg is very large, at least four yards in length, at least three yards in width, and three or four yards in height. It is simply a huge house.

And there are many players' bones and corpses around the egg, as well as a few fresh corpses. At first glance, they are the corpses of the Starfire player.

Li Yao's heart beat violently, and he couldn't believe his eyes and went straight to the giant egg.

"President, be careful not to pass."

"Boss, don't go there."

The Peerless Demon Ji grabbed Li Yao and said, “Don’t get close, you will hang up within two yards of this egg, and you don’t know what’s going on. Various attacks are not effective on him, physical attacks are ineffective, and magic attacks are still ineffective. It will be broken down and absorbed without getting close to the egg."

"This giant egg is a dark gold level, it must be a good thing." Hitomi said: "It's a pity that you can't take it with you, and it can't be destroyed. Can it only be cheap for the grandchildren of the flourishing age?"

Li Yao's eyes turned blue, and then he saw the creature's name.

Worm Mother's Egg

Quality: Dark Gold Legend? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Even if Li Yao owns the Eye of Titan, he can only see one more message than ordinary players, and that is the name of the egg.

But this name alone was enough for Li Yao, and Li Yao couldn't help laughing.

In the previous life, there was a player with similar experience to Li Yao, who offended a large guild, and was hunted down like a dog in the early stage.

The mixed ones are not as good as Li Yao, who can at least clash with each other on a small scale as technology advances.

However, this player has no talent for contacting technology. This player really has no choice. Later, he began to give up on himself, betrayed the three major camps and turned to the Shadow Council.

The Shadow Council is an organization of orcs, and the hands of the orcs invading the world of the ancient gods are controlled by the Shadow Council.

But the orcs failed and were captured, and the Shadow Council was severely damaged and disappeared.

Years later, the remnants of the Shadow Council began to absorb the believers of the ancient gods, and then performed evil rituals. One of their most powerful actions was to subvert a human country.

It's just that they began to believe in the ancient gods, and the purpose was not to avenge the orcs but to rescue the sealed ancient gods.

After this player took refuge in the Shadow Council, he didn't know how to gain the favor of an ancient god, and then Cheng became a **** envoy.

In that era, arms building had become popular, and almost every advanced player had an army formed by his own followers.

This divine envoy was still not very strong at the time, but he had a very strong army, that is, the Zerg.

Of course, this player is a person after all, no matter how many troops he has, there are limits.

But the members of the Grand Guild don’t know how many tens of thousands, each player has a large number of troops ~ ~ is simply scary.

However, this player is relying on the Zerg to continuously inflict various blows on the guild. Although the Zerg around him is sacrificing and the number is limited, it seems that it can be made at any time, and it is too tough.

And with the improvement of the level, the player who can summon the Zerg became more and more powerful, and eventually became the confidant of the super guild, and there was no way to take that player.

Later, a certain super-dungeon group was opened, and everyone knew the origin and characteristics of the Zerg. I also know that when this player became a **** envoy, the ancient **** gave an epic-level female insect egg.

At that time, Li Yao was envious, thinking that it would be great if he had a mother egg. With his own technology and the insect swarm, he could not be afraid of the prosperity.

Of course, Li Yao had recruited an army at the time, but his personal army was too weak, and he was poor and could not afford it. After a stubborn death in battle, he can't get the corresponding reward, but he is even poorer.

But now he actually saw the legendary female worm eggs, what concept is this? The epic worm eggs back then were so against the sky, let alone the legendary grade.

In fact, Li Yao chose the mechanical hunter for the ultimate goal of mechanical arms, or metal storm, sweeping everything, and he did not report any hope for obtaining the female insect eggs.

Because as far as he knew, although the large dungeons dropped female worm eggs after they opened their houses, they were also of excellent quality.

And a few pieces of Titan equipment can give him the mechanical legion, in fact, the mechanical legion is not weaker than the insect swarm.

With the arrival of Level 40, Li Yao was also ready to start building the mechanical army. In the end, I didn't expect that I actually encountered the mother worm egg, and it was still amazingly legendary.

Li Yao couldn't imagine what a scene would be like if he had a mixed army of Zerg and machinery in the future...

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