MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1065: planning

"Guardian Barracks. The fastest update"

Although the laser barrage is powerful, it disappears quickly, and because of the obstacles and obstacles of the building, the damage actually caused is much weaker than the last time in the flourishing age.

At least half of the people who survived, but anyway, at least let their formation completely collapse.

"Kill." The Fruit Knight rushed out with the Sword of Heaven's Punishment directly, where other Spark players would have missed this opportunity and immediately rushed into the barracks.

"Let you see how powerful cannon fodder is."

When Li Yao arrived on a roof, he attacked and ordered the worker bees carrying the corpse to gather. In one hour, Li Yao summoned at least five thousand worker bees.

The densely packed worker bees waved their wings frantically, and the nearest worker bees swooped down, and their sharp tail stabs fiercely pierced the guild madness.

This kind of attack can cause a lot of damage, but the most important thing is to poison the opponent, and the body's sensitivity will be reduced to the extreme, almost equivalent to paralysis.

Moreover, the lifespan of the worker bee that has lost the stinger will be exhausted in five minutes, so the worker bee that has released the stinger will recklessly attack the guild warriors in the barracks.

The worker bee that lost the stinger not only attacked frantically, but also resisted the damage for the companions who did not lose the stinger. In an instant, the newly formed line of defense collapsed again. The stinger's attack was too painful to make them scream. They all become hoarse, their eyes are full of fear, and a large horror will grow in the place where the stinger is attacked.

At the same time, Li Yao attacked again while continuing to parasitize, and the newborn worker bees were also madly hatched from flesh and blood.

Li Yao smiled as he looked at the situation below. He couldn't help but remembered the scene when he first contacted archery in the Venomous Bee Valley. At the beginning, he suffered a lot.

Although the poison of that kind of poisonous bee is not as good as that of worker bees, it is also very painful, and it will also grow a big bag. It is in that painful environment that Li Yao has practiced his archery to the first sight. Days, Li Yao was full of nostalgia, how persistent and simple he was then, although lonely and painful, but now it is also a precious memory and memory.

Li Yao thought for a while. It seems that the lowest level poisonous bee in the valley has more than forty levels. Can the hunters of the guild also practice? It is quite necessary to train a group of good archery hunters, and there are places there. It's big enough, it's not easy to get in, it's a good place.

I had a plan in my mind, and I couldn’t wait to discuss the feasibility of the training plan with Sister Li. Sister Li stabilized the people in the guild, was busy stationing, plus other miscellaneous things, and was too busy. I didn’t expect Li Yao to be in the war. Discussing these things with her, suddenly a little bit dumbfounded.

"Liaoyuan is too terrifying. There is a Liaoyuan. No line can stop it. It will be quite a loss to fight with Spark. I really don't know how he got such a terrifying thing." Hy said enviously.

Ozawa shook his head: "Iron is still hard, and the opportunity is always in the hands of people who are prepared. For example, the last time the female insect egg, Shengshi Guild has been in possession for so long and can’t contract, but Xinghuo attacks Shengshi, and when it finds the egg, it starts a prairie fire. It’s a direct contract. It’s a joke to say that someone is lucky. No matter what method people contract with the female insect, but obviously they have such a terrifying mantid, even if they know the information about the female insect, it is part of their strength. It speaks a lot of things in itself."

Hy points: "Yes, it's ridiculous that some people say sourly about Liaoyuan's luck on the forum. They don't know that once or twice may be luck, but so many consecutive miracles, is it all luck, luck can overwhelm aliens, Don't they dare to underestimate our people on Earth? Pity these people who complain about it, it is estimated that they are also tortured and killed in front of aliens."

Ozawa smiled and said: "People always have some fantasy. If these people are not immersed in fantasy, they will be distorted by jealousy, then the mental hospital will be overcrowded. For the sake of social harmony, let's not ridicule these people."

The audience is speechless, your sister, you are much more ironic than hy, but as the two said, opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared. Many people, no matter which administrative region they are, many become Li Yao fans.

Even though many aliens did not admit it, they began to authenticate and treat Li Yao.

Naturally, Li Yao didn't know that his fans had grown a lot. After taking down the barracks under the attack of the cannon fodder worker bees, Li Yao was immersed in the joy of moving the body again.

Although the subsequent fighting mad war guild madly resisted, it was simply unable to return to the sky and retreated all the way.

The number of corpses collected by Li Yao exceeded 600,000, which was a crazy figure. Although the parasitic consumed a lot of energy, the number of parasitic worker bees summoned by Li Yao also exceeded 30,000, which was crazy.

This was because he and the Dark Ranger troops had wasted tens of thousands of corpses, otherwise the harvest would definitely exceed 700,000.

Although the energy conversion rate is relatively low now, Li Yao’s harvest of energy units still exceeds 150,000. With these energy, Li Yao can not only produce more units, but also build other functional buildings~www.wuxiaspot. com~ Among the first-tier buildings, what Li Yao most hopes to build is the Zerg Hero Altar. To put it bluntly, it is to build high-qualified Zerg heroes. Unlike ordinary bosses, Zerg heroes have wisdom that is no weaker than that of intelligent creatures. .

Although ordinary Zerg bosses are strong in combat effectiveness, they are not very intelligent, but Zerg heroes are different. They are equivalent to female pirates, super np with independent combat capability.

This kind of hero can wear war equipment, and has exclusive skills and army aura attributes and skills.

However, it is also very resource intensive to build. It requires 80,000 energy units to build the altar, which is the most expensive building among the first-order buildings.

But Li Yao did not hesitate to build it. It takes 20,000 units of energy to recruit a hero, that is to say, most of the 150,000 energy units are lost in an instant.

However, the construction requires regular engineers. Of the 30,000 parasitic worker bees summoned by Li Yao, five can be combined into a regular engineer, and Li Yao of the scale of 3,000 engineers can make up for it.

Among them are a thousand praying mantis transporters, a thousand Ahn'Qiraj tanks, and a thousand Azdra spidermen.

After planning well, Li Yao began to make altars. As the engineers were produced, the progress was getting faster and faster. What Li Yao was not satisfied was that the parasitic worker bees could not build buildings. This was his most dissatisfied part, otherwise The altar will be built soon, and there is no need to wait until tomorrow.

There is still a lot of energy left. In addition to expanding the flying force, Li Yao thinks that he is planning to spend another 10,000 units to build a unit of arms. Of course, Li Yao hasn’t decided to build one. Li Yao wants to see himself first. What heroes should be summoned, and then the corresponding troops will be created according to the heroes.

After all, if the altar is successfully built, there is a benefit for the first use, which is to randomly produce a hero...

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