MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1071: Guards

Li Yao, who was born again, was also fascinated. In fact, he was only a small amount of information about this universe. After all, the times are too long.

Even the Pantheon of Titans and the Holy Light Legion under the sacred do not know the specific situation, after all, they did not personally participate in the battlefield deep in the universe.

However, according to the sacred inference, that battlefield has achieved a very brilliant record. What they ultimately defeated was the soul clone of the Void Maharaja in the material universe. That battle caused the Void Maharaja to suffer almost irreversible damage, causing let The entire universe was calm for a long time, at least the ancient gods stopped.

However, this also made the Void Lord no longer completely rely on the ancient gods, but instead cultivated and corrupted another group of forces. He controlled another terrifying race, and the Dreadlord strengthened their bewitching ability.

In the end, it led to the fall of the strongest warrior in the Pantheon, and then unblocked the countless horror-filled races that he had sealed for hundreds of millions of years. They were collectively called the Burning Legion.

This legion is even more terrifying, with almost infinite forces and super powers, the Pantheon eventually fell, and the Holy Light Corps also retreated.

They have never let go even if it is a big world with five ancient gods. They want to invade, destroy and transform many times. The most intense are the war of the ancients and the orc frenzy many years ago.

By combining the information of the Queen of Blades with the information he knew, Li Yao suddenly unblocked a lot of confusion, and his archaeology also changed.

There are many more branches, namely Alien Insect, Alien Spirit, and Void Lord. The specific attributes of this hero are not known, but Li Yao's archaeology is promoted to master level.

And at a glance, the skill of decelerating in ten thousand years has changed from deceleration by one third of a second to deceleration by one second. This alone has raised Li Yao's combat effectiveness to a new level.

However, what Li Yao cares most about now is the attributes of the new hero, and the hero's body has gradually consolidated.

What appeared in front of Li Yao was a beautiful woman with a body similar to him and a very hot body. Her hot body was full of vigorous and wild charm, but her skin was not as beautiful as a beauty, but covered with a layer. Zerg's unique **** armor wrapped her whole body, and the armor was tightly attached to her like a close-fitting leather armor, and her beautiful figure was undoubtedly revealed.

Her eyes were looking forward to the eagle eyes. They were not soft or like autumn water like women, but very sharp, full of heroic spirit, and gave people a sense of awe-inspiring that could not be looked at directly.

And her hair hangs in bunches on her back, and it dances slightly, as if there is life. The most striking thing is that her back is like bone wings or spider legs, which looks very scary, although it is similar to the legs of a spider tank. It must be a lot slender, but there is no feeling of fragility at all, but it is full of sharp and tough texture.

"Thank you for calling, my great master." Queen Blade saw Li Yao's slight salute.

Although Li Yao knew that the Queen of Blades in front of him was not the Queen of Blades a long time ago, he was still very happy.

Queen of Blades Kerrigan

Qualification: Primary Dark Gold Legend

Grade: Junior Race Leader in the middle of Tier 4

Life: 100,000

Armor: I am both a swarm (as long as there is a different kind of zerg, it can form a substitute shield to resist damage for the queen, more than 50% of life absorbs 75% of damage, and 50% of all damage)

Features: fungus blanket, buried ground, senior leadership, senior lucky, senior unyielding will, unlimited incubation.

Skills: Blade Will, Lightning Control, Psionic Control, Zerg Control.

Although he had expected it, Li Yao was shocked to see the attributes of the Queen of Blades. He didn't expect that the first hero who truly belonged to him would be so against the sky.

As long as the qualifications of the legendary level continue to develop, after she is enshrined, she can become her own **** and possess the qualifications to become a god. It can be said that although her grade is not as good as the black dragon queen, she really grows up not weaker than the black dragon queen. .

Life is not too much, but the armor is powerful, and the damage reduction is so great. It is definitely good for heads-up, but the war mode is stronger. It can be said that as long as there is her heterogeneous army on the battlefield, she is almost immortal, which is quite against the sky. .

The characteristics are not to say, the characteristics of the bacteria blanket allows the Zergs led by her to walk to leave a blanket of bacteria, which can increase the movement speed and the speed of blood recovery, so that the Zerg’s hidden ground can not only hide well and have an unexpected effect, but also can make the Zerg Quickly restore life and combat power underground, as long as you don't die, you can quickly come out and continue fighting after burrowing.

The leader explained her command ability. Fortunately, it embodies the ability to survive, the ability to kill the army, the ability to drop, and even the ability to persuade surrender.

Unyielding will means that as long as there is a queen, the Zerg will basically not collapse, even if it is the last one to fight. Unlimited hatching means that parasitic eggs can be hatched unscrupulously, which is similar to Li Yao's parasitism and can produce a lot of cannon fodder.

In terms of skills, Blade Will is her personal melee combat power, which is mainly manifested in the spider legs behind her. Lightning control and psionic control are her magical abilities, she is a melee and ranged hybrid hero.

Zerg control is a lot of abilities that once dominated, specifically the ability to split and reorganize, incubate eggs, and temporarily summon Yao doesn’t know how to describe his emotions anymore, to be honest, Although the black dragon dragon queen is powerful, its role at this stage is really not as good as the blade queen.

Although Li Yao has ambitions, even if he wants to get a Black Dragon Legion, he doesn’t know how long it will be. At most, he is a powerful thug, and the Queen of Blades is not only a thug, but also a powerful legion leader. With her The leadership of the Zerg armies will be able to exert combat effectiveness twice as much as usual.

Then there is one question left, how to use the remaining 70,000 energy units and 2,000 parasitic worker bee corpses to produce units that can maximize combat effectiveness.

Obviously, what Li Yao has to choose now is to cooperate with the Queen of Blades, that is, the alien insect.

However, there are many different species of insects, such as spring worms, flying worms, earthworms, and aquatic worms.

Li Yao looked carefully one by one, and finally made a choice.

First of all, the race that Li Yao must choose is the tunnel bug. This kind of bug is only an auxiliary unit. You know, the Zerg's individual combat capability is not strong compared to other arms at the bottom stage. The Zerg relies on the number and various weird tactics.

Tunnel bugs are very good auxiliary units. They are real battlefield engineers who are good at digging holes quickly and establishing underground passage networks.

You know, Li Yao now has two hundred Dark Rangers, which means a fixed army of twenty to thirty thousand frontal skeletons. Although there are not many, it is already very against the sky compared to a single player, and it is temporarily enough in the early stage. In addition to the five hundred mantis hunting and one thousand mantis lawbreakers, the air force is enough.

In other words, there is no shortage of Li Yao on the frontal battlefield. If there is a tunnel bug, no matter what Zerg Li Yao chooses as the main combat unit, with the help of the tunnel bug, he can sneak from the ground to a suitable place, insert into the battlefield, and it will rise. To a very critical role...

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