MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1075: occupy

Everyone rushed into the back of the shattered hall, and saw a few stone slabs at the back of the hall suddenly shattered, and a dozen spiders with flames sprang out suddenly.

Obviously it is a spider that will explode after being killed. In fact, Li Yao dislikes this kind of guy the least. It is not cost-effective to deal with what kind of units he has under him, and it will also cause great casualties.

Only most of the necromancers are summoned out of thin air to sustain the consumption, after all, as long as the necromancer has mana, the necromancers around him will not lack.

Qin Fengyi led a dozen necromancers and said loudly, "Iron and stone demon, epic."

Following her words, the dozen or so necromancers shrouded in black robes arranged in a formation did not hesitate to throw a piece of equipment shining with purple light.

Then a dozen steel and stone demons fell to the ground like meteors, and a dozen rock demons directly exploded the spontaneous spider that just emerged, but the violent explosion only caused the rock demons to step back a little, and their body was basically not affected. Damage.

"Melee summons a large volume to surround the exit of this underground palace, and remotely summon only ice skeletons."

More than a dozen necromancers took out weird bones of various colors this time, and with weird spells, weird skeletons appeared one after another.

What Qin Fengyi summoned was a racial-grade metal skeleton. The skeleton was at least five yards up and down, and the whole body looked like an unknown metal pouring. This was the summoning medium that they brought the guild to kill a boss in the Titan Ruins not long ago.

Other undead summons are also weird, and the worst can also summon a boss-level monster.

They formed a line of defense, firmly blocking the entrance of the underground palace, and they were summoned with the blue-light mage skeleton with both hands beside them, completely blocking the entrance.

Li Yao absolutely believed in the abilities of their respective players. After giving orders, he no longer paid attention to them, but gave orders one after another.

"Guard you with your guardian, the gap on the left of the guardian, and the second gap on the left of your guardian. Fight the world. You guard the smallest gap on the right. You Ji, you quickly assemble the ballista, scattered to support the three gaps, others People followed me and blocked the front door to meet the impact of the magic spider."

The guardian angel was actually guarding a side door to the main hall. A dozen people opened the barriers to immobility and formed a line of defense. No matter how much the impact, the tide-like spiders could not make them retreat. Instead, they were injured. Thunder and lightning continue to hunt these spiders.

Zhan Tianxia Guardian had the smallest gap, and it was a hole opened two yards from the main hall. At the same time, the only spiders that could enter were the sword tarantulas. These spiders are powerful and quick to move, but these warriors with big swords are also fighting fanatics. , And the strength is super strong, a sword can directly divide these sword tarantulas.

The gap on the fruit knight side is not small, but behind her are disciplined holy troops, they are silent, and the tacit understanding of cooperation is also very strong to guard the gap.

At the main entrance of the hall, when Li Yao gave the order, a black whirlpool appeared, and five hundred praying mantis occupied the main entrance, colliding with half of the hall and the demon spiders swarming.

The flame praying mantis spewed fire and venomous breath, and the outermost was a hand-to-hand battle with various magic spiders.

Afterwards, Li Yao summoned two hundred dark rangers and his own remote bones behind the main hall, and the main hall was immediately occupied by a sea of ​​people.

Although there are more followers, in fact, the team still performs its duties, divided into tank treatment and output.

The only special thing is the thieves. They are quickly assembling the ballista. This is the privilege of thieves and shooting hunters in the war mode. They can assemble huge, difficult-to-carry ballistas.

Rogues and assassins are very suitable as scouts, but in a regular battle, the ability of rogues to rush to save their lives is basically a dead word, which is not comparable to warriors and other close combat.

More than a dozen thieves scattered to support a few gaps, and the treatments were also scattered. In fact, they were basically not available on the frontal battlefield. There were too many mantises, and they couldn't add them.

Moreover, Li Yao never thought about letting them treat the praying mantis. The mantis itself has a strong recovery ability and a fungus blanket. Although it is not an immortal body, it is difficult to kill.

Killed more than a thousand demon spiders, but the mantis only died a hundred and it was obvious, it was because of mobile warfare, otherwise there would be fewer casualties.

For example, here, as long as the seriously injured praying mantis does not die, it can escape into the ground as long as there is a little chance. Moreover, there can be up to five hundred praying mantises here. The 12 thousand in Li Yao's hands can completely form a virtuous circle.

Although the followers can be resurrected if they are sacrificed in the dungeon, the resurrection also requires money. The mantis is cheap to build, and the resurrection of the mantis can only be a loss-making business. Although Li Yao has money, he will not spend money. The mantis hunts and destroys The practitioner is worth it, mantis, Li Yao really can't bear it.

Although the ghost hunting spider is huge and full of armor, the strength of the praying mantis is incredible. The ghost hunting spider can break through the line of defense, but when it encounters the praying mantis, and the main hall is relatively dense, the impact of the ghost hunting spider is not enough. If it were a humanoid formation, it would have been broken.

The sword tarantula attack is extremely sharp. Although the mother worm is now the first order, because the split worm nest has not yet entered a complete state, there is no plan option for these zergs.

Without the enhancement and mutation of female insects, in fact the creatures Li Yao summoned do not have the advantage. You must know that the terrible thing about female insects is not only that they can reproduce a large number of insects. It was useless, and was crushed directly in the face of dragons and elves.

In the ancient times, the Zerg could not become the overlord of the world. The real reason was that with the growth and evolution of the female worm, she was able to change and evolve the worms under her like a halo skill.

For example, the mantis can be transformed into a variety of more powerful mantis alien species, such as the war hunter, the non-poisonous mantis, etc. Each change can make the mantis qualitatively change and become a more powerful creature.

But the mutation requires the level change of the female worm or the second-order and third-tier female worms, and each time the Zerg is advanced, it will obtain the ability of a mutation.

And evolution is a benign change. Evolution is the overall improvement and strengthening of certain abilities, and the conditions are relatively simple.

For example, if the female worm’s defense ability is strengthened, the Zerg’s armor will increase. If the female worm chooses its mobility, then the Zerg’s mobility will also increase.

Depending on the choice, many changes can be made, which is why the same Zerg, even the same race and abnormal level, but the same ability.

It is also the capital that the Zerg can dominate. Of course, Li Yao still values ​​the mechanical legion more. After all, the mechanical legion has always won.

Although the Titan’s Pantheon failed, it was not defeated by the ancient gods, but by his own people and countless enemies who had accumulated an unknown number of billions of years...


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