MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1082: Unlimited control

In fact, Andariel and the Queen of Blades are very similar, and Andariel's figure is also very good, the key is to wear very revealing. ranw?en???`

But the key problem is that the form of the Andariel Demon God is too ugly, and his face is almost impossible to look directly at. I really don’t know why the Destruction God has a relationship with this guy that is beyond friendship. Of course, maybe the devil’s aesthetic is different. This is a beauty.

But seeing her rough face like a muscular man, plus the four spider legs on the back that were thicker than the arms, completely destroyed the beauty of her beautiful figure. Let any man not be able to produce any ripples.

In the unbelievable gazes of everyone concerned about Xinghuo Wasteland, the transparent arrow turned into a transparent red as if it had been ignited, and then turned orange, and then the arrow directly impacted on the head of the demon god.


With Andalilton backing two steps, the arrow's power was too great.

The projection of the devil made a roar, and the top of the mountain boiled immediately, but the spiders couldn’t find Li Yao at all. Their eyesight was not good. With the fog in the mountains, where you could see Li Yao, I didn’t even know. Where did the attack come from.

"Nima, how did he hit this thousands of yards, plus the fog."

"More importantly, this damage, more than one hundred thousand damage, is this still a human being."

"Fuck, the damage of the Demon God boss is not so severe."

"That's right, the system damage is corrected, and the boss of the same level rarely breaks out such violent damage."

"The more critical issue is that now we deal with the same level of boss damage is only a few thousand high, how can this difference in damage be so big."

"A few thousand, is that a top player, normal players do less damage."

"Tan Xiong who relies on blood to eat, plus team buffs, potions and food, can only add up to 50,000. Now Xiong Tan is like his father, a wild tyrant, and like the little boss, he is known to be unkillable. Stick, but in the face of this arrow, I guess Mao won’t count.

"The characteristics of the various professions at level 40 have been brought into play. Basically, their strength has increased. I thought that Liaoyuan would not be able to kill all players in seconds like before. At least it is impossible to seconds tanks, but now it seems that tanks are still Can't stop it."

"Fuck it, is this Nima still a human? It simply doesn't give others a way to survive."


"Damn, so far, what kind of bow is so fierce."

"As a hunter, I can tell you that this is called a distanceless arrow."

"Fuck it, how can **** skills that the great **** judged as useless skills become magical skills in others' hands."

"The God of Wilderness released a video and invited three top hunters to test this skill. As a result, he couldn't even use it at all, so he was evaluated as a tasteless skill."

"Hey, don't slap your face too fast. The strategy video Lian Huang just posted is less than half an hour."

"No, Lian Huang has always been dissatisfied with the skills of the Liaoyuan God. He is indeed a very powerful hunter, and he is a shooting hunter and has a high popularity."

"Lian Huang Shen announced the conditions for the use of skills, no one really can use them."

"But why does Liaoyuan work?"

"Idiot, is Liaoyuan a human? This is a hunting god, okay?"


Ordinary people are admired, but all guild players feel the pain. Originally at level 40, various professions have been strengthened accordingly.

And the Beastmaster system is still increasing the assessment of beasts, at most it is only a transition from leather armor to lock armor, but it is still crispy, and it is of little practical significance, especially for legal professions, it is still a casual dish.

However, many professions have received epic enhancements. For example, a druid who majored in bear form can obtain advanced form by completing special tasks after level 40. Ordinary bears have advanced into giant bear form. The attributes skyrocket and the rank will also be advanced. For example, elite players will become Yinying form after becoming a giant bear. Players can imagine that when everyone is busy with the mainline copy to do the Yinying task, then Yinying will become a small boss directly Case.

What's more, there are many branches of the elite professions of Druids. The most popular elite profession in the bear form is the Earth Bear Form. Nima, after being transformed, the druid with less than 10,000 health has directly become more than 40,000 health. And there are also damage reduction skills for the armor of the earth.

The originally unpopular Xiong Tan directly turned into a sweet potato, and the child bear who had been bullied in the wild and ran away at sight of others directly became a wild bear father.

Another example is fighters. In addition to the high damage reduction skill of the shield wall, each talented fighter has the ability to change posture. Any talented fighter can change combat posture. For example, weapon warfare can become a defensive posture. Direct injury reduction of 20% is not terrifying.

And this posture only takes up public CD time without cooling.

In addition to the damage bonus that the wizard can use, the elemental pets of the wizard can also choose the skills to learn and the direction of evolution.

But the overall trend is that melee players, especially tank talented professionals, will basically not be killed by spikes.

Originally, many top masters could kill tanks in seconds with their equipment and technology, and excellent thieves could also take away the tank profession in one set, but it is not realistic now.

So in their opinion, even if the prairie fire is powerful, it is impossible for a tank player who completed a professional mission in but seeing this damage directly broke their fantasy.

They certainly don't know that Li Yao can't kill the current super tank with ordinary arrows, but he has combo skills and other methods.

They can only sigh, each profession has its own spring.

With Li Yao's sharp arrow shooting, a vacuum zone appeared in the pale green surrounding the mountain with a maze. Andariel roared again and rushed towards Li Yao's location like lightning.

And her bewildered demon spiders seemed to know the target, and they ran wildly behind her, trying to tear the people who were constantly hurting their master to pieces.

"The low-level Demon God's projection IQ really doesn't work, of course, otherwise this strategy may not be perfect." Li Yao's eyes were like electricity, locked in the Demon God figure firmly.

All kinds of complicated data are constantly being conveyed to his mind through his eyes, and his brain is constantly consuming mental energy to deduce the next step of the demon **** by obtaining extremely detailed data.

Because the data is too detailed, Li Yao doesn’t have to constantly deduct various situations, just like solving a problem. Under various conditions, his brain can easily deduce the next step of the other party, and it is very accurate, but it is more economical than the original. Mental strength.

Because Li Yao knew exactly what the other party was doing next, even though they were still thousands of yards away, Li Yao's arrow did not miss a single arrow.

Although the Demon God Projection is relatively low in wisdom, it is also much taller than the monster. She does not rush towards Li Yao in a straight line and dodge and move. However, through the once again evolved Titan Eye, Li Yao connects her body and the whole body. Li Yao's brain, who has a clear grasp of her energy movement, knows her movements with a little deduction.

So no matter what means she uses, she can't dodge Li Yao with one arrow...

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