MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1090: Ghost Hunter Mount


Type: Ankh

Quality: Dark Gold Legend

Strength: 15%

Agility: 15%

Sensitivity: 14%

Strength: 150%

Andariel’s confession, his own dark resistance is increased by 25%, active effect, after activation, redeem a sinking dark creature, allowing him to be purified, his own power is injected into the wearer’s body, the effect and duration are based on the confession The person determines that the cooling time is two hours.

The sigh of the devil, 15% of all his attributes form a halo to cover his summons and army, but after activation, all his attributes are reduced by 15% (the higher the rank, the less the loss of attributes)

Xinyan, after activation, pulls the enemy into the mind-eye space. Both sides will not die. Only one person can leave the mind-eye space. The launch distance is judged by the eyesight and the cooling time is two minutes.

Equipment conditions: Mental evaluation

"This piece of equipment is so handsome." The guardian angel's eyes were straight.

The attributes are too abnormal, the attributes increase so much, especially the attribute that increases the strength by 150%, which is the most attractive to him.

"You're only one in a hundred miles, and it's more than a long way from the massacre of 10,000 people. It doesn't work for you to drool." Tongtong snorted.

"Hey, I can't equip it, everyone can't equip it, okay, now there is a pervert of tens of thousands of people, this equipment is good, but it can only be watched."

Others are also a bit regretful, such amazing dark gold equipment, I don't know how long it will take to equip it.

"Then I'm welcome." Li Yao directly replaced his dark badge and stayed directly on his chest.

"You, you, you, thousands of people..." The guardian angel stammered.

The Seventy-two Changes also stared at the medal on Li Yao's chest: "The boss is really a pervert in a pervert, thousands of people are killed."

The enchantress asked: "What is your evaluation, I'm afraid it's more than ten thousand people slaughtered."

Li Yao Xiaoxiao still did not answer, but everyone quickly recovered, and they would not be too surprised what happened to Li Yao.

"Well, do you have any trophies? We should go out without us."

"Oh, oh, and it looks like." Hitomi said, touching the corpse again.

Li Yao was very satisfied with the Ankh. Strength was the second attribute that Li Yao needed most besides agility, because many powerful bosses could not be killed by technology.

There are many good things in Li Yao's plan, but he chose to give up because of his lack of strength, so he gave up many places and bosses, but with this equipment, many impossibility became possible. And those unshakable bosses are also capable.

Among the special effects, the first one to increase the resistance of the dark system, and then the initiative is equivalent to a soul purification. The monsters that are purified will get the corresponding attributes, which is a very good buff enhancement skill. And the more the later the effect, the better. If you kill a demigod or god-level monster and use this confession skill, the enhancement you get is absolutely terrifying.

Then there was the sigh of the Demon God. It was a miracle in the legion battle. What is the reduction of 15% of one's attributes? Every individual in his army will increase his own attribute by 15%, which is absolutely terrifying. This special effect seems inconspicuous and has no effect in single combat, but it is definitely a god-level skill when used well. Imagine that you have a million army, and then what is the concept of adding those attributes to the million army? Absolute horror is equivalent to more than a hundred thousand more army.

The third special effect seemed to Li Yao to be specially prepared for him. Now he has truly activated the Eye of Titan. With his mental power, as long as there are no physical obstacles, the distance he can see is definitely a thousand miles away. If you want to kill someone, you can pull the person into your mind directly on the body of the Black Dragon Dragon Empress.

"Wow, I actually dropped five mounts, really." Tongtong was stunned by the situation in front of her.

Five epic ghost hunting spider mounts with clear water, the ghost hunting spider itself is fierce and ferocious, if you ride one, it will blow up the wind.

Everyone's eyes are glowing: "Well, yes, Hitomi, is there anything else?"

"There are also two epic blueprints for sub-professionals. The others are all gems and gold coins." Hitomi looked at it and said.

These things need to be turned over to the guild warehouse and will not be divided.

"Well, in this case, anyone who hasn't allocated anything in this dungeon can get a ghost hunter spider mount, and put the rest in the warehouse as the treasure of the town meeting. Only those who make special contributions can get it." Li Yao said.

Reins of the Ghost Hunter

Grade: Epic High Leader Mount

Battle mount

Riding speed: 100%

Mount skills: crazy acceleration, long horses, advanced endurance, super heavy load

This attribute is really good. The combat effectiveness of the high-ranking leader is inherently extraordinary, not to mention the ghost spider, the defense is high and the attack is not weak.

And the speed is 100%, you have to know that the average mount now only increases by 30% to 60%.

The skills are very good. Accelerating the endurance of a thousand miles is an increase of excellent and the super heavy load means that it can be used as a small mobile warehouse like Li Yao’s Kodo, although not necessarily There are many things in Kodo furnishings, but there is not much less.

In particular, Hitomi is a goblin, so he can ride a ghost spider to fight without coming down.

In the beginning, the people in Tongtong were a little disappointed when they didn't get anything, but after hearing Li Yao say that those who didn't get anything, they could get a mount directly, and now others were jealous of them.

Although the equipment is good, and the quality and quality exceed the purple epic, if the value is true, it is definitely the most affordable mount.

What's more, this mount must be dropped only for the first kill, and there are many more. If it is not the first kill, the drop rate is one in ten million, which is marked by the mount. It can be seen that it is precious and rare, and it is also practical. You can bring a lot of things and never worry about the backpack being not enough.

"Hehe, elder brother is mighty and domineering." Tongtong summoned directly when he saw the mount assigned to him, and Qin Fengyi also summoned it.

The guardian angel who was assigned the mount also giggled.

"Cough cough." The Fruit Knight coughed softly.

The guardian angel's smile froze immediately, but then ran to the fruit knight more brilliantly, and gave the mount to the fruit knight: "The good things are naturally the wife's. I have a professional army horse that is enough, enough."

"Really enough, are you really willing?" Although the Fruit Knight said so, he unceremoniously took the spider's rein in his hand and used it directly.

"I belong to my wife, so what can I not bear." The guardian angel is crying, Nima, I am still smirking. I should use it directly. When the time is bound, I can't give it away. Sister, I worked hard as a tank, but in the end, I played for nothing.

Everyone burst into laughter, and Li Yao also shook his head slightly. Since they are assigned to others, they can't control what they do...

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