MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1104: Vassal clothing

The battle puppet controlled by Camelot flew into the sky again, evading the subsequent attacks of Li Yao from the rear, and then one of the puppet's two metal arms appeared with an electric hammer and a huge chainsaw.

And Li Yao canceled the skill, the sickle was on his back, and it turned into a rusty appearance.

The Thousand Chance Bow appeared in his hand, and his hand was a dark red arrow.

Wind thunder arrow!

With a weird scream, the arrow was hit on the outer armor of the battle puppet core under Camelot's startled gaze.

The arrow was so fast, he just saw the lightning, and when he used the warhammer in his hand to resist the arrow, the wind and thunder arrow had actually hit his body.


Feng Lei Arrow originally had a one-second paralysis effect, not to mention that it was hit by the outer armor of the battle puppet core, and the electric light had already stimulated the core.

The battle puppet fell into the sky with a dazzling arc.

But Li Yao's arrow did not stop.

Tear the arrow!

Two side-by-side arrows shot out, hitting the puppet's arm separately, and the two weapons fell directly.

Phoenix Dance!

The five arrows were like five illusory phoenixes composed of wind, and they bombarded the fallen battle puppet like beads of arrows.


A bursting arrow exploded, and the battle puppet fell to the ground while spinning, smashing a big tree directly into pieces.

But the fighting puppets also started to smoke. bump……

A figure was ejected, it was a goblin with a white beard. He quickly canceled the parachute. He saw that Li Yao's archery skills were not weaker than melee combat, and they were all so strange.

So how dare to be in the air, that is the real living target.

So he landed directly on the tree, and then quickly jumped and dodged into a bush. At the same time, he quickly set up several traps around. A double-barreled shotgun that did not match his size appeared in his hand, quietly staring at Li Yao's original direction behind the grass.

And a mechanical bird appeared beside him, obviously his pet.

"Damn it, I want you to know that I am not weak." Camelot muttered.

However, one minute passed, two minutes passed, five minutes passed, and there was no movement in the woods, as if Li Yao had disappeared.

According to his estimation, the opponent will appear in his field of vision for at most ten seconds, and then suffer his own long-range blow, but what is going on now.

A drop of cold sweat appeared on his forehead. He had never encountered such a weird opponent before, and he had always been in direct contact with the undead. This kind of opponent really made him unpredictable.

"Coward, don't you want me to surrender, I Camelot won't surrender to courageous rats." Camelot finally couldn't help but shout.


The huge barrel of the sniper rifle suddenly appeared against Camelot's temple.

"It really disappointed me. I was by your side for five minutes, and you didn't notice my existence." Li Yao said lightly.

"Damn it, how did you show up?" Camelot was about to cry, Nima, what kind of opponent is this, so difficult and so strange, what kind of profession is Nima? Knowing how to fight melee, and how to play bows, what and what is this all about.

"Now are you convinced?" Li Yao asked.

"You tell me first, how did you make me appear imperceptibly." Camelot swallowed and said.

"Then you can be optimistic."

Following Li Yao's words, Li Yao's figure in front of Camelot became blurred, and then merged with the surrounding environment.

As soon as Li Yao lowered his gun, Camelot suddenly launched a back jump.

"Idiot, do whatever I want you to do, just surrender to me."


Camelot pulled the trigger instead, but the bullet didn't shoot Li Yao out as he imagined, instead it hit the big tree in the distance.

"I knew you wouldn't obey unless you beat you half to death."

Following Li Yao's words, a thunder light appeared again, and Li Yao launched the thunder robbery again.

Then came the wind.

Li Yao's huge sickle covered the dwarf's body with countless sharp wind blades.

The body that had jumped down and flew again after the start, flew in the opposite direction again, and slammed into the big tree where his bullet hit.

The wind of tearing!

Then the wind blade matrix appeared again. This time he had no puppets. After using the long-distance displacement of the back jump, the wind blades attacked the body who was still confused.

He raised the gun with difficulty to fight back. After all, Li Yao was weaker than him. Li Yao's attack on him and his attack on Li Yao were completely two concepts.

If it hits the opponent's key, it is possible to maimed the opponent at once.

However, he was disappointed again. Li Yao stood behind another big tree and guided the tearing wind. He could only see the dark blades brought by the sickle that Li Yao waved.

His body was already full of wounds, the wind blade disappeared, his body was already full of wounds, and his blood volume was less than half.

But he still looked around vigilantly, was behind a big tree again, and started his pet to Li Yao's original place but Li Yao disappeared again.

Suddenly, he felt something strange around him, and quickly turned the muzzle, but then he felt a tingle in his arm, followed by pain in his heart, and he was broken.

Ruthless blade!

When Li Yao appeared, his figure disappeared again, and when he appeared later, he was already on the other side of the dwarf, and the huge sickle flew him fiercely.

Then Li Yao's figure disappeared, and then appeared in the air. The huge sickle slashed on the dwarf's body, and his body fell again.

Li Yao kept disappearing and appeared again and again. The dwarf flew around like sandbags. At first, he wanted to fight back against Li Yao a few times, but every time he was beaten by Li Yao, he suffered from heartbreaking pain. .

"I served, I served, I am willing to surrender."

However, Li Yao turned a deaf ear to it, and didn't stop until the opponent's blood volume was less than one-tenth, and Li Yao's mental power at the moment was also consumed a lot.

Camelot lay on the ground and gasped, looking at Li Yao standing quietly next to him with fear. At this moment, Li Yao is no longer weaker than him in his eyes, but a demon, Nima, obviously. Easily combo and kill him, and as a result, this guy made his own moves again and again, making himself extremely painful.

He couldn't imagine that he was obviously better than the opponent, but he didn't hit the opponent with a single move. It really left him speechless, and in order to attack the opponent, he was still shameless, and he was still not an opponent.

"Since you have taken it, then take an oath. If you dare to play tricks, you know the methods of the undead, they will, and I will." Li Yao said.

Camelot suddenly knelt down on one knee and swore allegiance to Li Yao. Li Yao also received a prompt and received a prompt from a deputy hero.

Li Yao gave Camelot a few bottles of healing potions, and put him and the broken puppet into the frame bow and arrow...

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