MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1171: Unexpected news


As a result, there is no suspense, and the puppet is lost. Although this technical house is higher than the Hydra, it is not the opponent of the Hydra at all. Update quickly without ads.

The audience wailed. Most people couldn't pay this time, but they also felt enjoyable, especially Li Yaochai's mighty puppet. They are still thinking about it now, as if they were fighting the puppet.

Li Yao stepped forward, and the corpse dropped two things, one piece of war equipment, and one piece was indeed an ancient scroll.

Steel license

Grade: Golden Legend

Iron Star, wearing equipment can eliminate the hatred of mechanical monsters and become neutral. At the same time increase the favorability of friendly mechanical creatures.

Iron Will, so the subordinate mechanical army is enveloped by Iron Will, and all performances are increased by 15%.

With the torrent of steel, the morale of the entire legion is like a rainbow, and the phantom of the subordinate legion impacts the local legion. The phantom possesses 50% of the individual legion's attributes for five minutes.

Wearing conditions: craftsman

From an ordinary point of view, as a golden war equipment, this medal is not very strong, at best it is epic. Moreover, the requirement for wearing is a craftsman. This condition is still too high for players. By the stage of craftsman, players are generally at level sixty. There was better equipment at that time.

But in Li Yao's view, ordinary dark gold warfare equipment can't be compared. Although the legion's skills are unstable and change with the legion, it will naturally be stronger if it has a strong legion.

The aura of Iron Will works well. The attributes of all machines are increased by 15%, which is already fine.

But the most important thing is the Steel Star. This effect can often play an extraordinary role in special situations.

Li Yao directly equipped it, and then took a deep breath before looking at the ancient scroll.

Combination matrix

Type: Array

You can make a combination matrix runestone according to the drawings.

The introduction was very simple, and even the conditions were not mentioned, but Li Yao looked at the graphics on the scroll and suddenly smiled.

"This is a good start." Li Yao satisfied the drawing.

If you find another matrix to cooperate, you can make a combined puppet army by yourself, and the puppet beast will definitely not be a cannon fodder.

Think of countless mechanical puppets when they are charging, they combine into various monsters or war mechanical forms. That kind of scene is not too beautiful.

However, as far as Li Yao knows, there is another matrix drawing. Don’t think about it until you reach the first level. There is only one place of origin, so it’s a long way to go.

But Li Yao was not disappointed. With this blueprint, he can make a powerful battle puppet himself.

Li Yao was very ambitious. He saw the combined puppets of Lord Griffin, and discovered the problems with the combined puppets.

That is the lack of spirituality of the puppet, not to mention that it is far worse than the Fire Eagle, but it is far worse than the Reaper 4000. If not, he would not have won so easily.

But if you want a mechanical puppet to gain high-level wisdom, Li Yao has no problem getting one, but it is simply impossible to get more at this stage. Even the current pet turrets are not very intelligent, not as good as the Griffin Lord.

Therefore, Li Yao has been thinking about the solution to this problem, and the spider tank let Li Yao see the idea.

Therefore, Li Yao constructed a puppet named after himself.

It is to capture the super beast kings with the blood of demigods, and then transform these beast kings like the spider tanks. There is a fluke factor in transforming the spider tanks, but now there are two furnaces. Think about it by yourself and let the furnaces completely merge. Do not have obvious flaws.

And the beast kings have the blood of demigods, it's not that some beast kings without the blood of the gods are not strong, but the beast kings who have the blood of the gods often have good wisdom.

And there is another advantage in doing so. If Li Yao conquers them into pets, they can be resurrected and repaired easily, unlike the combined puppets of the Griffin Lord. Except for one or two of them become pets, they can be resurrected. Others They are all in a tamed state. Not only are they lost and difficult to repair, but more importantly, they cannot be united with each other, and there is no attribute blessing between the owner and pet.

Li Yao had already thought about it. Things here stabilized. After arranging the things here, he would look for the Beastmaster, plus the Spider Tank, Fire Eagle, and Death Four Thousand in his hands, and he already had a lot of power in his hands.

The Black Dragon Queen Li Yao didn't want to reform. After all, he had the power to protect him, and his development was already very strong. The reformation was not good.

For the multi-headed snake, Li Yao was prepared to transform himself after becoming a hero. With the addition of the big sea monster, there is no need to find too many beasts.

The fort itself is a combined component, and Li Yao is the exception.

The Griffin Lord died, and when Li Yao led the army to the front of the city wall from behind, the players completely collapsed. Except for the diehard Griffin Lord’s loyalists, they attacked again. The other mechanical legions surrendered all their weapons and allegiance was gone. In addition, their family was in the city, and they were also playing wool.

Although the players collapsed, Li Yao did not intend to let them go. The tank corps and fighter groups were dispatched together, and the hunting and the blood family air force, the player front also declared collapse.

The Griffin Lord all died, and the players he promised were naturally unable to get the benefits, so many of them didn't want to work hard anymore. UU reading begged for mercy.

But in a state of war, Hearthstone is impossible to use.

Li Yao ignored the begging for mercy. When it was good, he attacked and his new city was almost destroyed, and his heart was full of fire.

So Li Yao didn't show any mercy at all, and he didn't show up at all, and went directly to study the combined puppet matrix in the city.

The Black Dragon Dragon Queen uniformly commands the slaughter of the player's army, while Camelot is the mechanical army that merges and surrenders.

"It's miserable, it's miserable."

"There is no unified command, this is the result."

"It's not that there is no command. The current situation is that it won't be good for them to fight."

"No, because they can't take down this city, without the Griffin Lord, the promised benefits will be useless. Whoever comes out with his own trump card army will keep a hand."

The audience was very descriptive. Today's battle is really enjoyable.

In half a day, most of the troops were dispatched in the city, and the players who were too late to run in the future were slaughtered. The entire plain was full of corpses of players and their legions.

Li Yao's logistics corps were corpses that had converged all the way. There was nothing to say, and they were directly thrown into the transformation pool.

He is much more elite than them, and when they don't have the trump card legion and they die, their casualties are not too many. After digesting this batch of corpses, their swarm can finally recover some vitality.

Although it is not up to yesterday's peak number, it is not bad.

An unexpected news also reached Li Yao. The Dark Ranger scout reported that Lord Blackheart took advantage of his pursuit of those players and disappeared with his own people. He should have gone away. In the underground world, now there is no leader in the black new city...

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