MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1173: negotiation


The eyes of the Griffin King exudes a shocking aura. Although his rank is not as good as the Black Dragon Queen, his rank is ten levels higher than the Black Dragon Queen, so the combined strength will not be affected by the Dragon Queen. The impact of level coercion.

"Young man, I have to say, you are very courageous and dare to threaten me in my place. This is the first time I have met in ten thousand years." The Griffin King's eyes also looked at Li Yao.

Li Yao activated the Eyes of Titan, his eyes gleaming with blue light, and he would not be affected by the pressure of the Griffin King: "Didn’t you see it now? I didn’t see it before because you didn’t live long enough. ."

The Black Dragon Queen sneered: "Why do you want to show your old qualifications by age, and say that age reflects your heritage?"

The Griffin King smiled bitterly: "I am so stupid in front of a strong man like you who has the blood of the Dragon King."

Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief: "Then tell me your choice."

"Young man, why bother to be so aggressive, if you can't do anything recklessly, can't we talk about it and achieve a win-win situation?" The Griffin King said and screamed, and most of the Griffins dispersed unwillingly.

"Okay, if you want to talk about a win-win situation, then let's talk about a win-win approach." Li Yao jumped to the top of the cliff, and the black dragon queen also turned into a human form behind Li Yao.

The Griffin King looked at the black dragon queen with envy flashing in his eyes. Although he has the blood of a demigod, he still couldn't change his human form. Unless, he becomes a true world-class leader.

Facing the soft wind, Li Yao took a deep breath and said: "First of all, I affirm that we will not occupy all the plains when we open up the farm, nor will we hunt down all kinds of creatures on those plains, and give you enough hunting for griffons. Farms, and your Griffins are not allowed to destroy farms and terrorize ordinary people."

"Secondly, I know that your tribe seems to have been affected by some kind of energy and has undergone mutations, so you were banished, and thus lost the conditions for cooperation with the Iron and Steel Alliance. But I do not belong to either side of the Iron and Steel Council. I am from the Lord. One of the three most powerful camps on the plane, the dark camp, and mine is the inheritor of the dark queen, one of the rulers of the dark camp. Although I can’t represent the dark queen, I have some influence. So, we can cooperate, We don’t mind that your Griffins are mutated. This is not important. What’s important is that your Griffin Legion joins my Legion to maintain their combat effectiveness, and I will pay the corresponding price and compensation to make your Griffin even better. Prosperity."

"This is a win-win situation."

The Griffin King was silent, and the Black Dragon Queen said, "Can you show me the infection you have received? I need to identify it."


A purple light appeared on Griffin King's body. The purple light suddenly made Li Yao feel like his skin was being burned. At the same time, a hot breath passed into his body, and his blood volume suddenly began to slow down. decline.

The purple fire burned, and Li Yao saw a negative buff.

"How can this power appear in your small plane, shouldn't it." The Black Dragon Queen frowned.

Li Yao also said: "In the world of ancient gods, there is probably only one with purple flames."

"Can the two of you not fight the dumb riddle? Does this corrosive flame come from the main plane?" The Griffin King asked anxiously.

The black dragon queen nodded: "This kind of flame is unique. It is called the magic fire and is the exclusive flame of the fire witch."

"The witch of fire?" The Griffin King was blank: "What is the situation of this **** now?"

"Falled." said the Black Dragon Queen, and then explained: "In the ancient gods heaven and earth, there were originally four element lords. They were actually born element gods, but because they joined the ancient gods, they were sealed by the titans. Elemental plane. Because the fire elemental lord only has a semi-god rank, he failed to become a god, and the fire **** is vacant. Two fire elves have emerged between the heaven and the earth. They are known as the twin sisters of fire."

"They can be called geniuses. They only spent ten thousand years defying the heavens and consecrating the gods, and one of them didn't want to **** the title of Vulcan Zhengshen with his sister, so they set aside and use the **** demon to become gods, which is actually a demon god. It also made her not accepted by the gods. It’s just that although she represents the flame, she has a very good temperament and completely suppressed the tyranny in her heart. Because she and Alexstrasza are friends, she has lived in the Temple of Dragon Sleep for a long time. in."

"It's a pity, the twilight of the gods, because of the battle between the ancient gods, the demon gods, and the order gods, the true goddess of fire was killed by the gods of shadow and conspiracy by despicable means, and the gods were restrained. The **** of fire appeared, all the way He reached the ninetieth floor of the abyss, and no one was able to fight all the way, and finally killed the God of Shadow on the ninetieth floor, but she was also seriously injured."

"The God of Shadow is the military commander and right-hand man of the God of Death. His death also made the God of Death very angry, so he fought with the Witch of Fire. The God of Death paid the price of serious injuries and sealed the God of Fire, but the God of Death was also affected by Hell and the Abyss. The demon gods jointly calculated the seal Finally, the death **** burned the soul to kill several betrayed demon gods, and the fire demon **** was also missing, but her priesthood was vacant, and the gods thought she had fallen."

"Disappeared, why does this flame appear on us." The Griffin King was at a loss.

The black dragon dragon queen shook his head, expressing that he was unclear.

Li Yao said: "The demon **** of fire must not have died. It may be hidden in this mountain range. You are probably infected with her breath. Now it seems that your mutation is not entirely a bad thing, and your ability has not weakened. Instead, it’s enhanced."

"That's true, the strength is definitely better than before, but the problem is that I have been stuck on the edge of the world leader for thousands of years. My brothers are now the Griffin Great in the field of Griffins, senior world leaders." King Eagle smiled bitterly.

"There is nothing we can do about it. Now let's say what you think." Li Yao asked.

The Griffin King sighed: "Do we have any other options? We are integrated into the main plane. If we are still isolated, I am afraid that sooner or later, we will be attacked as monsters. Now it is not because they are not strong enough. If you are not followed by the **** dragon clan. , If your kid was so crazy, I would have killed you a long time ago."

"Without her, I wouldn't have been so arrogant." Li Yao laughed loudly: "Then cooperation will be happy."

"Then cooperate happily, then I will talk about the first step of cooperation conditions." The Griffin King also simply.

"Okay, then please speak." Li Yao said.

"The first step is to cooperate. I can only support your 100,000 Silver British Griffin Legion..."

Before the Griffin King finished speaking, Li Yao interrupted him and said, "Not enough, unless you give me another 50,000 leader-level Griffin."

"You are crazy, are you a Chinese cabbage as a leader, at most ten thousand."...

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