MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1179: competition


This time, Li Yao directly used the guild resident Hearthstone in the main city of the orcs, which is the largest city of the dark camp. Now the base of Xinghuo in this city can be regarded as a transit station, so that the people of Xinghuo have one more guild resident Hearthstone.

And because of the beginning of the trade with the goblins, the business of the Spark Shop was better than before.

As the largest main city of the dark camp, this place is naturally very lively, and not all players are interested in besieging the original blood tribe.

Along with the main activities, there are incidental activities such as Gwent card games, pet battles, and even exploring some one-time copies, killing bosses, or playing trade mode, adventure and other modes. And the corresponding reward mechanism.

The world of the ancient gods is too vast. Even if you don't follow the big event, you can play it well, and you won't be left behind by others. The key is to play that side.

The main big event is an event for players who like excitement and challenge, many difficult challenges and titles.

And this time the siege of the original blood tribe, on the one hand, depends on the strength of the troops, on the other hand, it is the personal challenge ability.

Through these two methods, more powerful arms can be obtained.

Even so, it was already a day after Li Yao arrived at the Spark Guild, and he was indeed a long time late.

What you saw along the way were all traces of war. Several camps attacked the original blood tribe from four directions.

This time, the bright camp mainly attacked from the north with ancient elves, the neutral camp mainly attacked from the west with the Amazons, and the first batch of plane camps that came when the planes were not merged attacked from the south.

The dark camp is dominated by tauren, attacking from the east.

Although it seems to be overwhelming, the elite troops that actually hurt several camps are limited. After all, the planes are integrated, and it is no longer realistic to mobilize too many troops in a short time.

This battle is mainly to gather players, and the main force of the camp will only be dispatched to maintain the camp or win at a critical moment.

But this is not surprising, the war mode has also been for two months, and players have a lot of troops in their hands.

The masters generally have tens of thousands of legions, and the stronger ones also have tens of thousands of legions. The top ones naturally have powerful arms.

For example, the top players who play in the field of death light have more or less obtained the powerful army of Griffin, but this place is only a corner of the game, and Griffin is not the only high-level unit. Many top players or lucky players have also won other high-level units.

Especially in this war mode, many people participated in the form of guilds. The strength of a single player is not much, but it is also a very powerful corps.

And the competition is very fierce, the most intuitive is the competition of the four camps, and then the competition in the same camp to win merits and so on.

"You can be regarded as showing up, and those who don't know think that our guild leader has disappeared. You haven't returned to the guild for more than a month. Many people have not seen you." Sister Li teased.

Li Yao coughed awkwardly, and said, "Some things have been delayed and there is nothing to do, but this time I have a good harvest."

The guardian angel laughed and said: "We have a better harvest. We have not only harvested and occupied two medium-sized cemeteries, but also a powerful army of nearly 200,000. It is precisely because of this army that we dare to dispatch all of them."

Li Yao raised his eyebrows: "You can lay down two medium-sized cemeteries beyond my expectation. I'm afraid those super guilds are nothing more than that."

"Well, it's a medium-sized stronghold that is generally occupied." Qin Fengyi answered, "But you got a large city by yourself. We're watching the live broadcast. Now the strength is expanding."

"It's okay, it's okay." Li Yao glanced at it: "We seem to be in the Chinese Army. Our small guild is in the middle of the super guild. It is really a bit oppressive."

"I think it's okay. Although we have a small number of people, our membership conditions are too high. Basically, we come in with thousands of well-chosen masters. This time we will compete with them and we will have each other's wins and losses. This time the president of the conference is here, and it is estimated that no one of us can stop it, whether it is a war mode or a personal challenge." Seventy-two said with a smile.

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "You really have faith in me."

Li Yao glanced around and found that Tongtong had been lowering his head and did not speak. He couldn't help asking, "What's wrong with Tongtong, because I'm late and angry?"

Tongtong glanced at Li Yao and said, "I won't be angry with you, this big fool."

"That's it?" Li Yao wondered.

Sister Li smiled bitterly: "Before you came, ten Chinese guilds received the task of conquering this stronghold. Hitomi volunteered to command. It was going well to plant the flag, but the European blood lion guild was overshadowed by the legion. I was troubled, lost some troops, and was robbed of the first power, so I was annoyed."

Li Yao suddenly, as long as it does not affect the victory of the war, the official battle between the players' legions is to open one eye and close the other. It is common for the first effort to stumble each other.

However, during the mission, you can’t fight for revenge. You can only find your place in other missions without affecting the Victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs. Up. "Li Yao patted Tongtong on the head.

"Hmph, this blood lion guild is too bad. It is clearly aimed at us. I would rather destroy us without the first effort, so I am angry." Tongtong was still very angry.

With a move in Li Yao's heart, he directly summoned Xingyao and Xiaoman. A young dragon and a slap-sized little griffin suddenly appeared, dancing and frolicking around Tongtong, and immediately attracted Tongtong's attention.

"What's the situation?" Li Yao asked.

"Who knows this, we are also inexplicable, but there is no need to know the reason. Each guild is a collaborator, but it is also a competitor. Since they provoke us, we will go back in the future. We are not afraid of the development of Spark. Any threat." Sister Li said confidently.

"Well said, Sister Li is still domineering." Qin Fengyi smiled.

Li Yao smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that the people in his guild had already established such confidence, but it was normal that in addition to the number of people, the strength of Xinghuo in all aspects even surpassed those super guilds.

At this time, a messenger flew over them in a two-footed dragon.

"According to Chief Kane's military order, all the legions rest for a quarter of an hour, then proceed in full force, rendezvous in the blood-sealed fortress, and follow the main legion to the original blood tribal territory."

"The dark camp is a bit slow. I read the forum on the way and said that the Legion of the Second Plane has entered the original blood mountains?"

The original blood mountain is a large map of rolling mountains, the ancestral land and lair of the original blood tribe.

"More than that, the three major camps have been blocked from the original blood mountains, so the responsible personnel of the three camps are particularly annoyed."...


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