MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1182: baffling


Everyone thought that Liaoyuan was about to play, but they didn’t expect it to be Hitomi, the famous bear kid of Spark. Everyone else was inexplicable. I don’t know what Spark is doing. The difficulty of this boss is obvious to all. Even the alien players have lost hundreds of them. Only after a master of this level can someone pass the level, relying on a **** pretend to pass the level.

Many professional players on the earth have played, but the result is still falling into the sand. Although such a child has good skills, what use can he play.

The Devil Tyrannosaurus, who had been resting, saw that another prey came to the door, and immediately withstood Hitomi. Hitomi summoned his totem without hesitation, and then four middle-level collar element pets were summoned, and of course they were also called by the totem.

"Isn't this looking for death? His pets are strong, but the totem blood is too little and too fragile. When the totem is destroyed with one blow, those pets disappear. Devilsaur is also a matter of kicking. These totems are suddenly smashed. What the hell, send it to death and send to the army?" the blood lion asked suspiciously.

You know, you have to bring the Silver British-level Legion ready to sacrifice. Ordinary cannon fodder may not be a big deal to the guild, but the Silver-British Legion is definitely the main force in the main force. Losing 40,000 is not It's a joke.

"The loss is our own. We don't have anything else, but there are too many troops. Can you manage it?" Li Yao complained.

"Hehe, didn't it just occupy a big city? What's so great? When this event is over, our guild will get one too." The blood lion sneered.

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "Wrong."

"What?" The blood lion was blank.

"I said that your information was wrong. I occupied two big cities, and I also ruled that rich area. I also got a lot of Griffin Legions. Besides, when you get the big city, I guess we have already occupied several Yes, you still can't." Li Yao smiled.

Blood Lion...

In front of the city gate, Hitomi was close to the center of the domain, and the Demon Tyrannosaurus finally rushed towards Hitomi. The huge body moved and the earth trembled slightly, but this huge body did not feel bulky, on the contrary it looked like With sharp arrows, running like wind.

Hitomi directly took out a high-level quagmire technique scroll without a hassle. Unlike the swamp technique, the swamp had a large area of ​​influence, and the release was not easy to control.

The quagmire has a small area and is easier to control and release. This type of scroll is not used in other games, but it is basically necessary for everyone in the ancient gods. It is a cheap but very practical thing.

"What kind of capital should I be? It turned out to be the quagmire technique. Do you think everyone is an idiot? No one has thought of using this scroll to restrict Devilsaur. This kind of Devilsaur has a big body, and it can be stepped in the quagmire. Come out, okay?" The player behind the blood lion said mockingly.

"Oh!" Li Yao faintly responded.

The blood lions were speechless at once, and they were unwilling to talk to you. What's the use of your mockery.

Players from other guilds and the audience who followed the live broadcast also sighed. This trick has been thought of long ago, but it is useless at all. It just limits the charge of Devil's Dragon.


Devil Tyrannosaurus finally stepped into the mud, and both thighs plunged in. His charge stopped abruptly, but his two front paws stabilized his body and did not fall.

The players and spectators on the sidelines have known this for a long time.

On the contrary, Hitomi did not rush to approach Devil's Tyrannosaurus, and when the players thought that Hitomi would also be trampled to death, everyone found that Devil's Tyrannosaurus did not pull out his legs as before, but seemed to be trapped. Lived the same, struggling to get out. You know, although the usual swamp technique can make the giant Devil Tyrannosaurus fall into it, it can come out in less than a second, but this time it roars in anger instead.

"This is, this is..." The blood lion's eyes almost stared out.

The player behind him said: "I recorded the video and played it back. The moment the Devil's Tyrannosaurus fell into a swamp, the little girl’s water element collar froze the mud, and the earth element also moved the magic of condensed soil into stone. Layer reinforcement, Devil's Tyrannosaurus first fell into the mud and was frozen, and then solidified into stone."



There was a sound of humiliation at the scene, and they couldn't believe their eyes, obviously everyone was very surprised.

"Nima, can Elemental Sa still play like this? Do you want to be so dick?"

"As a shaman, I feel that I am not playing a game with her."

"It turns out that mixed spells can sometimes be used for special purposes."

"It's up."

The audience sighed, but the blood lion sneered: "What can you do if you are trapped for a while? If you use the quagmire technique at most five times, the Devilsaur will basically not be fooled, and it is impossible to kill Deviltyrannosaurus with five controls. of."

This time Li Yaohen didn't bother to snorted, and smiled directly at the field. A series of operations require quick response and timing. The first step can be completed by Hitomi, then the rest is performance.

Hitomi came to the side of Devil's Dragon without any Devil's Dragon couldn't touch Hitomi at all, and at the same time he slowly raised his hand.

A hook and lock appeared and directly hooked to a bone spur on the back of Devilsaur, which was closest to the neck. In the audience's exclaim, Hitomi hit the back of Devilsaur directly, and then a rein appeared in the magical version. It was placed directly on the neck of Devil's Dragon, Hitomi leaned on his back and grabbed the reins and sat down.

"Nima, this is a boss fight. Do you think you want to subdue the mount?" The audience no longer knows how to complain. This Devilsaur can be used as a unit or a hero to surrender, but it is impossible to tame a mount. This is common sense.

But some masters have already understood that although Hitomi is small but the technology is there, it is impossible not to know that it can't be subdued, then the only possibility is that the other party is not trying to subdue as a mount.


The Devil's Tyrannosaurus finally broke free, but Hitomi was already sitting on its back holding the reins. No matter what it was, it couldn't attack her back. He could only roar and sway constantly, trying to get Hitomi. fall down.

Hitomi Hitomi has personally tamed many war horses and other mounts. His feet were directly stuck in the gap between the two scales, holding the reins in his hands, and lying on the back of the dragon, no matter how violent the Devilsaur was. It is impossible to fall.

Players still don’t understand that although Devilosaurus cannot attack Hitomi, Hitomi can’t attack Demon Tyrannosaurus. Several totems have been smashed long ago. When the effect of the reins disappeared, Hitomi was thrown away. Go down.

"Xiaoxing, Xiaoman, hurry up, don't be lazy, or I won't be able to play by myself." Hitomi suddenly said.

Xing Yao and Xiao Man, who were originally tightly clasped on the shoulders of the pupil, immediately flew up after hearing this...


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