MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1190: Bloodbearer


Li Yao's first burst of firepower caused a lot of damage to the archer, which was extremely terrifying.

You know, there are many leaders in the field, and many of them have higher attacks than Li Yao. On the one hand, they have not grasped the profound meaning of restraining here. On the other hand, they are helpless to those abnormal archers, and they dare not step into the archers. Shooting range.

That's why they are trapped here. The archer's arrow possesses a special evil blood. As long as it is penetrated through the body, it will change and become a puppet.

This is the reason why the opponent is fighting more and more. If it is normal, this is a good time for military skills, but there are more military skills waiting for them in front. It is conceivable that the players here are anxious.

And Li Yao suddenly broke out. I don't know how many people were shocked. Those NPCs were better. After all, he knew that Li Yao was a successor to a super leader, and he naturally had more methods than ordinary people.

But the players are different. They are more envious, jealous, and hateful. If Li Yao accomplishes it with his super skills, they will not be too envious.

However, in their opinion, Li Yao was out of shit, and they naturally didn't know that it was not easy for Li Yao to complete this blow.

The first is no distance arrow. Li Yao did not come easily. Then there is Profound Truth, that was rewarded for completing the queen's demanding missions, and the power of the dragon father was rewarded by completing the extremely difficult levels.

Every kind of ability is the foundation of Li Yao, and it seems to outsiders to be the crushing of strength, but it is actually the precipitation that Li Yao has accumulated during this period.

However, Li Yao was still dissatisfied with this state. After a blow, he had no fighting power. He disliked this method very much and could not control it freely.

What Li Yao needs is the feeling of being able to control it completely. For example, the ideal state of Li Yao is that whatever power he wants is to consume the corresponding amount of blue, not the current situation.

But this will not happen overnight. Li Yao may need to dig deeper into the profound meanings to achieve it, and may require a stronger grade and rank to achieve it.

Soon, Li Yao finished the blue volume and stood up again. Long Yuan also recovered a little bit, but his blessing lasted only a few seconds, and the actual consumption of Long Yuan was not too much.


Li Yao's body became a little giant again, and the scene just now appeared again.

But the difference this time is that those archers are blocking many primitive blood warriors holding scarlet shields, and their faces are grim and violent.

It's just that they haven't been blessed by the dragon father's power, or that the original blood tribe has not found a way to make the warriors also blessed with super strength.

The shields in their hands were full of blood, and they were obviously not ordinary.

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff...

Li Yao poured out his blue amount again and again.

The overwhelming arrows covered all the sounds on the battlefield with a sharp howling, like an unstoppable wave.


The original blood warriors raised the blood-colored shields, but the arrows did not stop at all, directly piercing the blood-colored shields, and then the bodies of the warriors in heavy armor.

Just like just now, the power that has been penetrating through several waves of people's arrows stopped.

The sky was full of blood and mist splashing again, but these fighters still worked. This time Li Yao's arrows only penetrated six rows, showing their defensive strength.

But those archers could do nothing with Li Yao. Li Yao was very far away, completely out of their range, and blessed them with a combo technique. Only then did they complete the ultra-long-distance killing of them. kill.

With two arrows, Li Yao has slaughtered too many archers. If it continues, Li Yao will be able to slaughter all these archers.

And the archer in the front has disappeared, forming a huge vacuum zone.

"Boy, don't be arrogant, watch Grandpa kill you."

An arrogant and tyrannical voice spread to everyone's ears, Li Yao's complexion changed, and his figure flickered away from the back of the Black Dragon Queen.

But the Black Dragon Dragon Empress was not so lucky. With the foul-smelling viscous blood falling, a lot of white smoke came out of her body.

The Black Dragon Dragon Empress was unprepared, covered in blood and water, and let out a scream, then she was angry, her body suddenly glowing with a thick earthy yellow light.


More intense white smoke rose, but this time the screaming was not the Black Dragon Queen, but the tyrannical voice.

The sticky and foul-smelling blood was shot out immediately, but it was still enveloped in yellow light and churned with bubbles, and the white smoke was obviously evaporated a lot.

"Foolish little bug, you are looking for death."

The Black Dragon Dragon Queen was really angry. With her vigilance and perception, she would not have been able to withstand such a surprise attack. But just because of the power of the Dragon Father, she was completely shocked. Later, she figured out that it was the Dragon Roar skill, but it was the dragon. It is impossible for the roar skill to inherit the power of the dragon father, it should be their five great guardian dragons.

It was precisely because of the confusion that I slackened my consciousness, and in the end I suffered a small loss, but the reaction naturally did not give the other party any chance.

Then there was a breath of dragon, and the blood water let out a howl of horror.

A large part of it was directly evaporated by the dragon's breath Then, with the sound of waving wings, slices of blood-colored owls flew out of the blood water. These owls were full of blood, and their anger was soaring in the sky. Swept, rushed to the Black Dragon Queen from all directions.

In the middle, a black figure fell, and a person with blood-colored skin with two horns appeared in front of the crowd.

The complexion of the people of the demon horn tribe changed: "This is a blood inheritor with the original blood and demon horn blood. It is rare for thousands of years and has been mutated by evil blood. Be careful, everyone."

"Boy, you must die." Two scimitars appeared in the hands of the blood-bearer, and the figure flashed towards Li Yao not far away. The scimitars in his hand burst into **** flames, strange. very much.


Li Yao shot an arrow abruptly, and two scimitars swung abruptly, blocking directly in front of the arrow.

The flame of the scimitar shrank suddenly and then expanded. The arrow shot by Li Yao was instantly burned into ashes, but the blood-bearer was also bounced off by huge force.

Then, Li Yao's arrows came one after another, and the arrows shot wildly.

When, when, when, when, when...

The scimitar in his hand kept flashing **** flames, and every flame could burn arrows into ashes, and no arrow could hit him.

And the **** flame of the weapon in his hand gradually weakened.

"It's naive to want to control me with a blood curse." Li Yao just stood there and kept shooting.

"Liaoyuan, let's help you."

"Yes, the boss is tough, we will help you."

Some players saw that the boss was suppressed, and immediately released their army, wanting to **** the boss.

Li Yao sneered and stopped...


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