MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1194: Bombing


This boss is really too powerful. Although the grade does not seem high, it is already extremely powerful. This kind of awesome guy will definitely drop something very special or unique in death.

Moreover, the boss was originally far away from them, but now he appears next to them, which is simply an opportunity given by God, so even though they know that bosses are very dangerous, many people do not retreat.

The leaders of several camps yelled and ordered them to retreat, but the nearby players pretended not to hear, while the players in other places were envious and jealous. How could such a good opportunity be on their own.

"Damn it." Li Yao roared and quickly rushed over. He didn't really care about the boss' drop, he was worried that the boss would continue to regain blood, because after constant use, his dragon source was finally exhausted.

If the dragon father's power disappears before the boss's blood volume is full, it will be a very tough thing for him.

Several leaders are also worried about this. It's not that they don't want this military merit. But the problem is that in the ancient gods, robbing other people’s military merits is a very inferior thing. They now represent not themselves but their respective camps. If they do, they will be ridiculed. What will happen in the future? Foothold.

How could they know what the players think? Players have always had their interests first, who cares about your faction or not.

"Hahahaha, God helped me too." The blood-bearer's body suddenly enveloped a layer of pale golden light, and his hands stretched directly to change the sound of two huge warhammers, and then suddenly lifted and slammed the ground.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The shock waves spread wildly around him, and the close combat players seemed to be hit by a hammer, and their bodies seemed to resonate, and then their bodies shattered and burst.

An unforgettable picture appeared in front of all the players. Except for a few people in a radius of 500 yards, most of the players burst into a cloud of blood.

The thick **** fog is like a bunch of blood-colored fireworks, followed by patches of white light.

Several leaders were also pale, this Nima was too evil and terrifying. They are even more worried about the crazy recovery of the boss's blood volume, and they feel a little frustrated in their hearts, and hate those who want to steal military merits to the extreme.

Because this is related to whether they can meet in the capital, under this matter, everything else is floating clouds. If they fail to meet the teacher, they will be punished.

"Damn it." Li Yao couldn't help cursing, the boss actually has invincible skills, his arrows are useless at all, and the opponent's domineering state cannot make the opponent retreat.

As the blood mist gathered, the blood of the boss began to recover quickly. Li Yao rushed into the blood mist like lightning, and the Eye of Titan locked the position of the blood-bearer firmly.

There are still a few seconds, if you can't kill the opponent, it will be very troublesome.

"Hey, you are very anxious. I will slowly play with you when I recover all my vitality." The bloodbearer's blood volume was restored frantically.

Seeing Li Yao coming, he wanted to get out of the way, but where did Li Yao give him this kind of opportunity and directly started the time slowdown.


Everyone heard a dragon roar that seemed to come from the ancients, and everyone's ears hummed.

Under the blessing of the Dragon Father's power, Li Yao launched the unstoppable power. This was originally a skill to break through all obstacles. Under the blessing of the Dragon Father's power, it can be described as extremely powerful.

And the blood-bearer who was the first to bear the brunt was full of shock, and a lot of blood emerged from his facial features, flying upside down like a straw in his eyes full of disbelief.


Li Yao stepped on the ground abruptly, and rushed out like a cannonball. He is now extremely powerful, and the ground has been crushed to pieces, and his figure is actually no slower than the bloodbearer flying upside down.

The blood-bearer's body has flown upside down from the range of the blood mist, and finally appeared in front of people, and the blood volume has actually recovered to more than half of the blood.

However, what shocked them even more was that Li Yao's speed was not slow at all.


The huge body of the blood-bearer hit the cliff behind, and the entire mountain trembled.

"Hehehe, what can you do to me." The blood-bearer struggled to get out of the mountain.

"Try it and you'll know." The Thousand Chance Bow in Li Yao's hand turned into a huge warhammer, and it slammed the blood-bearer on the head while he was not struggling.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

The blood loss of the blood receiver is not too much, but this is the head. The five consecutive hammers directly caused the blood receiver to enter a state of breathlessness. His body crashed on the ground. He struggled but his mind was in a state of confusion, and he simply stood. Can't get up.

A huge sickle appeared in Li Yao's hand, and then suddenly charged, and then a huge inverted flight was inserted into the back of the blood-bearer, and the blood-bearer let out a scream, blood spurted, causing a lot of damage.

Then Li Yao turned into the sledgehammer of the Thousand Chance Bow Transformation in his hand. He stepped on the blood-bearer's body, and then quickly swung the sledgehammer against the blood-bearer's head.

Everyone looked at Li Yao's series of actions with pale faces. It was simply too cruel. This Nima was simply inhuman.

They watched without a hammer dropping the blood-bearer’s head and a lot of blood The bloodbearer’s upper body was smashed into the ground, and the bloodbearer’s blood volume was crazily reduced until it was empty. Everyone hasn't recovered yet.

Dingding, the blood-bearer stopped moving, and two dark golden things rolled out.

At this time, someone finally reflected that some players who can move continuously are madly using displacement. The purpose is very simple. The boss cannot be killed, but this thing must be snatched.

In spite of the lessons learned earlier, the blood-bearer is now dead, and naturally there is no worries, but they forget that there is another pervert that can kill the blood-bearer.

"Those who come near die."

If he hadn't killed the bloodbearer, there would be no disgust for those who killed the boss, Li Yao, the game is like this, who doesn't want to kill the powerful boss.

But people killed the boss with their own ability, and at this time they came to grab the spoils. This was a robber, and he had broken through the bottom line that Li Yao could bear.

Everyone saw Li Yao's figure turned into three, and then there were overwhelming arrows.

There were no fewer than a thousand players rushing from three directions in an instant, but with the cleaning of the arrow barrage finally calmed down, thousands of players, even those with invincible skills, were killed in seconds, and the strength correction was already too far apart.

The scene was silent, and everyone suddenly realized. Although the blood-bearer is a monster, this guy is even more abnormal. He can even kill the blood-bearer, not to mention them.

Especially the players on the sub-planes are even more unbelievable. They really can’t imagine how the earth people who don’t know how to fight with weak physique would have such a pervert...

ps: Recommend a friend's new book, the savior of the literary world, is also an old author, very knowledgeable, friends who like it can read...

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