MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1202: with no doubt

The gargoyle legion fell like raindrops, completely letting the blood lion lose its luck.

He originally released the gargoyle legion to attack the opponent’s artillery formation, but he was immediately beheaded. It can be seen that the opponent’s air force is powerful. If he uses any more methods, it will really tear his skin. It is estimated that they will really want the whole army to attack on both sides. Annihilated.

Therefore, although I am distressed by the annihilation of the Air Force Gargoyle Legion, I have to endure it. I can only know the pain in it. How difficult it is to get the Air Force, which means that my efforts during this period have been in vain. Up.

   Not only did the blood lion regret it, he shouldn't provoke sparks. However, who could have thought that there were so many Xinghuo methods beforehand. After all, although Xinghuo has a strong momentum and guild members are elites, after all, in their opinion, it is still a small guild that has just entered the eye. It must be a huge difference from their super guild. There is no comparability.

   So even if I know that Li Yao and Edward have no special relationship, they are still full of hostility to Spark because of their strong possessiveness. At the time, it seemed nothing, just a small guild, what can you do if you bully you.

   But things backfired, this time I hit the iron plate, and it was hard to say.

   But it was an annual drama for the audience. The situation changed too fast. I thought that Xinghuo would suffer a big loss when it was caught off guard, but now Xinghuo has settled the old and new accounts together.

   But this is the case in the game. It is difficult to measure by moral standards in reality. The focus is often on the results, not the so-called means and processes.

"Hey, let them be arrogant. You just treated me like this last time. This time it’s the present." Tongtong was so excited, the accumulated depression was wiped out, and even let Qin Fengyi record it, saying that he was going to appreciate it slowly in the future. Everyone couldn't laugh or cry, it was still a child's character.

   "The remnants of the two guilds have bypassed our army and are ready to flee, do you want to stop them?" Yao Ji asked.

Li Yao shook his head slightly and said: "The two teams have suffered heavy losses, and the players have lost a lot, and their corps combined are less than 30,000. There is no need to chase and kill them. More importantly, if they are forced to chase, they will instead. Our formation has been messed up. Now our real enemy is the original blood tribe. If there are flaws, letting them raid our Healing Legion or Integrated Legion is not beautiful."

   Everyone nodded in recognition, after all, there was no deep hatred, unlike the endless endless dying of Xinghuo and Brilliant Guild.

   Now the anger is also out, and the other party is also disabled and flees. There is no need to offend the other party and harm their own interests by killing them all.

   Even Hitomi didn't mean to continue chasing, obviously he was holding that breath in his heart.

   As for the blood lion, although it is a super guild, they are so afraid that they will not care about it at all.

   The original blood tribe finally collided with Xinghuo's legion. The two guilds who suffered heavy losses kept the legion away, but they themselves stayed on a high **** not far away to watch.

   Seeing the two armies finally encounter, the blood lion showed a sneer. In his opinion, the Starfire Legion is strong, but facing the original blood tribe Legion is simply looking for death.

   "I really do not know what I can do, do you really think you are strong enough to fight against the leader army." The team leader of the African administrative region sneered.

   There was also a cold flash in the eyes of the blood lion: "The sparks have risen very quickly recently, and they naturally swell. I don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick. Whether it makes them suffer a bit, it also allows them to truly recognize, uh, how is this possible..."

   The captain of the African team also looked at the battlefield in the distance speechless, and couldn't believe his eyes.

Facing the impact of the original blood tribe, in their opinion, although the Xinghuo army is strong, it still can't bear it. However, the roach army is still as strong as a mountain. Instead, the soldiers of the original blood tribe are beheaded with the light of the sword. kill.

   They have personally felt the terrible of the original blood tribe. The long-range hunters of the original blood tribe can be infected and transform their sacrificed people into a cannon fodder army.

   Although melee classes do not have this infection ability, their attack power is incredibly powerful, very impactful, and can recover from bloodsucking.

   So they could only use their superior army to sneak attacks when they were not prepared, and when the opponent's long-range army appeared, they were directly defeated and chased for thousands of miles. The horror in it can only be experienced by those who have fought against the original blood force.

   However, Xinghuo is a direct frontal battle, without the slightest discount.

   And not only did it resist, it was still in the upper hand. Not only them, but the audience's eyes almost fell off.

   If it is just the Cockroach Legion, even if it turns into a monster, it will play vigorously. It is not so easy to tell the winner.

   But the Cockroach Legion is not fighting alone. There is a Healing Legion in the rear, and a more central position also has long-range firepower support from artillery and trebuchet positions.

   The original blood tribe, Devilsaur cannot charge to fight in this kind of terrain, and the terrain is too complicated.

There were original blood hunters of the Air Force, but they were also defeated by the Griffins and the hunters. They were able to play with the Griffin Legion about 50 to 50, but they were hunted and killed, and the Air Force was completely defeated. .

   This gave the fighter group a chance to bombard wildly ~ It can be said that the air support was lost.

   The original Blood Warrior Legion faced three blows. On the one hand, they could not break through the blockade of the Cockroach Legion. On the other hand, faced with the attack of long-range artillery, there were various ammunition pouring in the air.

   Although the original blood legion is alienated, bloodthirsty and rage, it will not affect morale, but sometimes morale is not representative of true combat effectiveness.

   Under the strong blow, the original blood legion insisted on fighting for more than half an hour, and after the air force was completely defeated, it began to rout.

   And Li Yao once again had 10,000 more of the Warcraft-class Silver British Pterodactyl Legion. As for the loss of the cockroaches, the loss was almost negligible, and the long-range legion was in no way injured under the protection of the Cockroach Legion.

   "What to do now, they escaped." Hitomi said excitedly.

   Li Yao smiled and said: "The opponent has so much military power, obviously there is a stronghold, such a good opportunity, naturally it is to hunt down all the way, and gain control of the stronghold. This is simply a free military exploit, and we don't need to waste our troops to attack the city."

   Xinghuo and others are also very excited, isn't it, siege to win a stronghold and this kind of battle are completely two concepts.

   The blood lion and the captain of the African team looked at each other. When they saw that Xinghuo actually moved, they naturally thought of Xinghuo's plan, but now they know what they can do.

   Not to mention that they were all maimed, even if they weren’t maimed, I guess they didn’t dare to touch Xinghuo’s brows, they could only sigh dejectedly, and then left with their remaining legion...

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