MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1207: Mental lock

Everyone knows the difficulty of this boss, but this difficulty is more worth seeing, isn't it? Burning novel?????????`

However, people who want to obtain this military merit know how many people are in their hearts. Obviously, it is impossible for the ancient gods to run wild with awesome equipment. The key is technology and strategy.

Soon, the second person appeared, actually a mage.

Soon there was information. Ozawa said: "The world of law is also a top master. He has been a professional player and has been playing a mage. The most brilliant record of the ancient gods is a group of a hundred people. I killed more than a dozen of them, and then led this group of players to the snow-capped mountains, causing an avalanche and perishing with hundreds of players."

The demon concubine also said: "I also know that this famous person who exercises the law in the world has been unknown after retiring, but I have also carefully watched the video of the snow mountain incident. From my observation, he can slowly deal with these hundreds of people. Killing, it’s just that he seems to have a burst of personality, so he didn’t want to waste time at all. As a result, he deliberately caused a blood collapse. His technique was really high. And later, the guild who killed this guild was not big, and there was no way to use him. ."

"He specializes in arcane law, and the elite class is an arcane scholar, a very weird elite class." Ozawa explained before saying: "President Liaoyuan has any thoughts on this battle."

"I have also watched the video of the Snow Mountain Incident. The technology of the world of law is quite good, but it is not impossible to win this Kuer, but I am afraid it is a bit difficult to win the first time." Li Yao seeks truth from facts Said.

The magic concubine said: "Listening to Chairman Liaoyuan, my technique is much better than the law?"

Li Yao smiled and said, "Do I need to say that, please don't misinterpret what I mean. As for who we are good at, everyone naturally cares about it, and we haven't fought each other, just discuss it for a lifetime."

Ozawa frowned slightly: "I think it should be professional as a commentator and should not be targeted."

The demon concubine was taken aback for a moment, woke up, and suddenly said with a smile: "Sorry, but I am really curious, who is better than you, known as the Bloody Hunter, or the Law Xing World."

"It's okay. It's normal to be curious. After all, I'm somewhat of a celebrity." Li Yao didn't delve into it but said, "Look, let's start."

In the field, Fa Xing Tian Xia turned into several figures when the countdown disappeared, and several figures began to flash continuously.

And each figure quickly approached Chur from different angles and routes.


A hand cannon suddenly appeared in Kuhl's hand, and the muzzle of the hand cannon was facing the sky, accompanied by a roar.

One side of the artillery shell flew into the sky, and then burst suddenly, and then a rain of bullets suddenly appeared in the sky in front of him.

As the bullets fell crazily, those flashing figures were torn apart.

In an instant, almost all the figures were torn apart. Just when everyone thought that Dharma Xing Tianxia was dead, they found a purple ball of light appeared not far behind Kuer.

The ball of light suddenly turned into a figure that travels the world. When he appeared, a blue light flashed in his hand, followed by the sound of a spell.

At the same time, a shot was fired, and the hand cannon on his shoulder roared again.

The picture freezes for an instant, and Kuer's body is imprisoned by purple ice and turned into an ice sculpture, and the sound of the spell that travels the world abruptly stops.

The shell hit him directly, and accompanied by a violent explosion, the world of Law Xingxia was blown into dross.


Accompanied by countless ice splashes, Kuhl stretched his body: "The hot weather just helps me relieve the heat."

"It's really a pity." Ozawa sighed: "I feel that this tactic is very good. Using mirror images to confuse opponents. Just manipulating multiple mirror images at the same time is very powerful, and it also uses another arcane ball's invisible feature. Behind the opponent."

"It feels like a coincidence, the other party just carried the hand cannon on his shoulder." Mofei also said.

Li Yao shook his head and said: "This is not just a coincidence, but just self-confidence in his own judgment and his own skills. This hunter has strong shooting skills. And this tactic is good, and there is definitely no problem with ordinary players. But the opponent he faces Too strong, the opponent's mental power is also not weak, at least at the level of a ten thousand chief. Although he has become an arcane ball and temporarily hides, when he appeared, Kuer had already locked the opponent's aura with his mental power."

"This is too mysterious. How could it be possible? The lock mode is basically not used in the ancient gods, and the boss is not locked." Not to mention the devil and Ozawa, the audience did not believe it.

"It's not mysterious at all. The Qi lock doesn't mean that you don't need to aim, it's just an obvious mental level induction." Li Yao explained.

The magic concubine was still not convinced, and said: "I have seen a scene where the Great God of Liaoyuan controls hundreds of blew sheep. I must have a strong mental power. Can you show it to you? After all, you just say that it is difficult for everyone to understand this state. ."

"My mental power is Since you are interested, then try it out." Li Yao glanced at the demon concubine, then immediately closed his eyes and put on a blindfold: " You are a thief. There should be no sound when you walk. Try moving."

Mo Fei took a deep breath and activated a skill. Her body suddenly became light and agile. She quietly left her original position, and there were people walking around deliberately interfering with Li Yao's ears.

Ozawa nodded when he saw the devil concubine, Ozawa said: "She has changed positions, can you find her position, it doesn't matter if you can't find it..."

Before Ozawa had finished speaking, he saw Li Yao directly buckle the crossbow. There was no arrow in the crossbow, and a white wave of air like an arrow soared out.


The white trace is composed of Li Yao's magic power, directly hitting the center of the demon concubine's eyebrows, and the demon concubine was immediately staggered, leaving only a trace of blood volume.

Someone added blood to her, and she moved her position again, but five times in a row, Li Yao could hit her no matter where she moved, and every time it was between the eyebrows.

For the sixth time, Li Yao opened his eyes and said: "I can't feel it this time. It seems that my mental strength is not at home."

Everyone was speechless, and Hitomi said directly: "What, she went offline this time, it's weird that you feel it."

The magic concubine went online a moment later, and the audience said what happened just now, and immediately bowed to Li Yao: "I'm really sorry.

Li Yao waved his hand: "You are too polite. The so-called Wen Wu is the first and Wu Wu is the second. It is normal to have differences. Next are alien players. Aren't they pretentious? It depends on how they behave."

What he said was calm and calm, but the audience was shocked. Unexpectedly, mental power could be used in this way, and it also allowed them to see the future direction...

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