MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1217: Siege

Many top players used various methods to approach the Devil Dragon King. Huo Ran? Text??????`

The spider silks or hooks were locked to the Devil's Dragon King's body, and they obviously wanted to be on the Devil's Dragon King's body.


The Devil's Dragon King didn't care at all, he couldn't take care of it either, just turned his head and charged quickly.

However, a horror scene appeared for everyone. Those who were just approaching the blood mist were directly impacted by the blood soul into the body, and then the body melted, and the white light of the soul appeared, and their souls also became blood souls, temporarily even resurrecting in the cemetery. Impossible, it has been completely controlled.

"Interesting." The touch of darkness on Li Yao's body also shimmered to protect Li Yao. Li Yao's figure flashed to the back of Devilsaur, and the touch of darkness firmly fixed Li Yao on the back of Devilsaur. .

As long as the blood mist is close to the blood mist, it will be absorbed by the touch of darkness, and the blood souls that are close will be directly penetrated and dissipated by the tentacles of the touch of darkness, and they will not be able to get close to Li Yao.

The touch of darkness seemed to be irritated, countless tentacles danced wildly, and Li Yao seemed to be a monster at this moment, very evil.


Several more figures fell on the back of the Devil Dragon King, and their bodies were shrouded in divine light of different colors.

"It turns out that these people are hiding so deeply. What are these people? Can the Great God Liaoyuan explain."

Li Yao can still be a part-time commentator. Although Ozawa and Mo Fei recognize these people, they don't know the origin of the light on them.

"Interesting, it seems that there are a lot of masters, and they don't usually show up." Li Yao showed a smile.

Several players gave each other a lot of glances around, and no one seemed to be the first to start.

The Devilsaur king basically relies on the blood soul to deal with the things on his back. Now the blood soul is invalid, and he has nothing to do, but he continues to attack the various legions, and no one can stop the charge of the Devilsaur dragon.

Moreover, he was also more cunning, as long as he saw the more dangerous army formation directly screamed to make the army turn around, just picking the soft persimmon.

The number of players who can reach the dragon's back basically does not increase after thirteen.

Li Yao said: "I don't need to say, the touch of darkness itself is part of the body of the ancient god. Needless to say, the origin of the evil blood is the blood mutation of the ancient god. Although it is not the same ancient god, this kind of pediatrics Naturally, my touch of darkness cannot be hurt."

"As for Edward, I said it last time, this big spider is obviously from the demon **** of hell." Love's body was shrouded in the shadow of a big spider.

"This person who is forced to pray on the back of the dragon believes that everyone should also know that she is the core priest of the moon. It is not surprising that she is sheltered by a moon flower. The only true **** among the ancient gods today is the true **** that existed in ancient times. The evil blood of the ancient gods is of course nothing."

"The big man holding an ancient sword, behind him is the archangel of the ruling, he is an existence on the same level as Tyrael, and comes from the power of heaven."

"This little dwarf is interesting. It is not the **** of machinery. He looks like a wind snake phantom behind him. It should be the phantom of the blood **** Hakkar. The blood **** Hakkar is also a **** of blood, although he is only a half god. But it's not weak either."

"Huh? This young man is also very interesting. They are actually some phantom eyeballs, fate, these eyeballs are similar to my dark touch, they are also from the ancient gods, but C'Thun's insignificant split body is very strange."

"And this, is actually sheltered by the Queen of Shadows, it seems to be a priest of darkness."

Li Yao told the origins of their treasures one by one. Every time they said one, the face of the person who was said changed. You know, many people have revealed this method for the first time.

If it wasn't for the Devil's Dragon King to be too tempting, they wouldn't be revealed in front of others, after all, this kind of hole cards can be kept for a day.

However, their hole cards were actually spoken out by Li Yao extremely accurately, which really surprised them.

The audience also realized it suddenly, but this is nothing to Li Yao. Although he failed to conjure a **** in his previous life, he was a semi-god demigod at any rate, and he was at the top of all kinds of gods in the ancient world regardless of their faction. The combat power is naturally well understood.

"It's a prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie prairie fire, today has a long experience." Edward smiled.

Li Yao nodded: "You are polite, I have booked this dragon king, are you sure you want to fight with me."

Edward shook his head slightly: "Although I admit that it is not your opponent, the Devil's Dragon King is too good. Even if he knows he is invincible, he still has to do his best today, not to mention I am not alone today."

"Yes, you are really good at Liaoyuan. Not long ago, your anti-reaction and anti-reaction measures have also benefited me a lot, but if one yard falls into one yard, I have to fight for the Devil Dragon King." said the man with the big sword.

"Sometimes, good technology is not necessarily the final winner." The female player sheltered by the Shadow Goddess sneered.

"What I said is that technology and strength are two different things." The followers of the blood **** Haka also said.

"Take care of him first." Someone is already ready to move, obviously wanting to kill Li Yao first.

"It looks like a good idea." The priestess of the moon chuckled lightly.


A phantom suddenly appeared, and the dark dagger pierced Li Yao's head like Many people took action and wanted to unite against Li Yao.

"Liaoyuan, offended." Edward also began to chant the spell.

"Idiot, how did you attack me in the field that inspired the touch of darkness."

Li Yao didn't turn his head at all, the sickle in his hand waved in the back.


The sickle directly blocked the dagger, and then in the thief's incredulous gaze, he was successfully defended.


The thief fell directly on the back of the dragon, and the blood shadow of the **** of thief behind him dispersed for a while, and the **** souls that wandered in suddenly took advantage of the screams of the players. The flesh and blood melted and the soul was turned into a member of the blood soul. .

Everyone's complexion changed.

"Don't let him break the move or prevent countermeasures, or our shelter will temporarily disappear." Edward reminded loudly.

Others also looked heavy, some people who had not shot back suddenly, and those who were ready to shot suddenly didn't want to continue shooting.

"Damn it, these **** besieged Big Brother, it's too shameless." Tongtong said indignantly.

Demon Ji thought for a while and said: "Devil Tyrannosaurus King is sure to win. Here is my commanding legion, and you have the ability to support the chairman of the past."

"Okay, I've already waited for you to say this." The newcomer Muzi was the first to respond.

The body suddenly turned into a cloud of phoenix phantom, and quickly ran away.

After a while, several ghosts fell on the back of the Devil Dragon King.

"Big brother, we are here." Behind Tongtong is the phantom of the four elements.

Behind Sister Li was the phantom of the two goddesses ice and fire. Behind Qin Fengyi was a cloaked shadow. Behind the 72nd Transfiguration was a storm crow surrounded by lightning.

"Do you want to besiege our president? Have you ever asked us if you have." The guardian angel surrounded by golden lightning shook coldly...

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