MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1219: Melee

However, when everyone saw that Li Yao was still carrying his hands on his back, he didn't mean to move at all, as if they were frightened. ?? Huo Ran Wen??????????`

"Only I can take his life. Get out of here."

Along with a cold voice, a vague and equally huge figure appeared, accompanied by a few dazzling claws and Carter's huge fist.


Carter's huge rock fist was actually cut off by Claw Shadow.

But the huge shadow was also bounced away. At this time, everyone saw the figure clearly, and saw a huge dragon-like monster appeared in everyone’s field of vision. It was just different from the ordinary dragon-man dragon head. His head It is actually the head of a lizard.

The Devil's Dragon King also felt the bloodline power and stopped unexpectedly: "It is actually the bloodline of the Dragon King."

Carter also looked dignified, and hit the ground with a fist. With the earth and rock splashing, his broken fist and his injuries from fighting with the Devil Dragon King quickly recovered as the earth and rock melted into his body.

The three confronted each other, apparently ignoring the few players still on the dragon's back.

Edward was enveloped by the giant spider and came to Li Yao's side and chuckled: "It seems that your enemy is not small, how did you provoke this guy."

"I don't know." Li Yao shook his head slightly, but then said: "But seeing this lizard head, it is obviously a lizard man, and it is also the body of a dragon. So they worship the trial of the heir of the black dragon prince and demigod, the black dragon dragon queen, seems to have some connection with you."

The black dragon dragon descendant form appeared behind Li Yao, she just glanced lightly and said: "It's just a **** who can't even be regarded as a dragon. It is the bottom servant of the dragon clan."

"Tsk tsk, that guy is a demigod anyway." Li Yao continued.

The black dragon dragon queen said with disdain: "Deathwing wanted to get something from that plane, but couldn't get it, so it left a trace of blood. That little guy is just a pseudo-half achieved by that thing on the secondary plane. It's just a god, this kind of demigod can slap ten deaths with one slap in my heyday."

Li Yao then looked at the lizardman and said, "Have you heard it? Just like you, you want to order my head. It's probably impossible in the next life."

Using the power of the Black Dragon King's bloodline to transform, the lizardfolk can clearly feel the bloodline suppression on the Black Dragon Queen's body, as if thinking of being an enemy, they feel the fear from the depths of the soul.

But after all, he is a player, not an NPC in the ancient gods. He suppressed this anxiety, glanced at Li Yao coldly, and said: "My ancestor said, as long as you kill you, I will be rewarded with a clan Divine weapon, your head, I am bound to get it, but don't be killed by others. When I take care of this stone lump and slaughter this tyrannosaurus is killing you."

"Arrogant, just now you were just a sneak attack." The mountain giant sneered.

The Devil's Dragon King also roared and said in a slightly immature voice: "A bunch of scumbags also want to kill me, a few bastards, quickly leave me, or I will make you die, you bad guys."

Instead of leaving, Li Yao directly sat on the dragon's head and touched the scales and said: "Little dragon, kill them and then we will discuss the matter of signing the contract."

"You are delusional, weak chicken." Devil's dragon roared, but he was helpless. No matter what method he used, Li Yao had nothing to do with him: "But if anyone can defeat these two guys, I will fight him. Sign the contract, you can figure it out."

Li Yao shook his head slightly: "What a cunning dragon."

When Edward heard this, several people were taken aback: "What the Dragon King said is true?"

"Although I am young, I am the son of the Dragon King at any rate, so I speak naturally." The Devil Dragon King said dissatisfied.

Edward fell on the ground, the phantom of the spider behind him turned into an entity directly, and a huge ferocious spider appeared, but the head of the spider was Edward's body.

"Carter, offended." Edward didn't give Carter a chance, and directly spewed out a large amount of purple spider silk.

Carter has a huge body and is difficult to dodge. He is directly trapped by the spider silk. He quickly tore the spider silk, but his body is obviously trapped.

And Edward had already deceived him, and the spider legs that looked like a blade brought out a sword and light.

With the rumbling sound, Carter, who was still arrogant, was directly broken down into a pile of rubble.

"The next one is you." Edward looked at the lizard man in the distance, and did not step forward, but his body burned out of flames, like a huge flame spider, the sky dimmed, and countless fire elements gathered. .

"I haven't lost yet. You are too anxious."

Kaka Kaka...

Those quickly gathered together at any time, plus a lot of mud and rocks, and the figure of the mountain giant Carter appeared again.

"Reappearing is also dead." Edward's eyes reflected two groups of fire.

Huh, huh...

Along with the scream, a huge string of meteorites burning with flames fell from the sky. boom, boom, boom, boom, boom...

With a series of bursts, Carter who had just condensed was smashed again, but before Edward turned around, those eyes and the flaming rock once again contributed to Carter's body.

"As long as I am above the earth, I am immortal."

The audience was in an uproar. They didn't expect to hide such a powerful player. Is this Nima really a game to play? The monsters appeared one by one, which completely shocked them. They deeply felt that they and The gap between the top players.

"May Elune guide your path, since you all want to fight, then I won't participate." The priestess of the moon smiled at Li Yao, her figure disappeared: "Liaoyuan, I will ask you for advice next time. , Don’t think that your guilt for sneaking into the Moon Temple will not be held accountable."

"You're still watching the show, first care about yourself." The figure holding the huge sword jumped up, and his body suddenly swelled and turned into a huge golden angel: "The mountain is overwhelming."

The lizard man who was staring at Li Yao suddenly raised his head, and then raised his claws.


The huge golden sword and two claws slammed together, and the lizardman's huge body was suddenly smashed into the ground.

However, the heavens are not forgiving, and constantly swinging the golden sword to slash, they simply don't give the opponent a chance to react.

Edward is also constantly casting magic one by one to fight with Carter. Both of them are heavyweight bodies. Whether it is magic or collision, the mountains are violently shaken.

The Devil's Dragon King's eyes lit up and his body was shaking with excitement.

Li Yao patted him on the head and said, "What's so good about this, it doesn't have any technical content, the body has become bigger, and the brain has become stupid."

"It's better than you, a coward." The Devil's Dragon King is full of disdain...

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