MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1260: New ways to make money

   Because of the early registration problem, Li Yao and the others were taken into a side hall as soon as they entered the auction house. Because there were many auction places and the venue was not enough, they were divided into several batches.

  The Red Fortress was the third batch of auctions. The inside was very dark. Under the leadership of a troll girl, I arrived at a small box where I could only sit in a small place with four people. It was impossible to see who was participating in the auction.

"It's amazing. There are such smart NPCs in the game, and they are so beautiful to play." Hitomi sat in the middle with a hum, took a big grape and ate: "Just forget about the small private room. We can’t see each other who is at the auction, lest we retreat, we can’t bring our own food, we can only buy, it’s too dark."

"Then you can come on, eat the capital back, and say that this seems to be because the vineyards planted by the orcs are harvested, and many of them cannot be sold. After all, many places have their own special grapes. Not to mention the bright camp. It is the dark camp. Well, the royal grapes of the high elves catalyzed by special magic are a must, and then the blood grapes of the undead, which makes people feel a sense of ecstasy. The grapes of the orcs are much better than the real ones, but In the ancient gods, it is average at best, even after brewing into wine, the competitiveness is not enough." Yao Ji said.

"There is no way. The orcs are still hunting. They are far behind planting things, and they have tried a lot of crops over the years. So far, it seems that only grapes have been harvested." Li Yao also picked up one and tasted it. The grapes are more delicious, but they are far worse than the quality grapes in other places in the ancient gods.

   Spark has started various large-scale trades since it had its own fleet. Every time Spark players pooled money to do business, the guild sent ships and protected the commission. Now Spark is the largest trading fleet among players.

  Even every time Spark sails, many guilds and players who own ships want to follow and seek protection, but Spark has never accepted this kind of business for the safety of the fleet.

  Because of this kind of trade, Spark has a lot of good things, and every time there is a good thing, it will leave a copy for Li Yao and the veterans of the guild, and their mouths have long been raised.

   Demon Ji said: "Does the president know what drunkenness is scarce now."

Li Yao thought about it for a while and said: "If you want to say that everyone's favorite wine is popular and can sell at a good price, it should be Winter Spring Fire Bar. Doesn't our guild go there regularly to buy and ship to the East Continent for sale. As for the most expensive wine, The expensive ones should be **** and heaven. The ten-year cellar is only 88,000 gold coins per bottle, but the archangel counts on this to make money."

Demon Ji shook her head and said: "Hell and heaven are actually a little more illusionary than the blood wine of the undead. They are all made by the neutral camp, but they are used for ostentation. It is really delicious. It's so addictive..."

Hitomi interrupted Demon Ji's words and rushed to say: "I know, I know, it was the night of the sacrifice, hum, or it was brought back by the fleet last time, saying it was a gift, and then I learned that it had spent thousands of gold coins in exchange. For the small bottle that came, my sister-in-law and I only tasted a small cup. The taste is as if our spirit has been sublimated, and we are like a god. The taste is endless."

   Li Yao was taken aback: "The night of sacrifice."

"That's right, it's this kind of wine. Now the forum is everywhere. It's a pity that you can't buy it at all. People found that this kind of wine is only owned by the dark spear tribe trolls, but they simply If we don't sell it, we only drink it once when we are offering sacrifices to the gods, or we will meet a friend financially to give it a little. If we know the other source of this wine or brewing method, then we will make a fortune." The enchantress said with regret.

"Well, um, many people want to make a fortune. They guess that the Darkspear tribe can brew, but not a large amount of brewing. Thinking of trolls, after all, trolls are divided into several branches. Now they have discovered forest trolls, jungle trolls and Desert trolls, there are countless scattered tribes. Many people kill dozens of trolls to explode this kind of wine. Unfortunately, the exposure is too low." Hitomi followed.

Li Yao thought for a while, and said, "I remember that there was a tribe of trolls that seemed to live in Stranglethorn Vale. There was the birthplace of jungle trolls. It looked like a tribe called wine demon. Maybe there is a way to brew this kind of wine, but It seems to be a medium-sized tribe, and the tribe is very dangerous. When we finish the main line copy, we can take a look at this tribe."

The eyes of the two of them suddenly lit up and they nodded. If this is the case, Spark will add a new source of financial resources. Although Spark makes a lot of money in industries, the cost is also huge. Last time they made a fortune with potions and herbs. , But it is not a long-term solution after all.

   At this time, a high elf host came onto the stage, and behind her was a red fortress map.

"Dear friends, I don’t need to say what is behind me. I believe that everyone understands the value of this fortress when I come here. I will not repeat it. Because there are many people who choose this fortress, the price has been adjusted. The starting price has risen to two thousand gold coins. Every time you add two hundred gold coins, if you want to increase the price, press the button on the armrest of the Everyone will light up the box. Okay, no nonsense, let’s start now auction."

   As the auction started, Li Yao and the others saw the lights in their brother's box continue to light up.

   Soon the price reached five thousand gold coins. By this time, there were fewer talents to raise prices.

But people continue to increase prices, but it's a lot slower. Although the guild has money now, five thousand gold coins is not a small amount. For ordinary players, let alone five thousand gold coins, it is 500 gold coins. Advanced riding skills can be learned at level 40, but now it is almost at level 50, but most people still can't learn it.

   "Brother, maybe you come." Hitomi looked at the button on the armrest and said.

Li Yao shook his head amusedly: "Let’s come, you will grab this seat as soon as you come, isn’t it just for enjoyment, don’t worry, we will each rob you, and we are bound to win the Crimson Fortress. Feel free to increase the price."

   "Hehe, I knew Big Brother is the best." Hitomi stopped when the price reached six thousand two and patted the button directly.

   "The sixty-fourth box is bid six thousand four, is there anyone else to increase the price?" the auctioneer said loudly.

   The price flickered a few times again. Hitomi would continue to bid as long as he saw that he was not the highest and the second highest, until only the two highest and the third did not want to make a profit.

   When the price reached eight thousand, Hitomi shot it five times in a row, bringing the price to eight thousand gold coins, and finally no one bid anymore...

  :. :

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