MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1270: Unsheathed

   There are still many ships in the two fleets, but being beaten like this by the other's 20 small boats is really awkward.

   "It can't go on like this. The opponent's main fleet is not far away. Let's go over and kill them before attacking the Spark Station." The Maimang Guild's president said.

  The Burning Blade Guild’s guild's expression changed: "You are crazy, a fleet like ours is fighting against the Spark Fleet, and it's just like death."

"Their main force is afraid to come over, obviously because they feel unsure. Their timidity shows that the Starfire Guild's fleet may not be the same as before, and our fleet is not weak, nor are they small boats that can be slaughtered at will." The president of Maimang Guild analysis.

"Just kidding, the land side has already launched an offensive now. I think we still sent a small number of ships to intercept them, and we also launched an attack on the Spark Station. Two-sided attack is the king, and we can't even face this kind of boat. What's more, it's a big ship of others. Our ship is good, but there is no magic warship, so what to fight with others." The president of Burning Blade obviously didn't want his fleet and the opponent to smash: "Our army They are all on the ship. If the players die, the army will return to their hometown without releasing them."

"Don't worry, I still have a hole card, you just wait and see, if it is not possible, our Maimang guild will be terminated after the head office, if our two guilds are separated, there is really no chance at all." Long calmed down and said, "You think, if we defeat the Xinghuo fleet, we will not only weaken Xinghuo's strength, but also you have to understand that Xinghuo's warships are also doing trade. There must be many good things on board, and you can get it at sea. , Only our two guilds are divided, not..."

  The president of the Burning Blade Guild finally moved his heart and said, "Okay, then give it a try."

   "That's right. Wealth and wealth are in danger." The chairman of the Maimang Guild said loudly, "Don't waste time with those boats. The fleet drove and crushed it and started a decisive battle with the Spark Fleet."

  Those speedboats will not fight the opposite side, but directly bypass and attack from the side.

   The Spark II Fleet quickly knew what the opponent was doing.

   "This kind of fleet with uneven levels dare to fight with us. It's really looking for death. Passing my order, always gain the upper hand, and teach them some lessons. Instead, see what they have hidden."

   The Spark Fleet rushed towards the opponent's fleet directly downwind, and the two sides soon encountered each other, but the Maimang coalition did not enter the range of Spark, but always kept a distance, and dispatched some almost empty ships to intercept.

  No matter what those on the Starfire side, the artillery blasted to sink the intercepted ships.

   A murloc ran to the boat and said: "Commander, the other ship released a large number of poisonous piranhas, and some terrifying jellyfish that can corrode the bottom of the ship."

   The female pirate shook her head slightly: "So what's the point of hiding this method? The order is that the water ghost troops go into the water to clean up the trash in the water, and at the same time sound the water horn, summon the big monster, and tell it it's time to eat."

   The battle situation on land is constantly changing.

   The guard officer stood on the wall, and the scout riding a griffin landed: "My lord, the opposing forward force will arrive here in about twenty minutes."

   "The opponent's main force," the guard asked.

   "The main force is about to approach the sandbar forest." The scout replied.

   "Very good, tell the Assassin Hall to let them play freely." The guard said.

   "Yes." The messenger quickly flew to a hidden place outside the city and handed the order to a masked thief.

Seeing the order, the thieves raised their heads, and then said to countless masked thieves below: "Someone has attacked our guild. Now the guild leader and our heads are not there, but we can't weaken the reputation of the Assassin Hall. Follow me to hunt down the opponent’s main force. Our goal is very clear. Kill the opponent’s weak healing and life-saving crispy skin. Now everyone uses the war space. They will not release their troops. We kill each person. It is equivalent to killing a small army. Let’s set off now and target the sandbar forest, the training ground we are most familiar with."

   There was no cheering, no cheering slogan. Following the order of the leading thieves, all the thieves entered the sneak, and then quickly approached the sandbar forest not far away.

   is also a player from two guilds. There is no existing road in the sandbar forest, where the trees are straight and tall.

The players of the two guilds can’t maintain the formation, they can only move loosely and fast in the forest. Their speed is very fast. Obviously they are blessed with something, but they can’t mount in the forest and can only run by themselves. The speed is still A lot slower than before.

   And they didn't know that, in the tree above their heads, thousands of thieves had been scattered across the trees.

   A squad of one hundred people, the leader screamed.

Hundreds of thieves threw out the noose in their hands at the same time. Hundreds of crispy skins were wrapped around their necks and then pulled up. The thieves pulled the other end of the rope and fell to the position where the two sides were in parallel and continued to wrap. The opponent's neck is followed by a backstab.

   A set of procedures is almost exactly the same as that of Shadow Dancer who uses beams and ropes to hunt down opponents.

   "Enemy attack!"

The players below    finally reacted all raised their heads, and then prepared to attack.

   "Smoke bomb cover."

   Many thieves threw the smoke grenades down, and the lower part was already filled with smoke, and the thieves changed positions quickly.

   The captain of the Hundreds team made another whistling sound again. There was no need for direct language communication at all. The thieves understood what the captain meant, and they directly searched for the right number of positions and assumed heavy crossbows.

   噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗, 噗...

   One after another steel arrows shot out, one by one players were hit to the end, and there was chaos below. The people below could not see the target in the smoke bomb, and although the people in the distance saw the target but the attack distance was not enough, they could only watch the thieves pouring firepower continuously.

You know, ordinary bows and crossbow arrows, if it is not a specialized props, it is more difficult for the thieves to kill the player, but this medium-sized heavy crossbow is different. Although the winding is slower, the lethality is very amazing. If there is no support Pointing is not easy to operate, but it is different if flexible thieves look for suitable locations.

   This is the result of their training, not only relying on their skills, but using a variety of powerful props to complete the hunt in the right place.

   is not just one place, the situation also appeared in other places. In a short time, thousands of players were caught off guard by the thousands of assassins, and many people were beaten and forced.

  Because the general guild group at this moment basically uses the skills of thieves to assassinate the throat, and then expose and escape, but the assassin group on the Spark side is completely different...

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