MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1273: reality

   The female pirate looked at the black dragon queen in the distance and suddenly smashed the ship's side: "Damn, send an air force to support the black dragon queen. Although she is strong, she has a big goal. It is too dangerous to have no other air force to cover her."

   Following his command, the players riding the giant eagle began to take off. Because they did not have aerial riding skills, they were firmly fixed on the back of the flying eagle and could only throw a grenade.

   Then there are hundreds of fighter jets, which is the standard configuration of the Spark Fleet.

   However, Xinghuo's support was still too late.

   A golden chain spear suddenly shot out from a medium-sized battleship, and the black dragon queen was caught by the spear unpreparedly, and blood was injected into it.

   However, before the Black Dragon Queen could react, other ships also fired chain spears. Various parts of the Black Dragon Queen’s body were hooked, and even two wings were hooked.

   immediately lost his balance and fell directly, followed by the bombardment of artillery from several ships, and the Black Dragon and Dragon Queen was killed by countless artillery fire.

   The people of the coalition forces who saw this scene suddenly cheered, and they also saw Spark dispatching the air force, and there were many flying pets flying in the coalition forces, and the two sides also fought in the air.

   It's just that their air force only has a variety of pets. The firepower is obviously not as good as the Spark side. Needless to say, the fighters have fierce firepower. Although the movements of the eagle knights are restricted, they can still be done with crossbow arrows.

   "Commander, there are too many piranhas on the other side, and the casualties on our side are expanding." A murloc climbed onto the battleship and said.

   "Where are those corrosive sea monsters," the female pirate asked.

   "Those monsters are the primary hunting targets, and they are basically hunted clean. Even if there are remnants, they will not cause much harm." The murloc said quickly.

  The female pirate pondered for a moment: "Send the order, the water ghost troops boarded a nearby battleship, ready to fight on board. Blackthorn, to the most dense area of ​​piranhas."

   The horn sounded in the water again, and the water ghost troops immediately began to retreat in an orderly manner, and many ropes appeared on the battleship, and the people of the water ghost troops would grab the ropes and be pulled onto the ship.

   The chairman of the Maimang Guild laughed loudly: "I saw it, even if they dispatched murlocs and naga, but what's the use? It was not repelled by my means."

   "No, that battleship is their command ship, why did it get to the forefront."

"You worry too much. I have solved the two powerful pets of Liaoyuan. Don't worry about the others. As long as your guild cooperates, the victory of this naval battle will ultimately be us, the magic warship, and then our two guilds One person, one ship, not to mention dominating the sea, but it can be regarded as the number one among the players, and ordinary pirates will not dare to provoke us." The Maimang guild leader looked at the magic battleship with his eyes bright.

   The other president was also excited, the magic battleship, but something extraordinary.

   At this time, the black thorns has rushed to the forefront, and the piranha fish school has also gathered here, and is struggling to rush towards the Spark fleet.

   The female pirate said coldly: "Energy is ready, fill in energy crystals to supplement energy at any time."

   locked the female pirate and read an obscure spell. Following her spell, countless dense thorns and vines grew on the black thorns.

   These vines are like living things, turning the entire black thorn into a huge plant-type monster. Countless vines danced wildly.

   Especially underwater, as the vines spread wildly, one by one piranhas were pierced through their bodies, and the entire sea became more chaotic.

  The black thorns gradually turned blood red in the horrified eyes of everyone, as if they had sucked enough blood.

   "Flying Eagle Fleet, kill with me."

   The black thorns did not stop, just like a moving fortress, dancing with countless vines, pushing the speed of the black thorns to the extreme.

   And the other fleets of Spark also accelerated.

   Boom, Zaza...

   Black Thorns ignored those local warships that were sacrificed, and directly smashed a warship into two halves, and many vines shot out like sharp arrows.

   The nearby battleship was pierced by vines like tofu, and a lot of sea water poured in.

   "Damn it, he went deep alone and slammed him down for me." The Maimang Guild chairman shouted.

  The artillery fire went into the sky for a while, and the ships that could target the gunfire at the black thorns opened fire one after another.

   The black thorns also showed its hideous muzzle, without the slightest intention of avoiding it, and it fired at the same time against the opponent's gunfire.

   The black thorns are in the upper wind, far enough away, but many enemy battleship artillery can only fall in the sea.

   But there are still a lot of shells falling on the black thorns. An energy shield appeared in the black thorns, but only three rounds of artillery fire. When the black thorns destroyed the other three medium-sized battleships and five small battleships, the energy shield was also broken.

   The vines of the black thorns exploded by a large number of shells broke and flew across, but because the black thorns broke through the opponent's defense line, it also bought time for the Spark Fleet.

Starfire occupies the upper hand, and neither shells nor artillery can be compared by the two guilds. Not to mention the battleships. Spark purchases real battleships purchased through relationships. With constant updates, the fleet is no better than the NPC fleet. Worse. Of course, this refers to medium and small, players still can't get large battleships.

  Other guilds will not Their so-called warships are actually armed merchant ships, presumably the real warships are too short.

   A large number of battleships of the other side's friends sank in a collective firefight, but the battleships on the Spark side were only damaged, and there was no sign of sinking.

   "Damn, now you are satisfied, this is what you said to defeat the Spark fleet." The other guild leader's expression was ugly.

   Of course, he was only complaining. In fact, although they heard that the quality of the Spark Fleet was better than theirs, they did not think it was much better. However, the real firefight did not understand the real gap between the two sides.

   With the sinking of the ship, a large number of players fell into the water, and the remaining piranhas had already switched targets.

The president of the Maimang Guild also looked gloomy and roared: "The second line of defense intercepts the Spark Fleet and starts a battle. The remaining fleet will change and follow me to storm the port of Spark. As long as it gets ashore, summon the army and our Alliance Guild. With two-sided processing, Xinghuo will ultimately fail."

   The head-to-head confrontation made the two guilds fully understand the reality, and then they realized that wanting to eat the Spark Fleet is not something that can be solved by removing Li Yao's two pets.

   "Commander, don't we chase it."

"No need. Slowly devour the people they left behind, try to take up the battle, receive their ships, and their main force, and we will grab them when they come ashore. Although being a warship is not qualified, it is more than enough to be a merchant ship. Let my trade fleet expand again. Besides, the administrator is not easy to mess with."...

  :. :

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