MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1275: investigator

When the military investigator saw that no one was speaking, he continued, "Well, since everyone is very interested, I will continue to talk about it. Speaking of that guild, I can’t even remember the name. I guess Xinghuo is grateful to this guild. Let Xinghuo understand the real role of warships, and only then have a fleet to build real warships. Unfortunately, even the conditions of Xinghuo are not allowed. It is said that Liaoyuan has been to the Royal District of Undercity many times for this matter, but has never been able to get warships. ."

"You should know that Xinghuo is very profitable. The trade volume between the two ports is very large. The flow of people brought by Xinghuo has allowed Xinghuo to obtain a lot of gold coins. With the shops in the two main cities of Xinghuo, I believe that countless guilds are envious. Even if it is possible to rent some small shops now, they are far from the one-stop shops in the prime locations of Sparks. But I don’t know the specific numbers. At first I was unwilling, but after working hard for a long time, I didn’t find out the specific interior. news."

"Don't say you don't believe it, I couldn't believe it at the time. Xinghuo didn't want to be a messy management team like a guild that suddenly sprang up. Xinghuo can say that the shares are clear, the division of responsibilities is coordinated with each other, and the scheduling is well-defined. The dazzling light of Liaoyuan attracted attention, but ignored the others of Xinghuo, but you will know by analyzing it for yourself, the stars of Xinghuo are shining."

"The most important thing under Liaoyuan is Sister Li. She is the executive vice president. If you don’t believe me, Liaoyuan has absolute equity and is the true leader of the Spark Guild, but he is only involved in the strategic direction and planning of the Spark, and specific guild affairs. I have never intervened, and all aspects of Spark’s specific operation and development, and even the management of regulations and systems, are all at the helm of Sister Li. In reality, Sister Li is also a legendary strong woman. If you are interested, you can check it out. I won’t elaborate on it. Without her management, I can say with certainty that there can be no spark in the fire just by Liaoyuan."

"Qin Fengyi, needless to say, the most mysterious female commentator, there are definitely a number of characters in the competitive circle, and the lover of Liaoyuan. In fact, Qin Fengyi's initial and mid-stage commentary were produced by Liaoyuan and Qin Fengyi. If you don’t believe me, you can look at Qin Fengyi’s I remember the video, a video is basically made by two people. It’s just that Liaoyuan was behind the scenes. Now, she basically gives up understanding and uses her contacts in the competitive circle for so many years to collect all kinds of valuable news for Spark. "

"Peerless Demon Fairy, needless to say, she is also a former legend. If it weren't for the original team of slut, it is estimated that Demon Fairy's status is no weaker than Edward. Such a once pinnacle figure is now in charge of Xinghuo's foreign battles, clubs and teams. With her presence, and with Xinghuo’s super personal combat effectiveness, you don’t have to think about the performance of Xinghuo Team. The last simulation match is the best proof."

"Fruit couple, Hitomi and others, although they are inconspicuous, they are definitely powerful figures in leading the specific activities and operations of the guild. If Spark is compared to a battleship, then Liaoyuan is the captain and the helmsman controlling the direction, and Sister Li is the big one. Vice, let the personnel on the battleship coordinate with each other. Qin Fengyi is a watchman with rich experience, so that Xinghuo will not lose his way, but also can avoid and deal with storms in advance, while the enchantress is the pioneer of battle command and leads the sailor to fight the enemy to death."

Everyone was completely silent. There were only military investigators on the public screen of the millions of viewers. It was okay for military investigators not to say it, but they were still surprised when they said it. Xinghuo can't talk about the sudden rise of the grass team. On the contrary, The sparks are in order, and the stars are shining, but they appear dim in Li Yao's light. But on a moonless night, they are definitely one of the brightest stars.

"Digress, continue to talk about the development of Xinghuo Navy. Xinghuo makes a lot of money, but the cost is also very large. I believe that I have seen Xinghuo’s guild warehouse, and that one is really not built. Xinghuo is constantly expanding and building, maintaining the guild’s welfare. A huge amount of gold coins are needed. However, Xinghuo made a fortune because of the invasion of others. This money is a lot for other guilds, but for Xinghuo, it was spent at hand. The focus is that the copy of herbs and potions, the Xinghuo guild Earned money from all players of the ancient gods."

"I don't know how much, but the numbers are definitely scary. Spark has too much money and I don't know how to spend it, but at this time the war mode is prevailing. Xinghuo has invested a considerable amount of money on murlocs and naga. I feel specific. Those who are interested can take a look at the coastline near Xinghuo. I will not discuss it either."

"Afterwards, Liaoyuan received the rank of general. Many people think that there is something about a general in the game. Why should I focus on this? The general I am talking about is not that the players won the honorary rank. Even if it is the honorary rank, the most powerful players are not the school. Officer. And Liaoyuan’s military rank is a tangible general in control of real power. You may have overlooked his military rank because Liaoyuan captured a plain alone and controlled three cities."

"But you have to know that he is already in charge of a strong elite in the Queen's Guards. It is also a powerful general assigned by the warchief to garrison missions. He controls a certain dark camp map. Of course, this is not the main one. , The main thing is the information contained in it. The queen has regarded Liaoyuan as her true inheritor, instead of teaching some skills To put it bluntly, Liaoyuan is actually the righteous prince of Undercity, and is One of the second-generation successors who is very recognized by the upper ranks of the dark camp, hehe, if something happens to the queen, even if some people are unconvinced, most of the upper ranks of the Undercity will turn to support the Liaoyuan ascendant. What concept is this, I believe everyone I understand it myself."

"Now you still have objections to why Xinghuo owns a real battleship. Liaoyuan has been completely integrated into the camp, and the high-level officials regard him as his own. In addition, people have money and helped the dark camp to make so much credit and honor. Naturally, there are no restrictions. As far as I know, waiting for the Liaoyuan level 60 is enough to be eligible to buy large warships at a low price. The Maimang Guild also wants to compete with the Spark Sea, what the Spark Fleet has so many goods, it doesn’t have to be divided with the two guilds that attack on land. Mom, I'm so ridiculous, I've never seen such a stupid person."

   The vast majority of players have a little understanding of Xinghuo and Liaoyuan, and they understand how terrifying Xinghuo and Liaoyuan are now after seeing military investigators’ statements.

   Spark has developed to a sensational level when many guilds, especially most super guilds, are deceiving themselves. Many people are thinking, except that the number of guilds is not as good as that of super guilds, what is the difference in background.

   Originally, in this battle, facing the attack of the four guild coalition forces, plus the absence of the Spark core group, it was bound to lose, but now.

  Everyone turned their eyes to the battlefield again, and everyone knew that if this battle passed, Xinghuo would be truly full of wings, allowing Xinghuo to fully display its momentum and create a sky that belongs to Xinghuo...

  :. :

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