MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1281: Star Soul

   This is a dragon. Although it is still a young dragon, the power of the dragon's breath knows that this guardian beast has unlimited potential.

   At this stage, there are very few guilds with guardian beasts. After all, not all creatures are qualified and qualified to become guardian beasts, and guardian beasts are also very rare, and it is not so easy to find them.

   "Water friends want to know what kind of blessings your guild leaders can enjoy." HY said.

   Qin Fengyi shook his head slightly: "I found that you and the KY guy are almost the same chatter and gossip. But I can answer this question. The zodiac bonus I enjoy is a bit better than that of ordinary members, but the difference is not that big."

The light in Qin Fengyi’s hand flickered, and Xingyao’s clone appeared on her palm before she continued: “Xingyao has become the baby bump of our entire Xinghuo, not because she is a dragon, but because Xingyao is everyone in our guild working hard together. Saved from a dragon egg that is about to die, do you know how weak Xingyao used to be. Even with the life energy blessing of the World Tree, she cannot be saved. She needs too many precious things for her birth, I don’t know. How many members dedicate their precious things to incubate Xingyao, and because she doesn’t know how many members have dropped several levels before completing a certain task to get the corresponding materials. Just like this world tree, he is accompanied by our guild. growing up."

  HY nodded: "I see, Xingyao is treated as your own child, so how can you not like it."

"Yes, but it's more than that. You didn't know that every game time and night, a group of people from Spark players gather under the world tree to accompany Xingyao to play together. Every day someone voluntarily goes to the world tree to catch insects for fear of weakness. The World Tree suffered damage. You would never know that more kind players learn to build sub-professions and help build a new city every night. Spark is no longer just a guild in the ordinary sense. Spark is created by all Spark members. It is also the home of everyone in the ancient gods. Among the ancient gods, those cohesive guilds have become stronger because of such members. And these people thought that Xinghuo relied on the prestige and prestige of a single person in the Liaoyuan The maintenance of the elite group is really ridiculous. Let’s not say that they can’t hold the Spark. Even if the Spark Station is destroyed this time, with them, the Spark Station will be built quickly."

  HY is silent, and the audience is silent too, isn't it? With such a member, Xinghuo can no longer be defeated by just one or two battle failures.

Looking at the battlefield below, the coalition forces have not even touched the walls of Xinghuo until now. Is this just the reason why Xinghuo has more war machines? Their fighting quality is not the first time that they have been defensively. On the contrary, it seems to have experienced thousands of drills.

   In the game field, Xinghuo has launched an attack on the Chiefs’ Hall, and the opponent is only left with a chief, a general and three colonels. The ordinary soldiers have been killed and injured, and five people are still fighting in the chief’s hall.

   stood up and guarded the gate. Their attribute bonuses were very high, and their weaknesses were not easy to be caught, so they had to fight to the death.

   "We lost, but it is impossible for you to end the game as soon as possible. Do you know why this is." said the chief of the troll tribe.

   Li Yao shook his head slightly: "Up to now, you still show off your shameless tricks. Isn't it that you drag us down and the other four guilds join forces to attack Spark? What's so great."

The president of the troll tribe changed his expression: "How could you know that, since you know, then we should negotiate terms. If we are willing to admit defeat early, I believe you will have time to go back, but you will always have to pay some price. ."

   "Aren't you cooperating? Let us leave now, it's not good." Li Yao asked.

"Hey, what cooperation? We will hold you back, but we can get some compensation after the four guilds get the spoils. Why do the four guilds eat and drink, and we help others make wedding dresses? How about, as long as you are willing to pay some price , You can go back soon." said the president of the Troll Tribe Guild.

   "Then what do you want." Li Yao seemed to be moved by the words.

"Actually, we are not demanding too much. We ask for the sharing of the location of the pirate island, compensation for our guild’s fifty thousand gold coins and fifty real warships and one magic warship. As long as we establish the paperwork, we immediately admit defeat and let you kill. Now you can go back to support the guild immediately."

   "Fuck your mother's shit."

   "Idiot people talk about dreams."

   "It's really smelly."

   "Garbage stuff, you guys also deserve it."

   Hearing this condition, the people of Xinghuo scolded and joked, and even 50,000 gold coins. Battleships and magic warships are not available for money, and Xinghuo is the only player among the players to dominate the sea.

   Li Yao waved his hand, and everyone calmed down, then took a closer look at a few people, and then smiled without saying a word.

   "Why, I feel unbearable. My price is already low enough. You must know that compared to the loss of the resident and the looting of the guild warehouse, the conditions I offered are not worth mentioning." said the president of the troll tribe.

Li Yao nodded: "You are This loss is really nothing compared to the guild warehouse, but I can tell you clearly that I will not give you a copper plate. "

   The president of the Troll Tribe was shocked: "Why so decisive, the price can be..."

"No need to talk." Li Yao waved his hand: "You don't have the qualifications to bargain. Let's put it this way, if Xinghuo can't defend the station because we are missing hundreds of people, then does Xinghuo still have value. Our Spark Guild is one. On the whole, the hundreds of us are just a trivial one. We believe that other people can defend our home in the ancient gods, just as they believe that we can win the game. Taking a step back, Xinghuo really If you can’t hold it anymore, then I won’t negotiate terms with you. It’s the coalition’s ability to capture Spark. No matter what conspiracy they use, if they win with their strength, Spark’s skills are not as good as others. We admit it. But we absolutely I won’t compromise with you, scumbags who only know how to play tricks."

   Demon Ji also said: "The chairman said well, even if this kind of person's two-faced three-sword guild destroys those things and throws them away, I can't make them cheaper."

"Despicable and shameless guy, we Xinghuo will never be threatened by you. We are fighting, and our other members are also fighting. Although we are on different battlefields, we are still fighting for Xinghuo." The newcomer Muzi poohed the other party. Said.




  A certain emotion of the people in Spark has been ignited...

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