MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1289: Important task

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When Xinghuo was fighting, Li Yao had been listening carefully to the meeting to record the camp. In the evening, it was also a so-called bonfire party, which could not be pushed back. However, Li Yao had already learned that Xinghuo’s defense had won, and the news of starting a counterattack was completely Rest assured.

Although he has always had confidence in other people in Xinghuo, after all, he hasn't been tested in practice, and he himself is not too sure, let alone other people.

The victory of Xinghuo this time can be described as brilliant. It not only made the outsiders not dare to underestimate Xinghuo from now on, but also made Xinghuo show its momentum and confidence, and the cohesion of Xinghuo was further increased.

The bonfire party is extremely lively. The warchief and several leaders surround a bonfire, while Xinghuo and a few young second-generation charters are nearby.

The warchief was obviously in a good spirit and clinked glasses with Wo for a drink, looked at Li Yao with a red face, and said, "Yes, Xinghuo is good. As far as I know, there are no fewer people attacking Xinghuo than Xinghuo. The siege of the four major opponents, without you and you, can achieve such a result, it is really amazing. Now that he has more than one million personal arms, he can be armed more, and he can be regarded as a general who controls an army of one million. It’s amazing, and the two cities and one island are both thriving. It’s really extraordinary. It seems that you not only have the ability to work alone, but also a suitable and outstanding lord and general."

Li Yao was chatting privately with Tongtong and they suddenly heard the warchief shift the topic to himself, and Ke quickly said angrily: "You praised me, I'm just a little trouble, not worth mentioning."

Kane was chewing on a fat test boost, and said gruffly: "What is humble? I dare not say anything else. You are still very good at marching. This is what I saw with my own eyes, young man. , Our camp is different from the hypocritical political Ke of the bright camp. There is one saying, saying that you can do it. There is absolutely no Ke Qi and compliment."

Li Yao couldn't laugh or cry when he saw Wang looking at him indifferently, and quickly raised his glass: "Okay, the kid has failed to say anything, he will punish himself for a glass."

"One cup is not good, at least three cups." Wo also joked.

"Okay, three cups are three cups, I'm doing it." It's just beer, Li Yaosi didn't mean anything, and drank three cups directly.

Everyone immediately applauded, and the warchief smiled and said: "Yes, this is a good man. The Wang director is obviously successful. I have nothing to say. You have been fighting for the actual benefits and glory of the camp. We also see it. Keeping it in my heart, it’s good. But the only thing is, I heard that you haven’t even been to the garrison assigned to you. The guards and people over there don’t know what their general looks like."

Li Yao smiled bitterly: "Warchief, you also know my condition. I am busy with the two stations and the plain occupied by me. In addition, I must always improve my strength. How can I manage one? Camp."

The earl sat beside Li Yao and said, "Hey, this is not right. As far as I know, the general is very good at employing people. Whether it is his own private city or a resident, he uses good people. I dare not throw my hand at the shopkeeper."

Everyone laughed, all smiles kindly.

"I understand, it's because I didn't do my duty, I didn't point out the advantages of Liaoyuan General's good use of people." The chief said with a smile.

"Well, you are a collective, so I'll start it." Li Yao revealed distressedly: "I am really not good at specific management. I am already very reluctant to coordinate the overall situation, and in my opinion, Personal strength is the first."

Wang nodded hard and said: "It's good if you have this kind of knowledge. You are only Tier 5 now, too weak."

The regent Gao Ling shook his head slightly: "Forget it, originally I wanted to add a burden to Liaoyuan. Since the general, you think his improvement is the main thing, then let someone else be responsible for this matter."

"You want him to be responsible for the formation of the Gaoling Ranger army, you can understand, but he is not qualified." Wang said.

The warchief does not manage Gao Ling's politics, he can care, but each race has autonomy, and the king is naturally the highest commander in Gao Ling.

"In that case, Liaoyuan, you should study hard, and get to know the old foxes of our camp these days. You performed well today, calmly, and did not lose your standard because of the meeting. It is very good. Keep working hard and wait for your sixth rank. Naturally, more important tasks will be entrusted to you."

"I understand." Li Yao raised his glass again.

Half of the time, the people from Xinghuo had already returned to the station, and Li Yao stayed, because tomorrow is the beginning of the real meeting.

In the next three days, Xinghuo really participated in the dark camp meeting. What economic report, development plan and so on made Li Yao truly understand how terrifying a camp’s active resources are ~ Although the dark camp lacks resources, but The active resources are also terrifying. Originally, Spark is thriving, and Li Yao is a bit proud, but for a real comparison, the sum of all the cities of Spark is less than one-tenth of the main city, which makes Li Yao feel a bit sitting in the sky.

In three days, Li Yao also got to know the second generations who could participate in the meeting. During the period, it was inevitable to learn from each other. Although Li Yao was a lot worse than them, his fighting skills were admired by them. Approved that Li Yao joined their circle.

On the last day of the meeting, the earl was still sitting next to Li Yao, watching the warchief’s final summary. At the end of the meeting, he whispered to Li Yao: "General Liaoyuan, there is one thing that I need to trouble you. I don’t know if it’s OK. Will help."

Li Yao was taken aback and said, "Mei asked me to help, and I naturally promised. Is it because your family thinks that you are still a young man and want me to pretend to be your boyfriend? I'm sure it's okay. You can do fake dramas. ."

The earl glared at Li Yao: "Can you be more serious, I'm talking about serious things."

Li Yao narrowed his smile: "The clan is like a cloud. With the prestige of your family, count, I still need my help. Apart from the one I just said, I really can't think of anything else that can help you."

"Speaking of this is also a troublesome thing, you should know the withered and spirit." The count asked seriously.

"Withered, I know naturally. Maybe we will become withered if we are tortured by addiction that day. The sun well will be polluted and the army of the undead will break the capital. This is a sea of ​​blood, and a large number of people who are tortured by addiction will become crazy withered. Li Yao knew that he might have to accept some good tasks, so he also got serious...

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