MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 1297: Ready to take advantage

The people of Xinghuo also discovered the posts made by Qin Fengyi, and they all vaguely knew that Li Yao was building a trend, but even with their side attacks, Li Yao still laughed and said nothing, but everyone knew it after a while.

Asked Qin Fengyi, Qin Fengyi said that he did not know.

Only the guardian angels were full of excitement. Although most of them were discussing Star Bow, those who mentioned him were all admired, thinking that he was the super tank of the ancient gods, and some even described him as the first tank of the ancient gods. The angel is called a flamboyant, that is called a scream.

As for his screen to set off Star Bow, he automatically ignored it. From the time he met Li Yao until now, he has been in balance for a long time. Comparing with this kind of abnormality is simply looking for abuse.

In fact, just as he thought, no one thinks that the guardian angel is weak, and one person is carrying the bombardment of an unknown number of remote players and the sky-defying fire crossbow, even if the tank has healing.

But the guardian angel carried it for ten minutes. Although the enemy could only attack on one side because of the relatively small terrain of the mine, it was enough to be proud. It was almost impossible for the ancient gods to find such a tank.

But it’s such a sky-defying tank and a sky-defying shield that can’t stop an arrow from Starbow. What is this concept? Everyone’s desire for Starbow has reached its extreme. This post has even been made an exception to the video area. Of players watch the research crazy.

In just a few hours, the number of video views has broken through billions, which is simply a miracle. The video reached various video rankings within a few hours.

What daily, weekly, and monthly rankings have swept all the way to the top, even the general rankings have appeared. After all, other popular videos have been accumulated for a long time, and many of them are Li Yao's technical videos.

Countless people are discussing, longing, and shocking.

For this reason, the administrator has set up a sub-post to discuss the technology in it, and only contains valuable views, and the post can only be built after review.

Despite this, there were a large number of expert comments, and thousands of buildings were built soon, all of which analyzed two videos.

Six thousand three hundred and twenty-fifth floor, God of War: "I thought I could fight Liaoyuan after Tier 5, but now it seems that Liaoyuan still has the ability to kill me in seconds. By virtue of the opponent's archery, there is no chance of winning, just relying on this video. We are no longer at the same level at all in the assessment of the strength of the team, and we are in confusion on the road ahead."

7333 Floor, Edward: "After the collective analysis of our guild, we believe that the guardian angel can definitely be selected as the best tank with this dark golden shield. After our detailed analysis and appraisal, we believe that the Liaoyuan arrow is not blessed. Any buff is not used any skills, not even a charge, it is a simple arrow. Even without considering the special effects, it is against the sky, no one can stop. Initial judgment, this bow can make a player's The attributes have undergone a qualitative change. It is indeed the current first weapon. Of course, Liaoyuan’s attributes must have been against the sky. The most powerful is himself, and the star bow attributes announced by Xinghuo have no equipment conditions. This is very confusing. We believe that there is It’s tricky. According to the data analysis of countless equipment statistics, the more powerful the equipment is, the higher the requirements, and even special requirements. Therefore, we initially believe that this bow has special conditions and cannot be used and equipped when it is obtained."

With the comments of various celebrities, especially Edward, the players’ desire for Starbow has reached its peak. As for Edward, they analyzed the harsh equipment conditions and were automatically ignored by them. Everyone’s idea is simple. They are all playing games. Who Nothing special, others can't equip it, but can you equip it?

The next day, Li Yao finished handling the matters in the guild that needed to be handled by himself, and also saw Edward's comments.

Sister Li said: "This Edward is really insightful and hit the nail on the head."

"Otherwise, how can you be called the queen of the e-sports world, but it's a pity that most people won't keep their sense." Li Yao shook his head.

"That said, but you did it for that matter, is it really okay." Sister Li frowned: "And it will put you on the cusp of the storm. Even if you are not worried about losing your bow, your other equipment subjects are Super superb."

"To tell you the truth, after today I will complete a secret mission, and I may be changed. They may not find a place to find me." Li Yao then asked, "It is estimated that the two locations of Xinghuo will be soon Usher in the peak, are the supporting facilities enough?"

"You can rest assured, don't forget that we have a huge trade fleet ourselves, and we can get everything we need at a low price. Just use this method..."

Sister Li came in before she finished talking about You Ying and said she needed Sister Li to come forward.

"Go ahead, I have to go to the plains, there are probably a lot of things there."

"Well, it can only be so." Sister Li reluctantly followed You Ying to leave.

Li Yao shook his head slightly, this time a flash of inspiration will surely produce very good results.

Li Yao returned to the plain, looking down from a high altitude, a magnificent fortress became a barrier to the plain, and farms were built.

Inside, one left and one right, a city of dead souls and a mechanical city are like two pearls dotted with the plain. There are thousands of horses galloping on the plain, flocks of eagles soaring, and a peaceful atmosphere.

Li Yao went to the fortress and only saw Nicholas.

Nicholas saluted, and then said: "The little dwarf personally went to another city in the Iron Alliance to complete a large-scale transaction. The lord of that city did not reject us, so..."

Li Yao waved his hand: "I said, you are in charge of the matter here. I only care about the overall planning and strategy. I will talk about the general situation. I am not interested in specific matters. As long as your development does not deviate from the established direction, you can find specific policies and methods yourself. , I just look at the results. Now that the three cities are thriving, I am quite satisfied."

"Yes." Nicholas was more respectful, and he was very happy. Li Yao is not the kind of blind commander, the goal is very clear, and the kind that can be achieved.

The key is that Li Yao completely trusts them and allows them to give full play to their strengths. It is most comfortable to do things under such people.

Nicholas talked about the situation in the plains, everything was fine, but he also expressed his concerns.

"Now that the planes are merged, although the two camps in the field are afraid to send troops out of sight because of the adults, they have been completely blocked and resisted in the dark. Many cities restrict the flow of people toward our side. Although there are still underground entrances, the adventurers are obvious. Decrease, according to the adults, the economic prosperity brought about by the floating population may be difficult to achieve."

"It's a coincidence. If I didn't really have a good way before, but now I just make use of it. It was originally for the main residence. This is really a surprise." Li Yao said unexpectedly: "This time I just used this thing. Let this side prosper too."

Nicholas wondered: "What to use?"


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